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Is He A Lover or A Fighter? (Part 4) WF+GF

Jake just watched her a moment. "Now if I said that about you, I'd be called sexist. What other attributes besides my butt? And I may or may not have been purposely showing off what you were missing out on." He grinned and shrugged.

"Baby I'm more than okay with an at home birth. I just worry about if the babies need assistance we aren't at a hospital but the midwives should know how to handle that. And know when to call for help if we need it. But hopefully that's not even an issue. I just remember him being born and how scary it was. It's hard not to worry after that." He said softly and watched Owen a moment.

"Well then, we need to get together and discuss what all we want for our house. How many rooms give or take. Features we want. I'll get an agent on it. See if there's anything built or how soon something can be built."
“I know you were. I don’t think I’ve ever seen you in so many different types of grey sweatpants. Some were new, I know that.” She stuck her tongue out at him.

“I know. His birth was traumatic, but we are going to speak into existence a peaceful home birth.” She told him. “Our babies are healthy. If anything starts pointing towards a difficult delivery, then we will go to the hospital right away.” She told him.

“I think we need a budget more than anything. Are paying for the house or getting a mortgage on a house?” She asked. “I know the minimum is five bedrooms and just as many bathrooms. Huge closets. Backyard. Pool. The basics. A massive kitchen.”
He gave her a mischievous grin. "I have no idea what you're talking about..." He cleared his throat. "Sweats are comfortable." Jake shrugged and gave her a kiss.

Jake nodded at Owen's birth being traumatic. It was honestly the scariest moment of Jake's life. There wasn't anything he could do to help his son or make it better. He grabbed Adri and wrapped his arms around her. "I know this birth will be a better experience. Our babies will come into their world flawlessly." He nodded and hugged her.

"I think it may depend if we are building or buying. Plus we can sell this one so we can put the money from this towards the new house. I want a nice garage, place for a gym not the gym but a place for me and family, I want a place for a bar or man cave. A yard is big for the kids. That may be hard in Vegas." He chuckled.

"I think we could get our financial teams to give us numbers of what works. But it would be nice if we can get us moved into a new place before the twins come. You're sure you're okay with doing that? It's not too much?" Jake asked being genuinely concerned.
Adri nodded and rubbed his back, "It will be better, Jake." She said softly and hugged him back. She would do everything in her power to have a healthy birth and keep the babies happy and healthy.

Adri laughed and nodded her head, "Yes. I know I want a house. If it becomes too much or too stressful, I will let you know. But I want a home out home. We have to start looking before I get too big and walking gets uncomfortable."

She picked up her phone and sent a text to their mutual account to run the numbers so they knew how much house they could afford. She also reached out to the realtor that helped them find this house since she was nice and it was a good buying experience with her last time. She sent her the list that they wanted so far and told her they would have a budget within the next few days.
Jake believed she would do anything she could to make sure the babies were happy and healthy but sometimes, the mothers have nothing to do with it. She wouldn't bring that up to her though cause he figured she knew but they were going to be happy and positive.

"Okay. Let's find us a house." Jake looked at Owen. "What do you want for the house buddy?" He kissed his head before going back to the food.

Once the food was done, Jake dished out some for both of them onto plates and set them at the table so they could eat. He got them both a drink and sat down. Jake talked to Adri about work and other things.

It was later in the evening that they got word from John that the baby had arrived but they didn't want visitors until the following day. It was late anyway and would be best to go after Amy could get some rest.

Jake had gotten Owen down for bed and read him a story. He asked him if he was excited to meet his cousin and he said yeah. He also asked if Owen was ready to be a big brother and he said yeah. It wasn't obvious if he even knew what Jake was saying. But Owen said he'd help take care of the little ones. Once Owen was asleep, Jake went to get ready for bed himself and then climbed into bed.
Adri was grateful for the break of putting Owen down to bed. She loved the time together, but she wanted to shower and get in bed. And lately all he wanted was Adri, so the fact that he let Jake put him down was progress.

“Tonight we are going to stand firm in the fact that he needs to stay in his bed.” She told Jake. “If he gets up, we put him right back in his bed. Okay?” She asked, but she was the one that would probably end up caving and letting him sleep with them. That was a habit she started, but they needed to break it before the babies came.

“And potty training needs to start for real. I got some fruit snacks for rewards treats. Mom said let him run around naked outside or in the house with buckets everywhere so if he has to pee he can go in a bucket and the. We switch to a toilet.”

“That’s your expertise though. However you want to do it. I will help when you need it.” She smiled.
He nodded to them keeping Owen in his bed. "I'm fine with that. That needs to happen anyway. I did hear of a program that we can try that teaches us how to get him to sleep through the night too. But we probably shouldn't throw too much new at him at the same time. He typically isn't bad through the night though..."

"Cheerios. Or Fruit Loops. We get those to toss in the toilet. He has something to aim at. Also I heard big boy underwear helps. For when he can't have him run around or even when we are out and about. I think keeping him to a schedule will help too."

Jake looked at her a little while they laid in bed together. "I think it's also good for our intimacy that he doesn't stay in our room..." His voice was soft.
“Not fruit loops. I like fruit loops. I’ll never look at them the same if I know he’s peeing on them. And I don’t want him being in his breakfast either.” She chuckled.

She raised her eyebrows and smiled at him, “You think so?” She asked and reached out for his hand. “I don’t know how much intimacy we are going to get in the future. Two newborns and three under three.” She said softly.

“Will that cause a problem?” She asked and looked into his eyes. That was probably a question to ask in front of the therapist, but she risked it. She was kind of scared of the answer though. She didn’t want to be the mother of his children only. She did want the other aspect of being a young couple in love, but she felt like that would mean getting a hotel room somewhere to get away from the screaming and crying.
"That's fair. Cheerios it is. Just have him aim and try to sink them. Maybe it will work. Maybe not. We will have to see." He shrugged.

Jake gave her his hand and held hers. "Well yeah. We can't be intimate with him between us. We can't even cuddle with him between us." Jake was going to comment when she mentioned not having much intimacy with having the babies and Owen but he didn't get a chance to before she asked her question.

The question caught him a tad off guard and he wasn't sure how to explain his thoughts. "Is it a problem? I'm not sure I can answer that. Do I think intimacy is important? Especially in a marriage? Yes. Absolutely. I've made it pretty clear from the beginning with Owen to make sure we make time for us. That is important to me. Maybe we have to get creative and have your parents or mine watch the kids but we can do it."
“I agree that it’s important.” She said softly. “I think it was easy to say we can drop him off and go be alone when it was just him. Especially when I was not the main food source.” She explained. “We will have intimate moments, but I don’t know if they will be as often as you want.” She shrugged. “We will do what we can. When we can.” She smiled.

“You can cuddle me all you want tonight though. Especially since our little monster is in his own bed.” She moved closer and wrapped her arms around his waist. “Until you get too hot that is. I refuse to sweat all night.”

“What’s on your agenda tomorrow?” She asked. She could have checked her phone since they had access to each others calendars but talking was easier sometimes.
"'s probably never going to be as much as I want. I'm a guy...that's not saying much. But we waited to have sex for awhile in our relationship for thr first time. I can wait awhile. As long as it's a healthy amount. Maybe we can bring that up at therapy. They can give us healthy ways or ideas. Even a goal to aim for." He suggested. "That's also why you pump babe." He smiled at her.

Jake wrapped his arm around Adri. "Why would you sweat? We have a fan on..." He teased and chuckled. "I do think wearing him out during the helps him sleep all night. But then I think you'll get worn out too." He kissed her head.

"Training then coming home so we can get ready to all three go see Amy and the baby. She said late morning early afternoon would be good dad said. It will be a long training session tomorrow though. They want to work my endurance. Especially on the ground... What are you doing?"
“I’m going to get a pump and put it on your nipple and we will see how you feel about it then. I’m all for pumping so you can feed them too, but babies first and pumping second.” She said.

“Yeah it helps. And we went to the park today so I know he’s tired.” She yawned.

“I’ll be home. I think is have a meeting or two with some factories but those are over Teams. And I think one with my business partner. She thinks I should have gotten into lingerie. I’m in a non-compete though for a couple kore months. Speaking Victorias Secret…I have to travel to New York for a photo shoot at the end of the month. And they don’t know about the babies.” She said softly. “So that will be interesting. “Do you want to come with?”
He chuckled. "I'm not saying just do nothing but pump. I'm saying if we know we want a night to ourselves you could potentially pump just for that occasion." He smiled. "I bet it would be like cupping. Which I do want to try. I've heard good things about it. Olympic athletes use it."

"Who's your partner? Is it anyone I know? Or can I meet her?" He was genuinely curious and they seemed to be getting along well and could be a new friend as well as business partner or maybe it was someone he already knew.

"How long of a trip to NY will it be? It may depend with training..." Jake said softly. Things felt differently with this fight and maybe it was the fighting they had been doing themselves or the new coaches and team. It just felt differently and he couldn't explain what it was or why. It almost made him nervous but he had time and would feel better as time went on.
“Have you seen after pictures of cupping? Yeah, I’m putting a pump on you. And maybe one of those contraction simulator things.” She smiled. “I’ll look into it.”

“Her name is Emma Grede. I met her at a Vogue party and we were talking about how I wanted to branch out and she gave me her card. This is her first time in the beauty aspect but she’s done a lot of fashion houses. Which is why she said I should go into lingerie.” She explained.

“She based in LA but you can come with the next I meet with her. The next I meet with her I think it’ll be for signing all the contracts. It’ll be a big deal. She’s my silent partner, I lead the business and I am the CEO but I use her guidance and everything. And eventually I can buy her out and be on my own. I’d probably keep her though. Especially if I do want to branch out.” She shrugged her shoulder.

“I can be gone too long. I have an appointment the first week of February. I think it’s just four days. Maybe. You can come for a day or two and go home if you want.” She told him. “Or stay with O. It’s up to you.”
Jake nodded. "Yeah I have. They basically bruise. But I've heard the benefits are worth it. I want to talk to some other people who've done it before I just do it." He shook his head. "You just want to torture me. I don't like that idea."

"Oh cool. Yeah, I'd love to meet her. She sounds pretty cool and like she can really help you out. That's awesome baby." He kissed her head."Do you want to do lingerie?" He asked her, "When you can? I think you'd do well at it. You could even model the ideas with your husband." He smiled at her.

He thought it over. "A day or two would be fun. I can workout, stick to a meal plan and be okay I think for a couple days." His eyes looked her over. "What do you think VS is going to say?"
Adri rolled her eyes and laughed, “Yes I’m sure you’d love that. I don’t know about lingerie. I don’t want to get sued. I’ve never thought about it honestly. It would be cool, but makeup for now.” She told him.

She blew some air out of her mouth and shrugged her shoulder, “Depends on if they need measurement or not. I think they stopped the fashion show so that’s not an issue. It would be an issue if there was a fashion show this year. Les Wexner has a standard and pregnant women don’t fit it. So let’s just hope I don’t lose my job.” She laughed but was a little serious.

“I think if I suck my little belly in no one will know. It will be fine.” She said softly. “I still get paid most of my contract.” She yawned.
"That's fair. I don't want sued either. What about sexy workout clothes?" He shrugged and suggested.

"Plenty of models walked the runway while pregnant for VS. Maybe not with twins but it happened. Maybe people didn't know they were pregnant or not far along but still." He told her. Jake did a little research when she wasn't entirely thrilled about being pregnant to try to help remind her it would be okay.

"I'm not worried about you getting paid Adri..." He said softly.
Adri chuckled and shrugged her shoulder, “One thing at a time. Make up first.” She told him.

“I know they have and he didn’t make it the easiest for them. We have strict body standards we have to keep up. Big boobs is fine everything else needs to be small.” She told him. “I don’t like it but I’m not going to say no to an eight million dollar contract either.” She sighed. “I don’t plan on lengthening my contract though. After this year I’m done with their standards. It was a dream come true but I want to branch out.”

She raised her eyebrows, “I’m glad to hear that but I do like that flow of income and if we want to build or buy a huge ass house we kind of need that income.” She reminded him.
Jake understood not wanting to jump the gun and let her figure out the make up deal first. Whatever she wanted to do and set her mind to, he believed she could do. He would also support her and be her biggest fan and cheerleader.

"I would think by now we have gotten past some of the standards some of these groups and organizations have for models...." Jake didn't agree with these standards. He thought it was wrong women had to worry so much about their bodies for a job. His own job was very similar. He could lose out on fights if he couldn't make weight or would have to change classes. But he'd still have a job.

"Yet you also said in therapy that I have more money then we'd ever need to worry about with having twins... " He understood she worried about not getting jobs after having the twins or even being pregnant with them could hinder her future. But Jake had a feeling, her having twins would help her get jobs. But if it was like this now, having more kids probably wasn't in the picture.
“You would think.” She agreed and shrugged her shoulder. “I just do what I have to do.”

She frowned and nodded her head, “Because you do. I do too. But just because we have a certain amount of money doesn’t meant we stop making money. I want to make as much as I can so if there is a point where I don’t want to work at all I am set, my kids are set, my grandkids are set.” She told him.

“I want generational wealth. Not just wealth for me. And raising our kids. I want them to have the opportunities we didn’t have. If they want to go to college for it. Trade school, okay. They want a huge sixteenth birthday or wedding we can cover it. That’s what I’m building all of this for. So I have to keep working while I can. I have to keep adding to what we have. I enjoy my job and will continue doing what I love as long as I can. I don’t enjoy Lee’s idea of it means to be an Angel, but he’s my boss for the next few months. I can suck it up and get my paycheck.”
"Or you could be a voice to change bigger than your boss. Be someone women would be happy working for. Who encourages families and other dreams." He suggested and shrugged.

Jake shook his head a little. "I don't know if I want all of that. I don't want our kids or grandkids to be spoiled brats. I want them to work for what they have. This is my empire. If they want to be a part of my empire and work with me. Then hell yes. But if they thing grandpa Jake is just gonna write a check...not happening." He looked at Adri. "That's probably why they will ask their grandma Adri..."

"I think we cherish what we have a bit more because we've worked so hard for it. I want my family to be a family people hear and know they are harding working ass kickers to not mess them... I get what you're saying though. I love you for it too but happy doing what you love to do. Don't be miserable. Our kids are gonna see that too. Mom loving her job and killing it."
“I’m not rocking any boats or getting dismissed from my contract early. It’s too much money to fumble around with. I want a house. That’s a down payment and then some. We might need a bigger SUV. A custom nursery, custom room for Owen. Custom closets.” She told him.

“Are you going to give all your money to charity when you pass?” She asked. “I’m not saying give them every thing they ask for. Being a brat isn’t determined by how much money we spend. It’s about parenting. If we don’t want brats we won’t raise brats. They’re going to hear no and work for what they want but I’m not going to withhold anything if they aren’t bad kids.” She said.

“I’m not miserable. I like my job. I don’t like my boss. I’m in a contract. I can’t break it. I have to let it be for a few more months and then I can focus on something else.” She told him.
"I'm not saying get out of your contract early and do that stuff. I'm saying when you are free to do something new, you can pave the way to new things. You have the platform to do it...that's all."

He nodded because he understood what she was saying. "And sometimes our son is a brat cause he whines and we just give in it. We are both guilty of it." He chuckled. "I blame our parents for that too...they don't tell him no." Jake smiled at her. "And yep. Charity gets it all. So don't send a hit man cause you're screwed." Jake teased and kissed her cheek.

"And the only part I don't like about your job is the fact that they don't give two shits about what you want for your life. They don't care if you want a family. Or this is a damn miracle within itself that you got pregnant. My boss can be the biggest asshole sometimes, but he's going to be happy for us. Work on the schedule of the babies. It's just backwards when you're the one having them. And it's not just you that I'm upset for. But any woman having a child." He explained.
“He’s two. He’s not a brat. He’s a baby. He can’t even talk yet.” She reasoned. She shook her and smiled, “I would not survive in prison. So don’t worry about me taking you out.” She promised.

“Why don’t you use your platform?” She asked and rubbed his back. “Men need to hear from another guy. Women have been screaming it from the rooftops forever and been ignored forever.” She told him. “But if you do use your platform, do it without mentioning me being pregnant. I’ve had enough press coverage.” She told him.

She kissed him softly and turned around so she could get some sleep. That nap helped her stay up a little but she was starting to get really sleepy now.
He gave her a look. "He can talk back just fine." Jake chuckled. "And orange is not your color baby."

Jake would be more than happy to use his platform. She had a point and would be someone who'd back female models. "How do I do that? How do I say it's wrong without the speculation of you being pregnant? How do I say something and your boss or manager not get pissed? I don't want to mess things up for you baby."

He kissed her shoulder and let her rest. Jake laid there thinking a bit. It was interesting how they both supported each other and their careers but both had things they hated about their careers. She hated he could get hurt and he hated she couldn't live her life without worrying about what would happen to her if she gained weight or got pregnant. Maybe it was time he spoke up about it.

The next morning, Jake got up early before Owen woke up and went for a run. He asked Max if he wanted to go but the dog chose his boy instead of Jake. He put his earpods in and took off for a run after leaving a not for Adri. Running always seemed to clear his head and he really enjoyed it. Five miles later, he came back inside and went to the kitchen grab water. He was covered in sweat and was going to head for the shower but his phone rang.

Looking at the number, it was Amy. "Hey mama you're up early. How are you feeling?"

"I'm sore but good. Hey...I know we said to come later...but I need you and Adri to come sooner...." She got quiet.

"Um okay. Everything okay?"

"Yeah. No one but us has seen him yet....Jake, it was you and I for a long time. A long long time. It doesn't seem right for someone else to meet your nephew first. Mom left pissed but I don't care. Dad understood." Amy explained.

Jake smiled. "Okay. As soon as the family wakes up, we will be there. Do you need anything?" He asked.

"No no. Just you three. Owen can come." Just then the baby started to cry. "Okay well someone is hungry...I'll see you soon."

Jake hung up and ran upstairs to jump in the shower.
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