Is He A Lover or A Fighter? (Part 4) WF+GF

Adri just nodded her head silently. She was fine with getting married until he was unsure and now it was all on her shoulders. She didn’t want to talk about it anymore. Not in front of Owen.

“Okay.” She said softly. She needed a shower and she wanted to go over the notes she took from her meeting. Maybe it was best she was alone for a bit. Or as alone as she could be with two beings in her belly.

“You cooked. I can clean up.” She told him. Except for Owen pointing and jabbering about things or asking for more food, the rest of dinner was quiet. Adri washed the dishes and got the dish washer started and then put the leftovers away before going upstairs for a shower.

She had a list of everything they had prebooked for the wedding and sent it to her assistant to see if they could keep their deposit, but push back the date. They didn’t have a date though, so it was just hood the deposit and pick a date later. The sooner it was done the better.
Jake didn't argue her on her cleaning up. Instead he got Owen cleaned up and they headed off go the living room where he could watch tape as Owen played. The dogs of course followed Owen around except for Bam who wanted to cuddle with Jake.

While he watched, he took notes on his future opponent. These guys never seemed to get easier to beat. But he was alright with a challenge. It was hard to try to concentrate though. Adri and his relationship kept playing around in his head.

He watched Owen a little and wondered if Adri resented him a bit for taking Jake from her as well as her freedom and the ability to leave young. Now that they were having twins it complicated everything.

Then he started thinking about her being late. Their first therapy session and she was late. Her brand was more important than their relationship. Going forward, maybe that was something he would need to remember going forward. It was that way during the other troubles and clearly still the same.

When it was time for Owen to get ready for bed, Jake took him up and let him play in the tub then got him down fairly easily. He had to film the next day so he started to get ready for bed shortly after getting Owen down.
Adri was sitting in the bed when Jake came up with Owen. She was able to give Owen a hug and kiss good night but let Jake do the bedtime routine on his own. The bed was covered in papers, but she moved them all by the time Jake put Owen to bed and came back up for his own shower.

“What’s he like?” Adri asked about the guy Jake was fighting. “Have you fought someone like him before? Doesn’t Rich live out here? Maybe he can help you out.” She said softly and finished reading the page she was holding to look at him.

She started collecting the papers and putting them back in order. There were possible logos, factories, a contract and many other pages all about her side of the bed. She had to shuffle them together before the dogs jumped on the bed and tore things apart.

“Are you Ready to fight again?” She asked.
When he came in, he went to his dresser go grab underwear. But then Adri asked about his opponent. He wouldn't lie to her. "He's good. He's quick. His hands are quick. Romero is probably closest to him but this guy is different." He leaned against the door frame.

"Yeah, I've called him. He thinks he can help and has a team that can also help. I trust him." He watched her and looked over the papers everywhere.

Jake nodded. "Yeah. I've missed it to be honest. It will be good to get back to training and I've gotten better with diet since I've been working. That part will be easy." He looked her over. "I won't lose." Jake was undefeated and he didn't plan on losing now. If anything everything drove him even more to win.

"If you have more to work on, I can sleep in the guest room..."
Adri smiled and nodded her head, “I know you won’t.” She said softly. He never lost a fight. “You always do what you need to do to win.”

She picked up the last paper and shook her head, “No I’m done. Kind of tired but we have homework we should bust out. If you want. We can do it tomorrow. Our next appointment isn’t until Thursday.” She said and put the papers in her file folder and set them on the night stand.

“You can take a shower and ch age and stuff and then we can try to do it before bed.”
It meant a lot she still had confidence in him on winning the fight. He would end up injured or knocked out before he'd ever tap. But now with a growing family. Maybe that wasn't the best or smartest option.

"Yeah. We can do it after my shower." He nodded. "I won't be long." Jake told her and headed into the bathroom and only shut the door but didn't latch it so it was opened a crack.

He undressed and turned the water on before stepping in. With the water spraying over him, he relaxed a moment. And as promised it wasn't long before the water was shut off the water and getting out to dry off. He put his boxer briefs on and combed his hair before heading back into the bedroom.

"Ready for this?" He asked pulling the covers back.
While Jake was in the shower, Adri played a game on her phone. She didn’t have social media anymore, so she played solitaire to pass the time and she was starting to get pretty good at it.

She also thought about what they should talk about. They couldn’t talk about work or their future. They could talk about Owen. They weren’t really in the best place to talk about random things, it wouldn’t feel natural.

What did they talk about when they were alone? She felt like it was mostly Jake and his work or something centered around Owen.

Her stomach tightened when the water cut off and more when he got in bed next to her. Now they would have to talk. She didn’t want it to be awkward. But it already felt that way because they were being forced to do it.

“What do you want to talk about?” She asked. “Do you still want to take O to Disneyland? Do you have a date we can go.” She asked.
He had no idea either what to talk about. Maybe that would shed some light on something with what they talked about. He had no idea.

Jake shrugged about what to talk about. "I think he'd enjoy it. I'll get a schedule more tomorrow." He told her but was cautious with what he said to not talk about work. "Which park would we take him to?" He asked.

After a moment, he looked at her. " are you feeling? With everything? The babies. Everything." He felt like he hadn't really asked how she was since this all happened.
“Disneyland. We can walk around the Adventure park but I think he’s too little for most of the rides. Disneyland is the best bet.”

She looked Jake in the eyes for a moment to see if he even wanted the truth. Sometimes it was easier to say fine and move on. “I’m terrified.” She said honestly. But they weren’t supposed to talk about the future.

“What did you do today?” She asked him. “After your call with Dana?” She asked changing the subject.
He nodded. "I think I should have time in a couple weeks. I'd rather doing sooner than later so I can the food a bit. You can eat the food. I'll try it." He smiled a little.

Jake wanted the honest truth. When she said she was terrified he moved and wrapped his arms around her and kissed her head.

He thought about it a second. "Took Owen to the park. He didn't last long today. He played only a half hour and was over it. I did some research for work." He left that there since they couldn't talk about work. Owen and their work was most of their lives. But he was beginning to wonder if they need hobbies.

"It makes it hard I don't know a lot of people out here to do much with. Just Nick and work friends..." Back home he had his family and Luke. "But that could change. At one time you mentioned moving out here cause of your that something you still kind of want to do?" He asked.
She leaned into him and wrapped her arms around his torso.

“I think he misses being around the other kids. They got us sick, but he did enjoy playing with his friends.” She said softly. “I guess playing alone doesn’t feel the same.”

She listened to him and bit her bottom lip, “That’s the tough part about a new place.” She said softly.

“It would be a good career move for me. But you have everything you need in Vegas. I can travel, it’s only a couple hours away. Being in Vegas isn’t world ending.” She told him.

“But if we…” She stopped talking because they weren’t supposed to talk about the future. But she wanted to say if they broke up, she wouldn’t stay in Vegas. And that would be a difficult discussion to take place for them.
Adri was probably right about missing being around the other kids. "Do we get him into a daycare?" He asked her. It was a little unstable for him. It wasn't fair to Owen but it was nice having everyone together when possible.

Jake thought about it. "We could find some place between. I can get a team out here. I'll have a team here for this fight. People change gyms. Its not uncommon. How would your family feel about it?" He asked.

"No what?" He asked wanting to know what she was thinking.
“I don’t think that’s a good idea.” She said. “I don’t want to put him in and take him out and put him in something new. He needs steady. How many weeks do you have left for filming? We have to find a day care that has space for him, that we like, make sure security is okay. By the time we find a place, it will be time to go.” She shook her head, “I don’t think it’s a good idea. But if you want him somewhere, we can look.” She offered.

“Everyone is scattered around the country. As long as we talk and come home for a holiday, I don’t think they care.” She told him. “We stayed there for you and your family. Everyone moved to Vegas for you. You couldn’t leave. What would Luke do? Or your dad?” She asked. “It’s easier to stay. Besides you want to open a gym and stuff out there. Might as well stay out there. It’s close to UFC HQ.” She shrugged her shoulder, there was no point in moving.

“If something happened and we didn’t make it out of this together, I wouldn’t stay in Vegas.” She told him honestly. “I’d move to LA and we would have to decide who the kids stayed with and how they would travel and a lot more. I don’t think I would like the way that future plans out.” She told him.

“Because of the resources available, your dad, sister, my parents, I don’t think it would be fair to take them away from their family and move them with me. But I’m not going to be like Layla. I’d be there for everything. I don’t care if I’m flying home every night. I’d be there for my kids.” she shook her head and shrugged her shoulder. She hated that idea though.
It made sense to just hold out. It would be hard to look for something for such a short time. "Fourish weeks I think." He told her. "No, it seems like a lot. You're right. Maybe we can find kids somewhere that he can at least play with." He shrugged.

"But not being able to see the babies will maybe change that?" He shrugged, "Or maybe not. Luke can find someone else to train not a problem. A gym could be opened anywhere really."

Jake couldn't help but look at her a little confused. It took him a moment to think it through what she was saying. He didn't want that for them. "Or...we could just move to LA...then we'd be closer to each other if the unimaginable happens. Which I hope it doesn't. I don't want you to have to fly back and forth. It's not fair you do it now. We should have done this before Adri...It's easier to move all of us and that would cut down on so much of you flying back and forth. I honestly don't care where we are...We could live in a small town in fucking South Dakota for all I care. I want you happy. I'm used to moving around. Vegas was the first place I could call home. Really call home. But then I met you and home is where you are..." He said softly.
“Luke is going to stop training his prize fighter for someone else? I don’t think we are talking about the same Luke.” She joked.

Adri squeezed his side since she was still holding him and rubbed her lips together. “And what about your family? Your dad moved to Vegas for you. We finally got your mom out of that house and to Vegas. And Amy is way too excited to have Owen and her son grow up and play together. It’s not just us moving, it’s all of them too.” She reminded him.

“I’d love to move out here. The schools are better. I don’t have to travel. Traffic will be a bitch, which I found out today.” She finally admitted, “I just don’t see it happening. It’s too expensive to even ask your family to move down here. You have more to lose living down here than I do. For that reason, it’s best to stay in Vegas.”
He grinned. "Yeah he wouldn't get another winner like me unless he goes to a different weight class." He chuckled.

"If Amy stays in Vegas then my parents will be there with her, Luke, and the baby." Jake really didn't know if his whole family would move. "Babe I don't think they'd follow me out here. Are you really happy in Vegas? Or traveling back and forth all the time?" He asked her. "Be honest."

They may have gone off the rules a bit but it was an important conversation. They could deal with the consequences later for it. "And if they do move out may not be a bad thing. Like you said the schools are better. Amy could get a job anywhere. It would be cool being able to take Owen to the beach whenever we want. Having Disney close for him. And we don't have to live in the city exactly...we can find a place close. Owen could maybe have an actual yard."
“Am I happy? No, but Owen is. His happiness is my priority. i can’t take him away from family. There is nothing wrong with taking a plane to LA or whenever the shoot is every once in a while.” She told him.

“When this brand thing is all worked out paperwork wise, I can find a warehouse in Vegas to house the product, so I’m traveling less. I’m doing what I can to travel less. I don’t like having to give it up, it’s the fun part of my job, going to different countries, going to islands and experiencing new things. But I can’t do it anymore. I have to stay home for my babies and that’s hard to come to grips with but I will eventually.” She confessed.

“In a few years when he is older and ready for school, we can come back to the conversation. Until then we are about to have three kids and three dogs. It’s too much for two people. We need a support group and we have in Vegas. I’m not comfortable leaving that right now.”
Jake tried but as always Adri was being stubborn. "Okay... I just want you resenting me down the road because I kept you in Vegas. Or because of being so young and having kids...I'm worried that you will..."

"I don't just want our kids happy Adri, I want their mother happy as well." He wanted to tell her that she had options but he wasn't sure if he bring himself to say that because that wasn't what he wanted and what if they couldn't and wouldn't have another chance at kids. He felt like it was a complete roller coaster of emotions that she was going on with the pregnancy situation. She was so depressed when she couldn't have kids and now that she has them she almost is depressed because she wants to still have her career. Not that he could blame her for any of it really, it was just hard to follow.

Jake got quiet as he sat there with her. He didn't know what else to say with everything jumping around in his head. "I don't know what to do to help you... I still wonder if this is what you want..."
“I have no reason not to be happy.” She said softly. She had a loving fiancé. A wonderful son. And the possibility of growing their family. She had no money problems and could stop working altogether and be a mom. It’s what she always wanted. But why, why did it feel like she was missing something? And why did that stupid video from two years ago bring these feelings back?

She released him and sighed. She leaned forward so her elbows were on her knees and her head was in her hands. “I can’t have this conversation right now.” She said softly. This was everything she wanted once upon a time. It still had to be, she couldn’t go back.

“Get some rest Jake.” He had to film tomorrow and she didn’t want to keep him up. “I’m going to go downstairs for a bit. I’ll get up with O if he wakes up.”
When she sat up he watched her. Then she said she couldn't have this conversation with him. "Why not? Because you don't know?" He asked softly. Jake was just trying to understand. This was his life and his future up in the air as well.

He sighed and looked away. She didn't seem confident in what she did want. He knew. He had always known. They seemed to be back where they were before. Jake was really tired of her going back and forth. He centered his work and everything around Owen and Adri, maybe it was time to be selfish a bit. Moments before he was telling her that he'd leave his family and raise theirs in LA to fit her life and her work better.

He just hoped she figured out whatever the hell it was she wanted. It was getting harder to not start to get pissed. He turned the tv on to try to cool off and then finally fell asleep.

The next morning he got up to head to set. Jake got a bag ready for Owen. He would take him to set if he needed to but he felt like maybe Adri needed sometime to do some thinking and soul searching on what she really wanted. He'd need to get it figured on his own if she decided this wasn't what that was. The thought just angered him that his son may have two mothers who didn't really want to be mothers.
“Is it too much to ask for time to think? You want the truth? I need time to think. I have no reason to not be happy. I’m getting everything I want and more. A part of me is ecstatic and so happy that my dreams are coming true. I’m a mom and I was going to be a wife. But the other part is devastated that there are things that I wanted to do that I won’t get to do because I have three kids to think about. You got to be in your twenties and fuck around. You got to kiss random people at clubs and make mistakes. I didn’t get that chance. It’s not your fault. It’s not anyone’s fault but mine. I get that.” She clarified.

“ I want to say I’m mostly happily but I don’t know. I don’t know. And I feel bad about it. I feel horrible. And I can’t talk about it right now because I’m tired. Because it’s been a long day. Because I just want to go lay down.” She said a little defeated towards the end. She was tired and she wanted to be alone for a bit.

She didn’t come to bed. She stayed on the couch and eventually fell asleep on it surrounded by pillows. Owen stayed in bed all night and when Owen did wake up in the morning it took Adri a bit to wake up to go get him.

She brought him downstairs and sat back on the couch and sat with him. Since he was still waking up, it was easy to get him to lay down with her and maybe go back to sleep for a bit.

She felt Owen lift his head when Jake came downstairs. She opened her eyes and looked at the double backpack. “No.” She said simply and held Owen tighter. Whatever his plan was Owen wasn’t going with him. He could stay at Nick’s if he needed to get away. Owen was staying here.
What she didn't realize was in some ways, he regretted fucking around so much. But if that's what she was sad she missed out on, he wasn't going to hold her back. And when she needed time, he got quiet, he'd give her that time. However long it was. It was the second time she needed it though and he wasn't going to keep giving it to her. It wasn't fair to him.

Jake grabbed a few things from the fridge and pantry for them both. He had a new diaper and his change of clothes with him. He went into the living room to get Owen. "Morning bud. Come on...we gotta get ready to go."

He wouldn't even look at Adri. It was hard to. He was hurt. He was angry. But he wasn't going to force someone to be his wife who wasn't ready for it.
“You’re not taking him to work Jake. A baby on an active set where he had to be quiet. Or are you going to leave him in your trailer. He can stay here. I’m here until noon. Janice will be here in a couple hours. He’s fine here.” She told him and let Owen go so he could get to Jake.

And this is why she had to keep everything bottled up. He wanted the truth, she gave it to him and now he was angry. She was never in a winning situation with him. It was either his way or nothing.

She got off the couch and went to the kitchen to get a cup of decaf coffee started. It was too early to deal with this. Maybe she did need a break.of course this had to happen while she was pregnant with twins. What great timing.

She couldn’t leave LA. She had work to do. She didn’t want Owen confused either. She could move to the bedroom on the other side of the house. That was the best break she could possibly hope for. Jake would still have access to the twins and be aware of any appointments. They could see how they worked at coparenting. And see what it was like to be alone. They’d still do therapy and try to make this work.
" need time. You said it last night. I'm just giving it to you." He told her and got Owen changed and then picked him up to cuddle him as he tried to wake up a bit.

"I know what I want. It's been the same thing for years. I'm sorry you didn't get a chance to date around. I'm sorry you didn't have other opportunities that you feel like you're going to miss out on." He stood up and gave Owen his sippy cup and sat him on the couch for a moment.

"But I really need you to do some soul searching and figure out what you want. This back and forth isn't fair to me and it isn't fair to him. We've been here once. I thought was enough...but I guess not. You said you're not getting married to get divorced. Neither am I. But I never wouldn't have proposed if I wasn't 110 perfect sure of what I wanted."

Jake sighed, it was killing him having to go but he didn't know what else to do. Going through the motions wasn't helping either of them. "I want someone without a single doubt to want to marry me. I'm tired of feeling like I have to be good enough to get you to stick around." He grabbed his and Owen's stuff to load in the car. "Hell I'm tired of not feeling good enough period. I treat you well. I have money. I'm a damn good father. I'm undefeated world champion. And yet I'd give you the fucking world if I could. And it's not enough. And if that's the case..." He shrugged. "There's isn't much else I can do. So until you figure out what is enough for you, I'm going to focus on our kids, my work and myself." He told her and took his bags to the car.
“I never said it wasn’t enough Jacob. You wanted the truth, I don’t know how I feel. That’s the truth. I have every thing I ever wanted in both hands. I have the family and house that I have always wanted in one hand and in the other I have the dream job that I never thought I’d get. And now I feel guilty every time I leave to go for the career because I feel like I’m letting the responsibilities at home slip through my fingers. And now I have three kids and you and I want to start a business and I’m just going to continue to be spread then. So do I give up everything I dreamed of? I give up what makes me happy to have the family I always wanted?” She asked him.

“Is that what I have to do?” She asked him with tears in her eyes. “I don’t want to feel like I’m picking one over the other. I don’t want to feel like a failure but everyday I feel more and more like I’m failing at something.”

“I could just be a stay at home wife. I know deep down that won’t make me happy. I’ll love it but I won’t be happy. I want to work. I want to grow my brand. But every time I leave I feel guilty because you need me. They need me. I pick jobs close to home so I can come back if I need too. I’ve said no to jobs in different countries because they’re too far.” She told him.

“I don’t want to feel guilty if I have to go work for two weeks out of the country. I don’t want to feel like I’m putting you last if I follow my dreams, but it always happens. It’s everything I wanted. I should be ecstatic. But I feel like shit.” She told him.

“So please tell me how I am once again failing you for telling you the truth. Take my son again and tell me how this is all my fault.”

“When I’m not perfect you can’t stand it. I can’t be perfect all the time. That kiss from years ago came out and you took my son and ran away. You didn’t know if you could marry me anymore. You brought home a son and I stayed with you every step of the way!” She said raising her voice for the first time.

She took a deep breath and closed her eyes.
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