Is He A Lover or A Fighter? (Part 4) WF+GF

Amy glared at him, “I’m not taking your lip Mister.” She warned.

I’m afraid she’s going to resent me.” She repeated. “She doesn’t have the option of slowing down. She’s on a countdown to two babies. She can’t afford to slow down. You can’t afford to slow down. Slowing down isn’t an option when babies have due dates.” She said honestly.

“Do you think she’s going to resent you more or less for pulling back when you two are supposed to be at your happiest? When you should be there to feel the first kick but you’re on the other side of the house do think she’s going to happy thinking about that moment?” She asked. “If you two make it through this it’s not going to be because you slept in separate bedrooms and came together. It’s going to be because at your lowest, you came together and made things right.”

She looked at Jake, “If you really wanted to slow down, the conversation you two would have had starts with the letter A. You can pause a wedding. You can pause house buying. You can pause a lot of things. Nothing is more permanent, than a baby.”
Jake looked at his sister. "Seriously? I didn't come here to get a lecture. You sit here and tell me my feelings are valid then tell me that I need to do this and that. I wasn't the one who kissed someone else and didn't tell her about it. I'm not recoiling. What about me? What about the fact if I didn't want to be here I wouldn't be..." She sounded just like Adri and he was tired of it.

He stood up. "Why aren't you calling her asking her the same questions? You know it took her three days to even tell me she loved me after everything happened. I guess she's pregnant but that doesn't give her a pass to treat me like shit... I'm second to her career all the time. But maybe when we are at our lowest maybe I'd want to be first. But she couldn't even show up on time for our first counseling session. Because of work..."

"And before you start telling me that I've never supported her... go check out the stuff in her office and tell me that again. Jake had things made for her to highlight her milestones in her career. He did support her.

"As fun as this has been, I am going to recoil on this..." He told Amy and motioned with his hand in a circular motion.

He walked over to get Owen.
Amy looked at Luke and motioned to Jake. And stepped between him and Owen, “Then dump her. You aren’t married. You don’t have to be with her. Go find someone that will put you first. What do you want Jake? I don’t know what you want. How much longer are you two going to be on opposite sides of the house? How much longer is this supposed to happen?” She asked him.

“You’re at the end of the line. Cut it. Stop fishing for something that isn’t there. This isn’t what you want. It’s not what I want for you but the way you’re going isn’t working. Be done. Tell her you’re done. Figure it out on your own. Luke and I will help. Milk, diapers, baby sitting, whatever we are here to help. But we can’t help like this.”

“There are so many people that want you. That would kill to be in her position. I love Adri, I love you more. Go find the person that will put you first. It isn’t her. She might love you, but she if she isn’t there. If she isn’t giving you what you need and went. Then break it off and find it somewhere else. It might be better for the both of you.”
"You don't get it. I don't want or even expect to be first all the time but maybe some consideration once in awhile would be nice. But forget it..."

Jake sighed. "Don't tell me what is working or not working for my relationship. You act like this is my fault. Like I'm the one with the issue. This conversation is done." He told his sister. Feeling liking this was entirely his fault was expected coming from her family, he wasn't expecting it with his own.

"I don't need your help you have a kid of your own. You focus on him. I'll focus on mine." He looked at Owen. "I'm taking him home and getting ready for bed."
“Jake.” She said calmly. “She made a fool of you on national TV. You’re allowed to be angry and upset. If you don’t trust her, you don’t feel supported, and you aren’t happy, there is only one option for you. This in house separation isn’t it. Without trust, love and support this relationship won’t work.” She moved out of the way so he could get Owen.

“We will call you when labor starts.” She told
him and watched him pick up Owen.

She used that moment to kiss Owen and Jake’s cheek. “I love you. You deserve better. You really do. I’m sorry I upset you.” She rubbed his cheek and kissed it again. “Say goodbye to your nephew. You’ll see him soon hopefully.”
The trust and not being happy part was temporary. He knew that. Why was it every time he says anything the women in his life thinks he means forever or the extreme? He was finding it annoying.

Jake didn't say anything to Amy. He was pissed but tried to let some of it going thinking maybe she was just hormonal and ready for a baby to come out. He looked at Luke and gave him a nod. Luke gave him an apologetic look. He also knew if he was at training tomorrow he'd feel that frustration and anger coming through.

"Good luck. Be careful..." He told the three of them and headed to the door. "Love you..." He said quick and walked out. Jake got him into his carseat and buckled in. He gave him his blanket and it wasn't far down the road before he was asleep.

When they got home, he got Owen to bed and went back downstairs and turned the tv on and stayed off his phone for awhile. He tried watching the tv but his sisters words kept running through his head. Why was he the one that had to fix this?
Luke looked at Amy when Jake left, “Don’t give me that look.” She told him. “Just get this baby out of me!” She demanded.

Adri was enjoying the time she had with her friends. One of them had a room at the Cosmo that had room for all of them if they wanted to stay the night. It was too good a time to go home and be alone, so she stayed out with them. They went up to the room and while the girls drank, she sat and relaxed enjoying a peaceful conversation. While she was talking she realized she was telling them all of these things that she wanted to tell Jake.

She came home very early in the morning in the same clothes she left in. She did try to get some sleep at the hotel but she missed her body pillow. She sat on the couch not really paying attention to where and sat right on Jake’s chest, which made her jump and fall to her knees on the floor.

“Jesus.” She clutched her chest until her heart rate went back to normal. “Why aren’t you in bed?” She asked him.
Jake fell asleep on the couch and by the time he woke up, he didn't feel like moving so he just got comfortable and stayed there. He had the monitor on and Max was with Owen so he was goof. Plus if Adri did come home, he hopefully hear her and just make sure she was okay.

But when she made it home that next morning. He wasn't expecting to wake up how he did. He groaned and it took him a moment to realize what had just happened. He rubbed his chest.

"I fell asleep here. Didn't feel like moving. Are you okay?" He asked. "I didn't mean to scare you."

"Did you have a good time?" He asked.
“I’m fine.” She said and picked up her shoes from where she flung them. She sat on the floor with her feet to the side and set her shoes in her lap. She rubbed her ankles and leaned against the coffee table.

“Yes and no. Dinner was great. Hotel room was beautiful. Company was nice.” She sighed.

“It was nice to talk to people but they weren’t people I wanted to talk too. It was nice being out but I didn’t want to be out with them.” She said softly. “Things are moving fast. That’s just a fact. I fucked up when I kissed Chris. That’s a fact. I’m terrified I’m going to be a bad mom. A bad fiancé. A bad wife. Those aren’t facts but they are clear and present fears in my head.” She said softly.

“I cheated. I kissed someone else. I fucked up. I’m sorry. I didn’t tell you the truth, I’m sorry. I wasn’t there when you needed me, I’m sorry.” She looked at him and bit her tongue.

“I’m sorry Jake. I’m tired of fighting and I’m sorry. I want a future with you. I’m not better. I’m still going to plan for all possible options because that’s what I do. I have plans for everything. I want to go to therapy. I want to fix us. I don’t want to get married right now. I don’t want to move. i can’t handle it all. I just want to decorate a nursery and have the babies. I went to do it with you, but if you want an Adri that isn’t going to have a back up plan for a back up plan, I can’t give that to you.”
Jake was trying to comprehend everything she was saying. He just woke up. She sat on his chest. Not that she was heavy by any means but in a sleep, it would wake you and wig you out until you knew what happened.

Then she started pouring her heart out to him. It was unexpected and he was trying to take it all in. Jake sat up. "Wait...when weren't you here for me when I needed you? You always here for me..." He told her.

"Come here....please..." He held an arm open for her. "I want to go to therapy. I want to fix things. I want to get married. When you're ready. I only suggested moving cause I thought being closer for you for work would help..." He shook his head. "I hired you because of your ability to plan. But can we try to at least aim for the happy part of the plans. Can we aim for the happily ever after? Can we plan for that. If you have to have a backup plan. I get it. But every time something happens can we not jump to the backup plan and just assume the main plan will work?" He had no idea if he was making sense. He was tired. Jake yawned.

"Whats your backup plan about moving out of the spare room? Or are you not ready for that?"
Adri shuffled closer to the couch which was easier to lean against than a glass table in the middle of the room. She leaned against his leg and put her head on his thigh.

“Yeah.” She said softly. Plan B would be more like Plan Z. She’d try not to bring it up to Jake. That’s what her therapist was for. She yawned herself and nodded her head to living back to the main room. She missed that mattress. Plus with her pillow, she’d be in heaven.

“I’m not extending my contract with my manager.” She added and stood up from the floor she bent over to pick up her shoes and started to walked towards the spare room but turned and walked towards the master bedroom. It was going to be expensive to buy out the rest of her contract but it wasn’t worth it anymore. She’d find someone else if she still wanted to work after the twins.

She had jobs she had to complete for the next two months but after that she was on her own.
Jake played with her hair when she leaned her head against his leg. When she went to stand up, he helped her up. "Adri... You don't have to do that. We can finish it out or you can keep him. I know you like him..."

He got up and walked over towards her."Where are you going? Will you stop for a second..." He stopped. "Nevermind. Go lay down, get comfortable. I'll be up in a minute." He checked the time. If they were lucky, they'd get another couple hours before Owen was up only because he was up later but that also may not happen.

Jake cleaned up the living room before going up to their bedroom. "Can I have a legit hug from you now?"
“He’s amazing but he’s not the best. I can find someone better.” She told him.

“Will you bring my pillow?” She asked when he said he’d come up in a minute. She went to the bathroom and washed the make up off her face and hung the robe part of her outfit up in the closet. The dress would need be laundered professionally, so she put that on the hanger and in the dry cleaning bag.

By the time Jake came up, she was in her robe and the shower was on getting the water warmed up. She looked back at him and walked into his arms. She wrapped hers around him and closed her eyes. She missed his hugs. she kissed his chest and then went to go take a shower.

She came out and set up her side of the bed with pillow and climbed in the middle. She checked the time, it was three. Owen would be up in a few hours. She could nap and then deal with him whenever he got up.
Jake grabbed her pillow and brought it to their room. He put it on her side of the bed where she normally liked it. When she walked to him, he wrapped his arms around her and held her tightly. She fit perfectly in the crook of his neck. He missed having her in his arms.

He went and laid down while she showered. When she came in, he looked over at her. "I'm surprised you came home so early. You really must not have been able to sleep...Can I help in anyway? Massage? Foot rub? Back rub? Hold you? Not touch you cause you feel uncomfortable? Hell I could sing to you. I bet that's it." He smiled a little and kissed her shoulder and put his hand on her stomach. He missed being close to her and the babies. Jake didn't get to snuggle Layla when she had Owen. There was a lot he missed out on with that. It was killing him to do it again with where they stood.

"You may want to call Amy if you haven't talked to her. She's totally team Adri...I left pretty pissed with her. It's like the two of you have the same brain. It must be a mom thing." He said softly.
Adri smiled a little and shook her head, “I just want to sleep.” She told him. “It’s been a long day.” She said softly. Hell it had been a long month. She want to rest and sleep for as long as she could.

“I’ll call her in the morning.” She said softly and closed her eyes.

She was out in a matter of minutes. She felt Jake rubbing her stomach and that helped kill her to sleep. But when she was down she was out. She slept at night but it wasn’t restful. She didn’t feel good when she woke up. She was finally able to say she got a good night of sleep. She didn’t hear when Owen woke up. She didn’t feel Jake get up to get him or smell breakfast.

She didn’t wake up until almost noon and while she did feel like she could go right back to sleep, she didn’t feel like she had too. She went to the bathroom and brushed her teeth before making her way downstairs.
Jake laid with her until she was sound asleep and then got some more rest himself. When Owen woke up, he got up with him. He was changed but let him stay in his pajamas. "We need to get you potty trained bud. Daddy will help work on that. Deal?" He nodded but had no idea what he agreed to.

He let Owen wake up a bit whole they cuddled. Jake them made him some eggs and fruit. Jake made himself some bacon and protein pancakes. Owen wanted his pancake so he made him one as well.

They then hung out in the living room as Owen played and watched cartoons. When he saw Adri finally get up he lit up. "Mama!" He ran over and started telling her about his food and playing. He even added Amy and his cousin. But Jake had no idea what all he was trying to say.

"Hungry? I can make something?" Jake offered.
Adri picked Owen up and listened his story. She set him down and sat on the couch while he continued talking. She tried to keep up, but most of what he was saying didn’t make sense.

“I’ll make a smoothie or something in a bit.” She swiftly. The girls came over and said good morning. Then max came over and put his big head in her lap. She scratched behind his ear and leaned back on the couch.

“What time are you going to the gym?” She asked and stretched her arms over her head. “I’ve got him if you want to go now.”
"I can make you a pancake. Or throw protein in your smoothie. You need to gain weight, remember?" He said softly. Max's tail wagged slowly. It was as if he could sense the babies in her stomach, he always laid his head close to her stomach.

Jake looked at the time. "Was it today or tomorrow we had therapy? I can go get ready if I have time and you have O."

He walked over to the couch and sat next to her and played with Adri's hair a little. "Hey...I love you. You know that?" He said softly. "Can we take your mom up on watching him and go on a date? Whenever you feel up to it and have time. It will be nice to get you alone as I can with those two monsters inside you..." He smiled and leaned over and kissed her softly and deeply.
“I know. I know.” She rubbed her face and sighed. “Pancakes sound good.” She said softly.

Adri checked her phone, “Oh shit. That’s today at one. You can go after, if you want. Stay as long as you want. I have some calls and stuff to make, so I’m coming home afterward.”

Adri smiled, “I love you too.” She nodded her head to going on a date, “Where do you want to go? I’ll get us a reservation.” She kissed him back. “You can come with me to New York on Thursday. We can go to dinner out there.” She offered. “We come Friday night. It’s a quick trip.”
He smiled. "I'll make you pancakes. I'll add protein. It will help. The protein will help with muscles and energy too babe."

"Okay. I'll go after. I think that's what on my schedule. I really haven't looked today. I just felt a little tired." He shrugged.

Jake nodded about going on a date. "If it's with you, I don't care." He smiled at her. "MMmmmhmm." He nodded and kissed Adri again. "Okay. Yeah." He said to going to dinner in New York. A quick trip out of town together would be nice. But right now, he had missed kissing her and was making up for it. Jake kept kissing her. "I've missed this..."

After getting a few more kisses, Jake pulled back a little. "I'm sorry too. I'm sorry if you feel way too much pressure on yourself because of me or Owen or both of us. Tell me. I'll help. If I putting too much on you, I don't mean to. But I'm not going to lie, I like your plans." He grinned a little. "I like when you pick out my clothes so we look good together. You don't have to do that every day. But I also like you being a part of my every day. I like tackling this thing called life and our relationship, together. Tell me when an idea is stupid, support me when I'm killing it. And you do do that. I love that you do."

He put his hand on her stomach and caressed it. "I've not been unhappy. Before the shi..stuff." He looked at Owen, "with Chris, babe I was happy. I don't want you to think I wasn't. I felt like what we had was working. At least on my end. But I want it to work on yours as well. You and our kids come first for me. But we can have our empire we dreamed of and have a rocking family that they build their own even better than ours." He gave her another small kiss. "I never doubted what I want... I want to marry you. Now our entire family gets to witness it. I want you to have my last name and be proud to have it. You've been my queen from the beginning. Im not going to apologize for wanting our end game to be where we grow old together. When you love someone as much as I love you, that's what you do. I also want our kids to be in a happy loving home. We have that..."
“Janice should be dropping by to watch this guy.” She said. “We can take separate cars so you can head out when we finish.”

Adri smiled and kissed him back every time he kissed her. “I missed you too.” She said softly.

“I was happy too. I am happy. I’m not going anywhere. I love you. I can’t wait to marry you in the future.” She promised and squeezed his hand. “I’ll get your ticket to New York this afternoon.” She kissed him one more time and pushed his shoulders back, “Pancakes and a smoothie. I’m hungry.” She laughed.
"Okay. We can do that. I can pick dinner up if you want? I can get us something in my meal plan."

Jake caressed her hand with his thumb. "I can't wait either." He gave her another quick kiss. "Okay. Awesome. You pick the dinner spot and we will go." He gave her a last kiss before she pushed his shoulders. "Alright alright. Can't have mama getting hangry." He laughed and got up.

"Oh for the record...if there's any other models you've kissed, I'll kick their as...butts." He looked at Owen and then Adri. Jake was kidding but it was his typical mindset to kick whoever who messed with him, their ass. So he had to say it.

"What kind of smoothie do you want babe?"
She scrunched her nose at sticking his meal plan. “Can you pick me up some Mexican food?” She asked. “Rolled tacos from that place down the street?” She stuck her bottom lip out and begged a little. “Please?”

Adri chuckled, “There are no more scandals in my future. Not that I’m aware of at least.” She smiled at Jake. “Strawberry banana.”

She got on the floor and stacked blocks with Owen. He liked building them as tall as possible and then knocking them all down.
Jake smiled and nodded. "I can do that. I can figure something out to get."

He gave her a look. "Better not. Unless they involve getting spicy with me." He teased. Jake grabbed the fruit and added some yogurt, protein milk and some powder to the smoothie. He was keeping it healthy but add some calories for her. When it was ready, he brought it to her as he finished up some pancakes for her. He also topped that with some fruit.

Jake brought the plate in to Adri. "I'm going to go get cleaned up a bit for therapy. I'm going to be somewhat dressed for the gym if you're okay with that."
Adri laughed, “That’s the last type of scandal we need.” She sipped on her smoothie happily and shared with Owen since you couldn’t eat with out the little bird coming for a taste.

“That’s fine.” She said. “It’s not like you have to dress up. Let’s hope traffic isn’t as bad as it was in LA. That’s what screwed me up.” She rolled her eyes. “I’ll get dressed after you.”

She took her plate of pancakes and cut them up. She was able to get a few bites in her own and then Owen came over for a taste. She most likely wasn’t going to finish them and the smoothie so she shared with him so he wouldn’t fuss.
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