Is He A Lover or A Fighter? (Part 4) WF+GF

Jake listened to her. "I never once told you not to take a job. I never once told you to choose. If anything I've encouraged it. I love the idea of us building an empire together. I love you want to do so much more. The fucking sky is the limit. Do it. All of it and I'll be your biggest supporter and cheerleader." He explained.

He shook his head. "I didn't say I didn't want to marry you. But do you think we should be getting married let's say tomorrow? While we are in this state do you think it's smart?" He asked raising and eyebrow.

"I didn't take him away from you. I was giving us time apart and you time to think without him." He looked at her and wanted to say something, hesitated than did. "That's bullshit. You were pissed when. We found out. You didn't even want to hold him at first. You were pissed and I gave you that time. We weren't together...."

"Adriana...why do you feel it has to be all or nothing? J. Lo. Has kids. The Kardashians have kids. A lot of successful people have families." He shook his head. "I've never expected you to be perfect. I do want us to be a team. A king and queen rules together..."
“No. But that’s not what I needed to hear at that moment and you didn’t care.” She told him.

“Of course I was angry. I was allowed to be. I never said I don’t want to be with you.” She told him. “And my action since the moment I saw him have proven I am here for him forever.”

She shook her head, “That’s not what it feels like. I support you whole heartedly. I’m there for every fight. Cooking every meal how you need it. Supporting, loving, massaging, doing whatever I can to make sure when you step into that octagon you can forget about everything and just fight. I don’t get the same from you.”

“You’re the best dad and fiancé and I’m lucky to have and I’m trying to be what you need but every time I say something you don’t agree with even slightly I feel you recoil and pull back. I’m trying my best, but I don’t think that’s good enough for you.”
Jake raised his eyebrow. "I'm kissed another guy. And you didn't care to tell me. But I needed to be more considerate of how I worded what I was thinking and feeling to you?" He was confused.

"And I know that or I wouldn't have had you become his guardian....I also never said I didn't want to be with you. I've never said that nor will I." He told her.

He sighed. "When have I ever told you not to do a job? Was I jealous at the beginning...yes. Did therapy help me work through that? Yes. But your job is a little different with how you're in more of a seductive manner with these guys. It wasn't always easy to see. But I never told you not to take a job. If anything I tell you to. Do I ask where it is, how long you're going to be gone? Yeah I do because with a son we have to workout the details." He looked at her a moment. "That's bullshit and you know it. Your fashion weeks I've been there. You becoming an Angel, I've been there. You even said you wanted to be alone on your other jobs. You don't exactly ask us to come along."

"I recoil? I pull back?" He looked at her like she was insane. "How did you get your first modeling job? Because you were afraid we were going to break up. You have your father at the ready in case we break up. You have plans on where you're going to live...if we break up. You're always waiting for us to break up. You wanted a case we broke up... Stop expecting us to fail Adriana. I'm not the enemy in this. I don't understand why you have to have a plan b all the time to "if we don't make it." I don't even think about that."

Jake was realizing maybe he fell harder and faster than Adri. Maybe he wanted things she didn't. He asked to get them an appointment with a therapist. It took her two days and she was late. She talked about being there for him for every fight and she was supportive but he did no more than a couple fights a year. It was like they just took ten thousand steps back. He didn't know what to do anymore. "I really think that you need to really do some soul searching. Because I know what I want. I'm just waiting to find out if it's what you want. I'll be at Nicks. I'll have the nanny bring Owen when it fits your schedule."
She bit her tongue and didn’t say anything. They were just going back and forth and the longer it went the nastier it would get and Owen was standing right between them. She knelt down to give Owen a kiss and hug and left the living room.

While Jake was gone, she moved her stuff to the spare bedroom on the other side of the house. She needed to do soul searching so she would do it on her own over there. She called her therapist to make some appointments and then she called the couples therapist to let her know where she and Jake were at now.

All wedding plans were officially delayed and pushed to an unknown date in the next year. All except her wedding dress. She couldn’t bring herself to have her assistant delay that. Instead she would continue to work with her designer and keep making the dress even if she never got to use it.

When Jake and Owen got home later that day, Adri was at her lawyer’s office to go over some contract stuff in relation to building her brand. Life had to go on on the outside. Even though she couldn’t take her mind off of her failing relationship.

The rest of their time in LA went on much the same way. Adri gave Jake’s assistant the tickets to Disneyland, she had already purchased the passes, they could be used any day. He’d have an extra ticket but he could take Nick and they could make a day of it. The only time they seemed to talk to each other was at therapy. They were back to basics there now. That was probably for the best.

They hadn’t discussed what would happen in Vegas, but she figured it would be a lot of the same. Different rooms, assistants managing schedules so they if they needed to be together somewhere, like a doctor’s appointment, they were there together.

They had a doctor’s appointment the day they landed in Vegas. It was the appointment where they could find out the sex of the babies and they’d be able to see more features and do a general wellness check. She was excited and anxious and ready to see them again. She could hear their heartbeats when they wanted but seeing them was the real fun.

Janice was going to take Owen home. So it would be the first time Jake and Adri would be alone in a car together. She was t excited for that. But it was only forty minutes to the doctor’s office. And twenty minutes home. They could do it.
Jake really only talked to Adri about Owen and appointments unless they were at therapy. He couldn't really see a lot of improvement. He's said how he felt but still had no idea what she wanted.

In LA, he spent time with Nick and the cast regularly. He even began training and a strict diet. After adjusting his schedule, he figured out his own meal plans and cooked himself.

With his family, talking about Adri was off limits. He still couldn't talk to her mother because he didn't know what to say to her. He didn't want to lose Maria. She was always so good to him. He would send her photos of Owen and even that he hoped everyone was well but the elephant in the room was ignored.

The plane ride was quiet and Jake focused on Owen but when he was asleep, he watched tape and took notes. Rich had helped in LA and then Luke would take over once back in Vegas. He had a huge coaching team helping him out.

When they landed, Jake gave Owen hugs and kisses and told him to be good. Jake was excited to see the babies but he didn't know where they stood on about finding out the gender. It felt different and it was hard to be too excited because it wasn't how he pictured doing this. Why was it so hard to bring a kid into a loving relationship and situation?

When they got to the truck, he opened the door for her before getting in and heading off to the appointment. The radio was on but he wasn't saying much. He didn't know what to say.
There wasn’t much to say in Adri’s end. Owen wasn’t there to make a conversation, and she didn’t try. So that forty minute car ride was a long one. At least when they got to the doctors office, they might have other people to talk too.

It was mostly empty expect for a couple couples who were looking at magazines. Adri had paperwork to fill out so that took up some waiting time. When she finished the paperwork, she played solitaire on her phone. She was getting really good at it now.

“Adrianna.” A nurse called and smiled at her and Jake. Adri got up and walked over to her. The nurse went over some basic health items. Checked her weight and made sure she didn’t have any concerns about the babies or her body. They did a urine and blood sample to test Adri health and then they had to wait for the doctor in the room.

While they waited, Adri sat on the table. They didn’t have to wait long for the doctor to come in and say hello to both of them. She looked at Adri’s test and then they got down to business.

On a whole Adri felt amazing. Her hair was lush and thick. Her skin was glowing better than it ever had. Her boobs were definitely bigger. But she also had back pain. Her feet would swell if she was in heels too long. And sleeping was already uncomfortable. But she had a body pillow that was already her saving grace at night. Emotionally, she had been better but she was trying to stay as positive as possible for the babies. All of them.

“Alright! Are you ready to see some babies?” The doctor asked. And Adri nodded her head. “Can you feel them yet?”

Adri smiled, “I think so. Like a weird flutter or something. Nothing substantial. No kicks to the ribs yet.” She looked at her belly. “Does it look bigger?” Adri asked.

“A little. I still want you to gain some weight. You have gained a little but I need a little more meat on your bones. Eat something fatty. Give into the cravings. You’re allowed too. He can’t judge you.” The doctor teased.

Adri chuckled and looked at the monitor. The doctor pushed a button and the heartbeats filled the room. “There they are.” She pointed out some basic features that they could see and took some pictures of the both them. It was crazy how real this was all becoming.

“Do you want to know what they are? Should I keep it a surprise?” The doctor asked.

“I don’t want to know. You can write it in an envelope or tell Jake when I leave the room if he wants to know.” Adri looked at Jake. “Actually write it down. My mom will kill me if I don’t find out.” She shook her head and shrugged her shoulder.

“No problem. Happens all the time.” She wrote it down on a sticky out of sight. “I will tell you have two healthy babies. I need you,”She pointed at Adri, “To give into the cravings and gain a hit of weight. I need you,” She pointed at Jake, “To get this lady a chair with good back support and give her some foot massages.” She smiled. “And both of you need to start reading to them. They have ears now and can hear your voices. Maybe when you read Owen a bedtime story?”

“Now do you either of you have any questions?” She asked and looked at Adri and then Jake.

“I would like to do a Home birth. Is that still possible with twins?” Adri asked.

“It is but we will see what happens closer to your due date. Go ahead and find a Doula and make a north plan. Twins are high risk so if thing goes smoothly, you’ll have a home birth. But if something goes wrong, we will be here on standby for you and the twins.” She assured her. “Any questions Jake?”
Jake sat in the waiting room and looked around at everyone, everything. He was taking it all in. He watched the small TV in the corner before Adri was called to the back.

He sat in the room pretty quietly. There was no way he was missing an appointment but he couldn't help but wonder if she really wanted him there. She didn't hardly look at him or acknowledge him but he also mostly stayed quiet.

When the babies were on the monitor, he recorded it on his phone and took a few photos. When Adri asked if she was bigger, or looked bigger he looked away because he figured she cared for work.

"I want to be surprised of their sex. Thanks though doc." He smiled a little. She told him to rub her feet. He would but it would feel awkward. A chair though, not a problem.

When she asked him about any questions, Jake thought a moment. "Can I get some copies of the ultrasound? Also what has to happen so she can do a home birth? Also what weight should she be at for them?"
“I am going to admit, the odds of it happening are low because you’re high risk having twins. But as long as mom and the babies are healthy you can try. When we get closer to your due date we will have a better idea of if it’s an option. We have to make sure the babies are in a prime position and everyone’s heart rate is where we need them to be.”

“As far as weight, I think about fifteen to twenty pounds is good. Given your height Adri and the fact that you were slightly underweight anyways, that will bump you up to average. Are you still working out and sticking to your diet?” The doctor asked.

“I have a trainer who is making sure I work out safely. I guess look into a nutritionist who can help with the weight gain.” Adri was given a baby wipe to wipe off her stomach.

“You’re going to get bigger. Working out will help you after birth and stretching will help when you’re pushing them out. Don’t go too hard in the gym but you’ll be fine.” She rubbed Adri’s shoulder.

“I will get a copy of the ultrasounds and they will be up front in ten minutes. With the envelope.” She smiled. “How is the nursery planning coming along?”

Adri laughed, “It’s not.” She rubbed her belly and shook her head, “I know it’ll be Winnie the Pooh themed. And I found an artist that draws and paints murals on the walls. But fits like I’m getting all this stuff for these two, do I redo Owen’s room so he doesn’t feel bad? Does O even care? He has started pointing at his own belly and saying baby which is adorable.” Adri smiled. “But yeah, I need to get on that soon. I guess a baby shower is in order. I have time off coming up so we’ll get to it.” She told her and glanced at Jake.

“The sooner the better.” The doctor advised and stood up with the envelope in her hand. “If you don’t have anymore questions, I can walk you up front.” She smiled.
"If it helps, I can pay for equipment and what she needs. I don't mind. I just want her comfortable and have the least amount of stress." He told the doctor.

The amount of weight the doctor wanted her to gain, he knew he could help her lose it once they were born. This was doable for her. If she was willing.

"Thanks doc." He had a feeling they would come sooner than expected.

Once they got the ultrasounds and envelope, they headed out. In the car Jake didn't look at her but spoke up. If you find a chair you want, let me know I'll get it to the house. We should figure out the room we want for the nursery so we can start planning. What else can I do to help?"
She almost made a smart remark about him doing a nursery on his side of the house, but she stomped it down. This weirdness between them wouldn’t last forever. “The room across from Owen’s was supposed to be the nursery, unless you have a different room you want them to use.” She answered.

“I don’t have anywhere to put a chair right now, so I will wait to pick one out until the nursery is painted and decorated.” Whatever chair she picked would go in that room. She’d be spending plenty of time in there.

“The guy who did O’s room is going to do the nursery. He has time to come over next week if you’re free. I have to contact the mural artist to come the same day so they can discuss and get measurements together.”
"No that's fine. I was just checking. We haven't really discussed it since we found out about them..." He told her.

He nodded to the idea for the chair. "Okay. That's fine."

It annoyed him she made decisions on who was doing a room in their house without talking to him. It's not like he cared but discussing someone coming in and out of their house would have been nice but het let it go. "Depends when it is. I'll try to be. So you don't need me to do anything for our kid's room except show up to this meeting?"
“You have to do more than show up. Input would be nice. It’s the same as when we did Owen’s room. We give them a basic idea and see what they come up with. Change things we don’t like and keep things we do like.”

“You were fine with Winnie the Pooh and neutrals before. If that’s changed let me know so I can do a different idea board. Or you do an idea board and we see how they can mash them together.” She offered. He had nothing to do with decoration and planning before but now he was all about it. “It’s up to you Jake. It’s your house.” She said softly.

She looked out the window and told herself not to cry in the car. They could at least make it home and separate before she did that.
"I was just asking. We haven't talked about it in awhile. Just figure out what's going on." He told her and glanced out the window before looking back at the road.

"Winnie is fine. I just didn't know who you decided on doing it. Having someone in and out of our house is nice to know about is all." He sighed and glanced at her. "Adri, it hasn't been my house since WE bought it together." He told her and looked back at the road.

Jake was starting to think that maybe this wasn't ever going to get better. Would they ever get somewhere good again? Jake pulled into Starbucks. "I read there's some pregnant friendly drinks here. Do you want to try one?" He asked trying to be nice.
“It’s not like it’s set in stone. It’s a consultation to see what he would do. We have used him before. I thought it would be fine. If we don’t like his ideas we shop around a bit. I’m asking what day are you available for him to come by. I just got his schedule last night. I haven’t had time to run it by you.” She explained.

“Can I have a trenta sized water?” She asked and was going to leave it at that, “And one of the drinks you found. And a cake pop for Owen.” She said since he was being nice. She didn’t want food because she was going to dinner with friends in a few hours and she didn’t want to over stuff herself, even if she needed to gain weight.

Her phone started to ring and groaned before answering and putting it on speaker. “Hi mom.” She spoke into the phone.

“Hi Adrianna. How was the appointment?” She asked.

“It was fine. They’re healthy and growing. We are driving home now. Can I call you later?”

There was a gasp, “Hi Jakey! Oh I miss you. Are you okay? Adri said you have a fight in Prague. That’s exciting. You’ll do well I’m sure. We can’t wait to see it. Well I won’t watch it, I’ll watch your highlights.” She assured him.

“Did you find out the genders?” She asked.

“I have them written down in an envelope. We haven’t looked yet.” Adri answered.

“Well you have to look. That’s the fun of being pregnant Adrianna. How are you going to buy clothes or a baby shower or anything else? We have to know.” She pushed.

“Okay mom. I’m hanging up now. Jake is trying to drive.”

“He’s a perfectly capable driver Adrianna. Hey, why don’t I come pick up Owen this weekend and give you two some time off? You can go on a date or something. When’s the last time that happened? Do you want the key to make it to thirty years? Date often. And have separate hobbies.” She laughed.

“We will think about it. And keep that in mind when we get married. Thanks mom. Love you. Bye.” She said and hung up the phone.

“Sorry.” She said softly and put her phone down. That wasn’t going to happen again.
Jake for her water and ordered them both a tea. One was a berry the other peach. He'd let her pick one she wanted. Then he grabbed a cake pop for Owen.

"Hey mom!" He smiled a little. "Im...okay." Jake knew he should call her and actually talk to her cause she always was good at advice. "Yes ma'am. I have to defend my title. It should be a good one. If you want to come...I can get that arranged."

When her mom mentioned they go on a date, Jake glanced at Adri for how she'd like that idea. He grabbed their stuff after paying and handed her water to her. The rest went in his cupholders.

Jake looked at her as he pulled out. "Does she not know where we stand right now?!"
She took the water and drank half of it almost immediately. “She knows it’s rough. She knows we are in different rooms.” Adri told him.

“She doesn’t want to believe it though. As long as we are all under the same roof trying to make it work, we are married in her eyes. There is no going back. You don’t bring kids into a relationship and not make it work.” Adri said softly. She heard the speech a million times now. She could recite it herself. She didn’t want to get into what her mother believed.

She sighed and sipped on her water. “The therapist called. Not Tara but Benjamin, here. He said he could get us penciled in. They already spoke to each other. He’s ready. If you want to continue.”
"Berry or peach?" He asked and took the one she didn't want and tried it. It was pretty good and he'd try to remember that for next time.

"Hmm." Jake wasn't too sure what to say. "At least two of us have faith... " It was good to have someone believe they could work. His family hoped they would make it work but was also being realistic.

"I think that's a good idea. When should we go?" He asked. Jake knew her agent loved that they were having issues and kept tossing jobs at her. Until she looked bigger, he would offer them.
“Peach.” She said and handed him the berry.

She rolled her eyes and looked away. “I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t think it would work out.”

She looked at her schedule which was mostly open next week and then got busy the following week. “We can go Tuesday next week, if you’re open.” That gave them time to do whatever homework they were given and prepare for the next session. “I have to go to LA Thursday. I come back Friday night.” Then she’d have to travel to New York for a couple days for a fitting and some other work related stuff.
"Well with how cold it is in the truck, I wasn't quite sure." He told her pretty frankly.

"I guess that will work. I can move training around if I have to. We need to get in before you're gone." He told her. Jake got in the habit of staying busy. But between the nanny and himself they had Owen's schedule figured out.

"I'm going over to see Amy when I get home she's due any day. I'll take Owen with me. I'm sure she will want to see him with being in LA."
“Then turn on the heat. Sorry therapy isn’t working to your expectations.” She snapped back.

“We can do it in the morning while Owen’s at daycare. If we drive separate cars, you can go to the gym right after.” She told him and sent the email to Ben so they could book their slot.

“I’m going to dinner with friends. I might spend the night with them.” It would be nice to have a conversation that wasn’t laced with venom or expectant of something. Just hanging out and laughing, she could not wait.
He rolled his eyes. "Yeah I thought maybe you wouldn't be so cold with me when I haven't done anything..." He told her with a sigh but then let it go.

Jake nodded to doing it in the morning. "That sounds good." It was important and he could go to the gym whenever. Jake really hoped to see a bit of progress. They've hardly touched in weeks.

"Well have fun. safe..." He told her. When they got home, he parked by the garage and walked in carrying their bags. He let Owen see Adri a little before packing him a bag to go see Amy.

"Are you ready to see Auntie? She's got a baby in her belly like mama. And he's going to come out anytime now. So we better go see her now. Do you want to stop at the store and get her something and the baby something?" Owen nodded his head, "A car!" He chuckled. "Okay we can get your cousin a car."

Jake went to Amy and Luke's and spend the evening with them. They stayed for dinner. After, Owen had been tired from the day and was watching cartoons in the living as they sat at their little bar area. Jake hoped Adri wouldn't come up but he knew she probably would...
Adri picked Owen up and kissed his cheeks on greeting. She watched him while Jake packed their bags. “Can you tell your aunt I said hi? Can you say mommy said hi?” She asked and tickled his sides. “Be good. I love you O.” She kissed him again and set him down so he could go.

She went upstairs to her closet to find something to wear. She tried on a million things but only a few fit the bill. She wanted to look good but hide any sort of bump that was happening. She’d pay for it later but she also grabbed some high heels and went to the other side of the house to get in the shower and get her make up on.

With the amount of dancing to music and pictures she took as she got ready to document her bump, she was ready by the time she wanted to be. She took a few more pictures of herself fully dressed and then she went to meet with her friends. From there, they had a car take them to a fancy restaurant on the strip that was opening up.

There was a red carpet and a couple news outlets that asked questions about the restaurant and what she was excited for and then her group went in to eat.

There was four of them total, they were all
Models that she was close with. They would have been her bridesmaids in September. She caught them up on all the happenings and social media silence and since she trusted them completely, she told them the additional big news.

Amy and Luke were ready for the baby to come. He was past his due date and she had an induction date but she was really hoping he’d come naturally. She tried to be good and not bring her up. They were doing fairly well at that. Discussing his work and Luke getting him ready. But at the same time it was killing her.

“What are you two doing?” She asked him. “I know, I know don’t talk about it blah blah blah. What are you two doing? You both seem miserable. everyone can see how much you love each other and yet…what? What is this?” She asked and put a hand on her stomach and behind her to stand up. “You two stress me the hell out.”
He really did hope that Adri had a good time out with friends. She did deserve a break.

Jake signed and gave Amy a look when she asked. But it was also a bit expected. She was his sister and she cared about Adri too. His hand went to his face. All he could do was shrug. "I don't know Aim. I don't know. We stay in separate rooms. Things are cold. Things came up in therapy and I just....I don't know. It's not fair to get into it too much. Especially her side of things."

"I just hope she figures things out before it's too late. We were supposed to be getting married. Having twins. Now I question a lot of how she feels." He shrugged. "I know what I want. Just waiting to find out I'd it's the same as she does.".

Jake thought maybe it was time to bring up her always expecting them to break up. He really thought that was the reason for things.
Amy paced the living to both move around and get things started with the baby if she could.

“You can see how she feels in the way she looks at you.” Amy argued and raised her hands. “I love and support you no matter what you choose. But Jake she’s pregnant and hormones are driving her mad. There were days when I didn’t want Luke to look at me. And if he said the wrong thing or I did it just compounded and compounded. Your feelings a valid but your hormones are in sync. Hers are not. She’s questioning a lot of things right now. It’s normal. I was questioning everything. I wasn’t ready. I don’t know if I am now.”

She rubbed her stomach, “This was part of my plan. This came at the right time. I know it wasn’t part of hers. I know she thought she couldn’t have any. And now she’s having two. And now her relationship is upside down. It’s a miracle the girl is getting dressed every morning. She probably sleeps alone because she’s crying herself to sleep.” She told him.

“Her first thought is not about you anymore. And it’s not supposed to be. Treat her like she’s carrying your babies. That doesn’t mean bathe her diamonds. It means get her a pickle. Get her a foot and back massager.”

“She wouldn’t have agreed to marry you if she wasn’t sure she wanted to be with you. Did she say she didn’t want to get married? Were those her words? You both have options outside of your relationship. If that conversation happened and she said she didn’t want to be with you, why would she still be with you? Why would she stay in LA? Why is she still in the house?” She asked.

“What is your problem with her? Just say it out loud. It won’t leave the room. Let’s pretend I’m Adri, what’s the issue?”
Jake raised an eyebrow at his sister. "Have you been talking to her or something? You seem to be on her side. It's a mom and pregnancy thing?" He asked but was joking.

"I do nice things for her. I got her pregnancy friendly Starbucks. I took the time to research what she could have. You're acting like I don't do anything for her or don't see she's pregnant and questioning her future. I get that. I did the same thing with Owen."

He ran a hand through his hair. "Every time things get hard, she has a back up plan. She is always waiting for us to fail. She would get mad at me for being jealous of her working and because of her work she kissed someone else and didn't tell me. The fact she didn't tell me worries me a bit. She kept her relationship before us a secret for a long time too. I'm afraid she's gonna resent me. But regardless I want her. She isn't giving that back to me. She's said we've moved too fast. To have Owen. Get engaged. Get pregnant. So I'm giving her the space she wants to slow down. She wants to work. I'm giving it to her..."
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