Is He A Lover or A Fighter? (Part 4) WF+GF

“Maybe you can partner with UA to donate funds or something to whatever cause you want to support? They aren’t going to lower their prices. But they will give back if that’s what you want make it part of the contract.” She told him.

“No, go for it. I think that will be good for you to do on your own. I can’t wait to see the final product.” She said honestly. They did everything together. He could do this on his own. She was doing her make up brand on her own.

She rubbed his cheek again, “You have to be faster.” She said softly. “Could that have knocked you out in a real fight?” She asked and heard Owen whine a bit, like he was waking up. She put her finger to lips because maybe if they were quiet he would stay asleep a bit longer.
"Yeah. Maybe they can donate funds or even clothes. Like Bombas donates socks." She had some good ideas.

Jake was glad she wasn't upset that he wanted to mostly do this one on his own. She felt overwhelmed and had her own projects, he didn't want to her to get overwhelmed with helping him with his things. Plus he wanted something that was just his. It felt selfish but he was choosing to be a bit selfish.

He gave her a look when she told him he needed to be faster. "Still faster than you..." When she asked if that could knock him out, he shook his head no and rolled his eyes a little. When she basically told him to be quiet, he didn't move but made goofy faces at her. He wanted to explain what exactly they were doing in training.
Adri watched Owen and waited to see if he would wake up. When it seemed like he was just moving around she dropped her finger and let Jake continue speaking. “Whisper.” She whispered. She didn’t want him down for too long but a half hour more wouldn’t hurt.

“As long as it couldn’t knock you out. But still, coming home with bruises is new. Maybe training with a new group is good for you. New exercise and everything to keep you on your toes.” She shrugged.

“Do you know when they want to launch your product? Are they will to wait and align it with the opening of your gym?” She asked.
Jake watched Owen then looked at Adri. "I wasn't allowed to really go hard on offense. I was only punching to give them holes to hit me. It was a defensive drill to block this guy's punches." He explained in a whisper.

He nodded to her comment about training with new people. "Yeah. It's definitely different. And a different opponent. So different strategy." He explained. It was also a rare situation they were in. He wasn't used to having to get his mind in a state for therapy then turn that off and try to train. It was a bit of a struggle. He'd get it figured out though. It was all part of training his mental toughness too.

"I'll know more when I go to Baltimore. It's all still early in the discussions. I wanted to be part of the clothing designs too. When working out I've found certain styles are better for certain types of training. I want things that fit my training style but can also be adapted for different climates. I like the dri fit feel of a lot of stuff but also that softer cotton that some of my shirts are. I want training and causal styles. Or ones that if you have to be out and about then go to the gym it works. I think it's going to depend what exactly I want how long it will take to make prototypes then have me check it out before they mass produce. So maybe at least six months out..."
Adri nodded understanding what he was explaining. “He didn’t have to hit you so hard though.” She said and looked at the bruise and loved Jake’s chin to see it in different lighting.

“That’s cool Boo. I’m happy for you. I hope it is everything you want it to be.” She smiled.

Their time alone was cut short when Owen started moving again and this time he was up. He crawled over to them and sat in Adri’s lap with his head on her shoulder. “Okay, okay.” She said softly and rocked him gently.

“What do you want to eat for dinner?” She asked Jake.
"It's okay babe. It's part of my job to get hit. It's okay..." He told her. "That pretty face isn't going anywhere, don't worry."

He watched Owen snuggle into Adri. "You're lucky you're young and cute..." He told him and rubbed his head. "How's the makeup line going?" He asked her.

"I need to stick to high protein. Maybe something with that high protein pasta. Shrimp maybe with it. Or chicken." He suggested. "I can cook though. I can add some veggies with it. I can cook and record it."

Jake was quiet for a minute and rested his head back. "What if...we don't make a public statement on our socials. What if we go out and have fun and just let the media do their thing. Let them take pics of us. If we are smiling and laughing and look like we are solid....why say something that they may say seems forced?"
“That doesn’t mean I like it.” She told him.

“It’s good. We have a logo. They’re going to send me packaging samples and then my silent partner has a lab that she likes to work with that’s going to help with the formulas and everything. I do want a dermatologist to join the team and get the best benefits in everything we make so we are looking for that. And I have to pick my first colors for eyeshadows and lipsticks and what not. So we hen we launch it will be impactful. I want a bunch of foundation shades and different tones of lipsticks so it looks good on all skin tones.” She said and shrugged her shoulder. “It’s going to take about nine months to a year. But when I launch it will be a full blown brand.” She smiled. “Hopefully by then I’ll have Ulta or Sephora on board too.”

She liked the sound of pasta. “Can I eat shrimp?” She asked. She had to be careful with seafood but after a quick google search seafood was safe. “Do we have shrimp?” She asked him. Their fridge was stocked hut she wasn’t sure with what.

She nodded her head, “Are we still going on a date this weekend? We can do something on the strip. Maybe go see a show. We can stay at the Cosmo and gamble a bit. Go to dinner somewhere fancy. Like we used to.” She kissed the top of Owen’s head and rubbed his back.

“Will you warm up some tomato sauce so he can have spaghetti while you cook? I don’t know if he will like shrimp. He definitely likes spaghetti and sauce though.”
"I know..." He had a feeling she'd never really get used to him getting hurt potentially.

"I think that's cool that it will go for all skin tones. And that gives them options. Are you coming up with a guy friendly foundation to cover things like this?" He pointed to his cheek. "I can't imagine that Ulta or Sephora wouldn't jump at the opportunity to carry your line. The release will probably be huge and you'll have to travel?" Jake asked. It could be right after the babies were born or shortly after and he wasn't thrilled about missing out on things while they were that little and he wouldn't expect them to stay home without Adri. But he'd be willing to travel with her if she needed to be at openings.

Jake shrugged when she asked if she could have shrimp. "I can do chicken if I need to. We have both. I had the kitchen stocked with about any form of protein you could imagine."

"Yeah. I'll warm him up something." He got up. "Yeah we can do that this weekend. What kind of show do you want to see?" He asked from the kitchen as he started getting stuff ready. Jake grabbed the camera they used on their trip. He could always take the sound off and just have him cooking in the documentary. "Do we want to stay over somewhere, let one of our parents have Owen? Or come home and still have them have him?" Jake felt like they needed some alone time, especially after their date.
“All foundation is guy friendly.” She told him. “I do want high coverage though. Cover up bruises.” She said and pointed at his cheek.

“Yeah. It will have to be. US, and Canada for now and if it does well branch out to the UK. China requires animal testing so I probably won’t end up there, but I’ll be happy if it stays domestic. If the timing doesn’t work out, I can push it back.” She told him because she knew in nine months she might not be up and ready to travel and be at launch parties.

“You can do shrimp. He needs to try it at least so we can get his body used to it. Just like we did with the peanuts. We don’t want any allergies. Right bud?” She asked Owen but he sucked his thumb and didn’t say anything.

“We can stay at a hotel. My mom offered to take him for the day. I’m sure she won’t mind having him spend the night.” She told him.

“We can go see one of the new Cirque du Soleil shows. Or Thunder for Down Under.” She smirked but she doubted he would want to see Australian strippers. “Maybe no gambling though. It might be too smoky on the casino floor. Unless you really want too.”
"But maybe have a how to for guys and something we can go into a store and what we are buying. I wouldn't have a clue." He explained. "Or how to apply."

"I was going to grill you think he'd like it grilled? I think he'd like the breaded kind like a nugget texture." He shrugged.

He nodded to it being US and Canada at least. "I'm willing to go and be there for you if you want me to. I can also so stay home if you want me to as well." He spoke softly, things still felt very off but it definitely was better than before. Jake wondered if he should tell her what Amy had said about him leaving her, then figured it wouldn't be smart or necessary.

Jake shook his head at Adri. "I'm not checking out male strippers. Especially while we are trying to convince the media we are doing fine..." After a moment he looked up. "I have an idea. What if we do that tik tok thing where we decide if we dress up or down by one of us picking a paper with them written on it. Then also where we eat. Which show we see. Where we stay overnight. What we do after the show. Etc." He suggested. "We could record that for our socials but then while out doing what we choose the media can do their thing. And it could be fun that regardless of if we dress down or up we choose each other's outfit."
“Would you be my model? I’ll do a video for guys who may not know how to do makeup. I will do half of your face and you can do the other half. Or I will do my face and you can do your face at the same time.” She smiled.

“He’d definitely like the breaded kind. We can try it out. If he doesn’t like it, we have a back up.” She said and shrugged her shoulder. “At least we tried.” She kissed the top of his head and hugged him tight.

“I guess it depends on how comfortable I am leaving them alone.” She said softly. She didn’t leave Owen very often when he was a tiny baby. “you know I like schedules. I like keeping things to schedule. Twins are a big schedule and I don’t want my parents or your parents coming and jacking it up and we have to start all over again.” She explained. “But we will see. We will see if they even stick to a schedule of any sort.” She said trying not to stress about it now.

“We can let Owen decided. I’ll write down what I want to do. You write down what you want to do and we have Owen pick that way it’s fair. That would be cute.” She agreed. She didn’t have social media anymore for now, but that was a good idea.
Jake shrugged, "I can be your model. I don't care. I can't say I know what I'm doing but I'll try."

"The breaded kind is so different he may try both of them and not realize what he's trying."

"That's fair. With twins I'm sure its important to have some sort of schedule." He grinned a little at Adri. "Let's be honest, I'm sure we will have one of each. One like you who's on a schedule. Then one like me who just eats when they want and then they are happy. I like how you blame our parents on potentially screwing up the schedule. We know they all do whatever they want. We found that out with him." Jake pointed to Owen.

Letting Owen pick out their date could be fun. "Okay. That's cool. I could go for that."

"How have you been feeling? Do you still feel fairly miserable?" He asked. "I don't want you forcing yourself to go out if you're not feeling up to. I know being pregnant can be rough..."
“I feel fine right now. It’s up and down. It was worse in the beginning. Awful in LA. I couldn’t keep anything down. That’s why there was so much Gatorade in the fridge. But I’m better now. I think. I don’t get as sick anymore which is nice. Every now and then I get nauseous but I’m not running to vomit.” She told him.

She set Owen down and went to get more water but Owen whined when she started to walk away so she picked him up and took him with her.

“How do you know pregnancy can be rough?” She asked him. “Don’t tell me you’ve had a baby recently.” She teased.

“I think the hardest part is keeping my eyes open. If I am just lounging on the couch or bed, I’ll fall asleep. I was folding laundry and ended up taking a nap.” She told him.
Jake nodded about LA being worse and there was always Gatorade on hand. He couldn't imagine feeling sick so much or waking up and being nauseous. That was why women were stronger than men. Some women dealt with the sickness and took care of another kid, like she did with Owen.

"Bud...why are you whining. She doesn't have to hold you all the time. Just wait when you have two others that get held first cause it's meal time..." He told him.

"Have you seen Amy?! She's in the miserable stage and wants him out. And now she hates everyone who won't get him out." Jake pointed to Owen. "Just him. And my food baby from the other day..."

"You may want to stay home and sleep this weekend. I don't remember Amy being this tired but maybe the two drains that energy faster."
“I’m not looking forward to that stage. Have you seen how big she is and she only has one! There’s two in here. I won’t be able to do anything without help. And you’re huge! They’re going to rip me V to A.”

She made a face, “I don’t want to hear about the birth of your food baby.” She said before he started or tried to get into detail about that.

“I feel better now. I think the second trimester is supposed to be the best one. And then the third is the uncomfortable one.” She shrugged her shoulder. “I feel good now. I should feel good this weekend. My feet hurt when I’m in heels too long but I’m fine other than that. And it’s not going to stop me.” She shrugged.
Jake's eyes went wide. "Ooo you're right. She does only have one. And you'll have two. Eeek." He made a face.

He posed sticking his stomach out like he had a pregnant belly. "It was much bigger than this the other day... Like when I eat Chipotle. It was that big."

"Alright. Well...if you start to feel bad, let me know. And you can wear comfy shoes to help with that." He smiled at her. "His pasta is cooling." Jake looked at Owen. "Are you hungry Owen? Daddy made you some pasta." He walked into the living room and held his hands out to him. "Want to eat and help me while I cook?"
“I will let you know if anything happens. And I will not be wearing comfortable shoes.” She smiled. “I like my heels. There is nothing wrong with that. It’s a date night. i have to wear heels. What could we possibly be doing that won’t look good in heels?” She asked him.

“You hungry?” She asked Owen and tickled his sides. She let him down so he could go to the kitchen but halfway there he looked back at Adri so she followed him into the kitchen.

“Do you need help with anything?” She asked him.
He pointed to Owen. "Not if he picks you to not wear heels. Maybe he picks for you to dress down....OH wait.... your dress down is heels." He smiled and chuckled a little, shaking her head.

He shook his head at Owen. "He is attached to your hip. Leaving for a date night, may be impossible."

Jake had a piece of shrimp cut up for him Owen to try once he put him in his high chair. He gave him a couple kisses on his head. "You're still waking up aren't you?" He rubbed his head. Max was laying close in case Owen threw food on the floor, he was ready to catch it.

"Will you watch the veggies? Do you mind if I season the protein a bit?"

Jake's phone went off and tone was his dad's ringtone. He grabbed his phone. "Hey pop. What's up?"

"Amy's water broke. They are on the way to the hospital right now. Luke is freaking out." John told him. Jake put him on speaker phone.

"You're on speaker. Owen is here..." He warned his dad. "So she's basically in labor?"

"I will know more when I get to the hospital. We are heading there now." Jake looked at Adri, Amy made it clear, her mother was not to be in the delivery room.

"That's exciting. Tell her we love her and good luck. Keep us posted."
“He will be fine.” She said and picked Owen up and kissed his cheek. “You’ll be fine, huh? And you’re going to let mommy wear heels?” She kissed him a few more times and smiled at Jake. She got him in his high chair so Jake could give him some shrimp.

She went to the stove and stirred the veggies. “Go for it.” She said to him spicing the protein.

She looked at Jake when John said ‘we’ are going to the hospital. When Jake hung up, she looked at him, “You’re going to have to go pick her up from the hospital.” She told him.

“Amy doesn’t want her there. That’s going to cause a problem.”
"I hope so. I don't want him screaming for your mom." He may cry for a little then he'd forget why he was crying and then be fine. That seemed to be the most recent pattern anyway. Jake was hopeful that would be the case again.

Jake had come up with his own Cajun style seasonings so he put that on the shrimp and watch Owen eat the shrimp he was given. He seemed to like it. It took him a moment to decide but then he scarffed it down.

"I'm not picking her up. She was told no. Her as...butt can sit in the waiting room. Then she can see him after he is born. She's gonna need to listen. And it's not my problem to fix it for her."
“I don’t think he will but that’s another reason he need to go back to day care. I don’t want him having separation anxiety.”

She watched Owen eat the shrimp and rubbed her lips together.

“I just want Amy to have the best and easiest child having experience.” She told him. “And hospital security will arrest her or detain her if she keeps trying to go back there. So it’s probably easier if you go pick her up and take her home. It’s not like she’ll drive. She hates driving in Vegas.” She told him.

“And your father is as much to blame. He was told not to take her. So why is he taking her?” She asked.

“If he’s going to ignore Amy’s wishes at the hospital, I don’t want him notified when I’m giving birth to the twins. Your mom is stressful and your dad caved to her every command. I don’t want her here. If he is going to bring her, I don’t want him here either.” She said. It sucked but that would have to be the way it was.
"Yeah. He likes daycare too. He likes his teachers and friends." Owen was a good kid but a routine did do him wonders.

Jake shook his head. "It's not going to go well Adri if I go pick her up. She's going to just piss me off and I'm going to say things. I'm not doing it..." He sighed. "And Im cooking dinner for ..." He looked at Owen then Adri and said "fuck sakes" softly.

He sighed and grumbled before grabbing his phone. "Let me call Luke...maybe something changed. I don't know."

Luke answered and sounded out of breath. Jake chuckled, "Dude who's giving birth? You or my sister?" He laughed. "So dad called and let us know...apparently mom is with I need go intervene?"

"Funny...ass. No. No. It's cool right now. Your mom knows she has to wait in the waiting room. Your dad and my mom are the only two allowed back but Amy doesn't want anyone back during the actual birth." He told him and Jake looked at Adri, and told him to call if he needed to get his mom.

Amy grabbed the phone from Luke. "Jake?? Jake? This fucking hurts..."

Jake chuckled. "I bet it does. But you're gonna do great. I love you. We love you. We are here if you need anything." He turned away from Adri as he got a little choked up, his baby sister was having a baby. "You're going to be amazing mother. That baby is one lucky kid. Go do your thing mama."

Amy started to cry. "Thanks. I love you too...Next time you see me. There will be three!" She hung up.
Adri rubbed Jake’s back and kissed his shoulder. “I will get some flowers ordered.” She smiled and smacked his butt.

“Owen you’re getting a cousin today.” She told him. “We can go meet him tomorrow. Maybe.” She picked up her phone and put an order in for a nice big bouquet of blue and white flowers to Luke and Amy’s house so when they got home they would be there waiting. And she put in for a maid service to go clean up their house as needed as a baby welcoming gift. All they had to worry about was their sweet baby’s boy.

“I’m sorry for what I said about your parents. But your mom stresses you out, which will stress me out and I don’t want that activity around when I’m in labor.” She explained.

“I probably don’t want my parents there either. If it makes you feel better. My mom will try and control the situation. My dad will probably sit there and wait patiently but I want peace and quiet. And it would be nice if I had them at our house. Not this place but our forever home. I don’t want to put a ton of money into a nursery they won’t grow up in. I want Owen to have an upgrade from his nursery. You will already be looking at property. Now you can look for a house and a gym. The only thing I want is a mountain and city view.”
He smiled when she smacked his butt. "You've missed that butt haven't you?"

Jake got on his phone to get the best bottle of bourbon he could find and cigars for Luke. Even though he was training, he planned on smoking a cigar and drinking a glass of that bourbon because it was his first nephew after all.

Jake shook his head. "You don't have to apologize. You're not wrong. And if you don't want them around when you're having the babies, that's okay with me. I'm not upset about it." He told her and meant it. Having babies were stressful and it tended to be a big fight within families. Jake didn't want that and Adri didn't needed to worry about it. "I respect whatever you choose babe. Whoever you want in the room is your decision."

When she said she didn't want the kids born in the house they were currently in, he stopped and looked at her confused. "I'm sorry what? You want us to build a house before they arrive? Or you want us to just find our dream home before then?" He didn't know if he could do that in the amount of time they had before they would come.
“I didn’t have to miss it. I looked at it plenty when we were speaking. We may not have been looking at each others faces, but I was definitely looking at other attributes of yours.” She smiled.

“I want a home birth because staying in the hospital can be really intrusive. The nurses are coming and going and waking people up when they want to sleep. I don’t want all of that. I think it would be nice to have you, Owen and a midwife and that’s it. Maybe Janice to watch Owen when it’s time to push but beyond that I don’t want a crazy full house. Possibly a doctor on the sidelines for just in case, but very small and we can call our family to come meet them when we are ready.”

She shrugged her shoulder, “I don’t know. Either one. If we find a lab agent to help us find either the dream home or the property for the house I’d be happy. The house doesn’t have to be finished, if we have to stay here a few months after their birth that is fine. They’ll most likely be in our room anyway. I just want to settle. Then when the house is finished…maybe we can start wedding planning if that’s the stage we are on.” She told him.
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