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Is He A Lover or A Fighter? (Part 4) WF+GF

Jake made a cup of coffee from the Keurig and put some protein in it and cream. "You can go first. I can wait." He told her. "Thanks for breakfast."

He nodded about the counseling. "Okay. I appreciate you calling. I have a phone meeting with Dana at 11 or 11:30. I'll have to check but I'll be done before your meeting. And if not I can still handle Owen." He told her before grabbing a plate of food and sitting down with Owen. "You're still waking up aren't you bud?" He smiled and kissed his head.

Jake looked over at Adri. "Enjoy your workout." He said softly. After Adri left, he looked at Owen. "Alright. It's been two days. I gotta get out of this funk." Jake's whole life people told him he wasn't good enough or showed him he wasn't by their actions and he became world champion. He used that as motivation and drive. This wasn't going to break him or them. It just meant they'd be stronger and better than before.
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“Thank you. I fricken need it.” Adri said about working out. She bent over and gave Owen a kiss on the cheek and pulled his fingers out of his mouth, but they went right back in when she had her back turned.

“Maybe Dana can set him up with a fight.” She joked and rubbed the top of Owen’s head.

Adri went upstairs to change and then came back down to go to the gym on the first level. She had to be careful about workouts she could do. She would have to hire someone to help her do good exercises that were safe. For now she mostly jogged and worked on the toning machines.

She came back upstairs and took a shower and changed so she could get to her meeting. “As she came to the living room, she Jake a text with the address of the therapist. “I have to leave at eleven to get my lawyers office and then get to the office where the meeting is. Janice is on her way and will be here just in case you aren’t finished before I have to go.” She told him.
Jake grinned at Owen. "The UFC isn't ready for our offspring just yet. With my DNA and your punch...we'd rule the UFC." He chuckled and tickled Owen's side.

Once Owen was done eating, he got him cleaned up and let him watch TV and play while Jake checked emails.

When Adri came in he looked up and as she explained the plan. "Okay I'm going to go for a run and come back to get ready for my meeting. Worse case, I'll see you at our therapy session." He got up and stopped, looking at Adri. "Do you feel better after your workout?"

Jake headed up to their room to change into shorts and grab his earbuds he took off running outside. It was nice to get some fresh air and run outside.
“Not really.” She said honestly. “I just need a trainer. Work the right muscles, keep the babies safe.” She shrugged her shoulder. She hoped that helped. She would find out when she had a trainer. There were plenty of them in LA. It wouldn’t be hard.

She stayed with Owen until the nanny came and then she went to her meeting. She had a breakdown with her lawyer and what they would be discussing before she went to her really meeting with him. There was a lot to discuss when starting a brand. She wanted to be aware of everything that went into it, but a lot of it was boring business stuff.

Her meeting was over at four thirty and with LA traffic she would either barely make it to therapy on time or she’d be a few minutes late. She called Jake to let him know she was on her way, but might be late. She stopped by Starbucks for a snack and then made her way. True enough to LA traffic, she got stuck on the highway for twenty minutes, which made her later than expected. Not the best way to start therapy.

She made it to the building and rushed inside.

“Hi I’m sorry I’m late. I got stuck in the meeting later than expected.” She said and sat on the couch with Jake. “I’m sorry.”
Jake has a long run and then came back and showered quick before his video meeting with Dana. He set him up with a good fight opportunity but didn't commit until he talked to Adri first. Dana then asked how things were between them and he said okay. He didn't want to get into too many details especially over the phone.

He then played with Owen for awhile until it was time to leave for their therapy session. Jake wasn't thrilled about her potentially being a few minutes late but then when she walked in as late as she did, he was annoyed. It wasn't a good look and it made it seem like yet again he was put second.

When Adri came in, the therapist smiled at her. "Hi. I'm Tara Collins. Jake here was filling me in on what happened from his perspective and gave a little background. Can I have you fill me in on your side?" She asked with a smile. Jake didn't say anything as he sat there and let her have her time to share.

"Jake explained that this kiss happened awhile back but during a time you two were having troubles. What was the cause of the troubles or what would you say was the cause?" She asked her.
Adri took a seat and looked at Jake as Tara explained what they had been talking about. She could only imagine the image Tara had of her now.

Adri explained what happened and how it happened just like she did the night before with Jake. But she did add the detail that they had either just found out about Owen or knew he was coming and she had to do a lot of soul searching to figure out if she wanted to stay with him or not.

“Stress or outside stress and work.” She said to the cause of the trouble. “Not Owen, but Layla and not know what she wanted or how it would work with her put a lot of stress between us. And if I wanted to build myself up the way I have then I needed to do jobs. We live in Vegas and I had to travel a lot. So I was gone a lot. New York or LA. I went from being with Jake 24/7, literally as his assistant, to being with him when I wasn’t working. He didn’t like that.” She said softly.

“So I worked a photo shoot years ago and made a mistake years ago. I just feel like if we were as good as I thought we were, this kiss wouldn’t have made the impact that it did. I love Jake, we don’t always see eye to eye. We don’t always agree. But I love him and I want to see him happy. Whatever that looks like for him.”
Jake just listened and let Adri have her time to explain. But her comment saying she thought they were stronger than what the kiss should have been, stung a bit. He looked down a moment before looking at her. "It's not the kiss so much that hurts. It's the fact you kept it from me. I thought we were stronger than that...I tell you everything. The good, bad, and ugly...."

Tara was writing then looked up at them. "Okay. It seems like you both feel like you have a strong relationship. A strong foundation. Does the stress of work or other things still cause problems or have you worked that? I'm new to your case."

Jake looked at Adri. "I feel like it's a lot better. I had been working out of town myself. I still hate being away from my family but we make it work."
“When was I supposed to tell you? When we were fighting every day? When we finally got to a better place? Everything we did ended in a fight. I couldn’t tell you I kissed Chris without it ending us. I couldn’t risk it so I didn’t tell you. I knew it wouldn’t happen again. And it hasn’t happened. You know everything else.” She told him.

“He got a job out here and we were going to make long distance work. But it’s not in the cards right now. So we have a house for a few months and we are staying here with him.” She explained.

“I think Jake and I work better when we are together. We can go maybe a week or a week and a half apart and be fine. Any longer and I feel like we start fighting.” She looked at Jake to get his input.
"We did counseling then. And that helped. Why not bring it up during counseling so we could have worked through it at that time?" He asked. "And when you say you couldn't tell me then it makes me feel like I am not allowed to be upset."

"It seems like there is still some things you two need to work out. This from the past is maybe bringing up some things that need addressed." Tara chimed in.

Jake nodded about fighting after too long apart. "She's my best friend. Just talking things out with her on a daily helps me. It's weird, I know but it happened when she worked for me and then I still do it. So when I don't have that for awhile it gives me anxiety I guess. I guess I'd call it anxiety. I don't know what else it is. But...I literally lived on my own for so long I was afraid that I'd get too comfortable in being by myself. Or maybe she would and realize she doesn't me."

He looked away. "I have a lot of personal issues. I grew up with a shitty situation at home. I never felt wanted and after talking to my therapist he think that the longer apart those feelings come back up... So I guess it's my fault that we have the problems we do..."
“You’re allowed to be mad. You said you questioned getting married. I get that I made a mistake but for the consequence to be that big…” She shook her head and stopped talking while she tried to think about what she wanted to say.

“I’m trying to plan a future and I don’t want you to be a maybe in it.” She finally said.

“And you Adri? How do you feel when you’re apart from Jake for long periods of time?” Tara asked, noticing Adri went quiet.

“I don’t know. I miss him and O, the dogs. I want to be home. But I enjoy working. I like traveling. When I’m home I have so many shoes to fill and when I get to a hotel and it’s quiet, I relax. I enjoy it. And then I feel guilty because I know the boys need me. The dogs need me. I shouldn’t enjoy being alone as much as I do. I do miss everyone after a couple days. I’m never gone long. I always come back. I always want to come back.”
"I didn't question marrying you. I was only saying with us being at odds we probably shouldn't...I want us happy and crazy in love." He told her. "I'm crazy in love but not entirely happy right now..."

Jake looked down as she talked about being away. That was how she felt before when she was away. It hurt a little but maybe he depended too much on her. He started to say something but stopped. Until recently, he didn't have a chance to go somewhere and forget his responsibilities but if they got down to it, Owen wasn't really her responsibility so he couldn't say anything about. It wouldn't be fair.

"Jake, did you want to say something?" Tara asked.

"I guess I depend too much on her. Too much pressure. If she needs time away or to do more work... " He shrugged. Jake was going to offer for them to get a house in LA or somewhere closer for her.

"Adri do you miss them cause they are always around or do you miss them because you want to spend time with them?" Tara asked and then paused a moment. "I'm just going to ask...where do you see yourself if you and Jake weren't together? Do you think life would be easier?"

Jake was surprised about the hard questions so early but then again, why beat around the bush?
“If we get married there are going to be times where we aren’t happy but we are in love. That happens. If you wave this maybe we shouldn’t get married flag because you aren’t happy now, what’s stopping you from waving a divorce flag in the future?” She asked. “I’m not getting married to get divorced. I’m not having kids with you to get a child support check. I want you. I want us to have a family. It doesn’t matter if we are happy or mad or sad. I want to be with you.” She told him.

Adri looked at Tara and thought about it. “I…I don’t know. I guess I’m so used to having a crazy loud house. I do miss the noise. But I think I miss them more. I miss Owen when he calls me mama. I miss Jake’s hand on my thigh. I need a break sometimes, sure but I don’t want to break this up.”

She looked at Jake and then Tara. “I wouldn’t be where I am. I don’t think it would be easier. I didn’t have a lot of options before Jake. I worry sometimes that we are moving too quickly. We had Owen after what six months? Engaged soon after. And now pregnant and not married. I don’t regret anything, I would t change anything, but I do wonder what would have happened to us if we didn’t have Owen.”
Jake looked at her. "I understand that but our wedding day is supposed to be one of our happiest days of our lives...that's all I meant..." He sighed a little but let her talk.

"This is where I'm confused. You want to get married but we are moving too fast..." He looked at Tara. "I can't imagine where we'd be without Owen because he's here. Once I found out about him, he wasn't never a question of what I was doing. I know you didn't sign up for that..." He looked at Adri. "I guess if I had to guess we probably would still be engaged but maybe not getting married so soon..."

Tara looked at Jake. "Now where would be if you and Adri weren't together?"

"I'd be raising Owen by myself if I hadn't got together with her. If I did she'd still see him... But I'd still be fighting. Still working towards my dreams. It would be harder. Different having her to bounce ideas off of. Honestly, my mental health wouldn't be where it is now. She's the one that made me realize it's nothing to be ashamed of." He told her.

"Do you miss her or the idea of her when she'd gone? Or maybe even the help with Owen?" Tara asked.

"Well it is easier tag teaming him and the dogs. But I miss her. She's my best friend. I don't even have to be talking to her, just sitting with her..." He shrugged. "It's hard to explain."

Tara smiled a little. "Well it's a good sign you both miss each other. But I do think we have a lot to work on as well. May I ask, Adri do you see a therapist of your own? Jake mentioned he does due to nightmares but hadn't seen him until recently. Also, you both have careers that take a lot of preparing like exercising or tanning. It's things I'd imagine you work on all the time? Your relationship should be the same way. Don't just call when you have something wrong..." She smiled at them.
“It was never in the plan to get pregnant before we got married. I was ready to raise Owen. I was ready to get married. We were told we couldn’t have kids. And now I’m pregnant. We are going to be a family of five in seven months. Things are moving quickly jake. Maybe not for you because you don’t have to do anything but sit there and be supportive. But things are moving quickly for the one who has to carry the babies.” C

Adri listened to Jake’s answer and instantly felt guilty for hers. Maybe it didn’t come out how she intended.

“Sometimes when I’m really anxious or stressed, I have a therapist I can call and speak to.” She answered. “I saw her more years ago but we switched to as needed.” She said.

“How often do you want to see us?” She asked Tara.
"Adri I have to do more than be supportive. I'm going to have two more mouths to feed and support. My future depends on how I can support them for the next eighteen plus years. What if I get hurt and can't fight. Where is money going to come from? What if...what if something happens to me? Then who takes care of you all?"

"It is up to you if you want to seek their help during this time. But I'd like to communicate with them just so I'm not giving you contradicting help." She explained.

"I think once to twice a week if you agree to do some homework if I give it to you. I know you both are very busy." Tara explained. "Jake, continue with your therapist especially with the nightmares." Jake agreed because it helped before and he had hoped it would help again.

"Your homework is to take thirty minutes a day, even if it's after your son as went to bed. And spend it together. Do not talk about work. Do not talk about the wedding. Or your future as a couple. Then keep a record of what you each discuss. Maybe in a journal or something and bring it back to me." Jake wondered what the point of it was but was willing to do it. "Maybe do it over a dinner or a snack. Something you both enjoy."
“Jake you can retire right now and we would be set for the rest of our lives. Between your contract and mine, we are financially fine. You make high six figures per fight. You invest. You are working on other things. You’re fine.” She told him.

“I will leave you her name and number.” Adri said and picked up her phone and wrote it down on a post it note.

Adri nodded her head to their homework. she knew from the last time they wouldn’t feel good until they dug deep and found the root of the problem. She didn’t know what the root was or where it would come from and it made her feel sick.

“It was nice meeting you.” She said softly and stood up to shake her hand. When they went out front Adri waited for Jake. “I have some stuff I have to pick up from the store and then I’ll be home. Maybe an hour.” She told him. “Do you need anything?”
Jake nodded. They did have the money but still it was something he worried about. "I understand that but I still worry. Because I want the best doctors for you and the babies. If I get a bad injury that could be expensive...I worry effects me too. This is why I didn't want to sign a prenup because I'd still take care of you and our kids. I don't care about the money if my family is taken care of..." He told her and sighed.

He stood up and thanked Tara and shook her hand. When he walked out and Adri told him she had to stop at the store, he thought a moment. "Maybe a notebook or a journal for our homework. Maybe two." He told her.

"I'll see you back at the house. I'll tell you then what Dana had to say. Ill start careful..." He told her before heading to his truck. On the drive home, he wondered what the root of this issue was. He thought they worked passed the problem before but maybe they didn't. Maybe she wouldn't feel so pressured if they pushed the wedding back she's mentioned it a few times. Maybe that was what she wanted.

When he got home, he let the nanny leave or she could stay for dinner. He grabbed some stuff out and started to make a healthy chicken Alfredo with broccoli and a salad. He had music on in the kitchen as he cooked.
“Will do.” She said and pulled her keys out of her purse. “I won’t be long. I’ll text you when I’m on the way.” She told him and closed the door. She went to Target and other than some fans wanting a picture with her, she was able to walk around peacefully. Leaving she had paparazzi in her face asking her questions but she put in her sunglasses and did her best to ignore them.

By the time she got home, she was mentally exhausted and ravenous. She set the bags down and walked in. When Owen saw her he screamed and ran over. She picked him up and peppered him with kisses.

“Are you helping daddy cook?” She asked him and set him down. She went into the kitchen and stole a piece of broccoli.

“I’m starving.” She told Jake. “I got you a notebook.” She told him. “And I got some other things. But I think you’ll like the lot rook I picked out.” She smiled and went to go get it. She showed him a notebook with him posing on the cover in a fight stance.

“if you don’t want this one I will use it or we can give it to Owen, but I thought it was pretty cool.”
Jake looked at the notebook she got him. He looked at it and then Adri. "I'm not taking that to the therapist. That would make me look so self centered." He smiled and chuckled. "I'll use it though. Just not for that."

He set the table and had Owen's cooling on his tray before putting him in. "This is ready if you're ready to eat." He told her softly. Owen was jumping in to eat as if he too was starving. Jake sat down after grabbing himself some water.

"Dana has a championship title fight for me. It will obviously be me protecting my title. It is a destination fight. It's not Germany but it's Prague. Do you think you can get your grandpa to travel? I'll pay for someone to drive them. Pay for the hotel and all of that if they can travel." He told her. "But I need to let Dana know for sure if I can do it. I wanted to talk to you first." That made him think. How often did she talk to him about jobs before just taking them and telling him later.
Adri smiled and shrugged her shoulder. “Fine. I did get some basic composition notebooks too. I thought maybe, just maybe, you might like writing in that one.” She teased.

She was more than ready to eat. She made sure Owen had his cup at the ready and poured herself a glass of water before taking her seat.

“I have to look at flights and ask him. If anything I can fly to Germany to meet them and fly back here with them both.” She said. “And then after the fight we can fly to Germany.” She shrugged her shoulder.

“When is the fight?” She asked. She wanted to know so she would know how big she would be. And the weather situation. “I’m not
going to hold you back from a fight like that.” She told him. “We will figure out a way to make it work.”
Jake took a bite of food. "It's in Prague. As in Czech Republic. Isn't that like drivable from Germany? I thought maybe we could drive them to the fight." He explained. "Or fly if it's easier. I'm fine with that too. I didn't know what would be easier to travel with them."

"It's in three months...which means I have to really start training. I wanted early for the wedding and I don't want to travel when you're farther along. I need to be here." He explained. Jake watched her a moment. "They want to do opponents from different countries. As of now I'd fight Alex Pereira. He's next in line...He's from Brazil."

Owen loved his dinner and took turns using his fork or his fingers. He'd take a bite and say, "Mmmm." Jake looked at him and shook his head and smiled. "Is it good." He looked at him and nodded. "More please?" Jake gave him another spoonful of pasta. "Let it cool first. Eat the rest first."

"How do you think things went today?" Jake asked Adri about their therapy.
“I have to check. I don’t know how they’ll get there. Flights was the easiest to say. We will see.”

“You’ll be a busy bee. Training and filming. Is Luke flying out or do you have a small temp team down here?” She asked. “What’s Alex’s record?” She asked.

Adri smiled at Owen. He wasn’t picky and she hoped he stayed that way. As long as he liked to eat, they would feed him the good stuff.

“I don’t know. It’s a start. It didn’t answer anything but it was a decent beginning, I guess. I don’t feel good. I don’t feel awful yet either. I know it’s coming eventually. How do you feel?”
He nodded. "Well let me know. If they can make it, they will have tickets. Or if they want to watch it in a comfortable place that's okay too." He told her.

Jake shook his head. "He can't leave Amy right now. He has some guys to come out and train me. I may make some calls for some additional help. He said he could get film from training and give feedback..." He shrugged. This would possibly be a big test if he could stand on his own without his trainer and maybe without Adri on location as well. "Pereira is 7- 1...He's only fought four fights in the UFC. He's a kick boxer with a 33-7 record. Dana sees something he likes in this guy..." He told her.

"I didn't expect the first visit to fix it all..." He said softly. "I'm willing to see what she things and what happens." Jake took a few bites and looked at Owen. "I do think we depend too much on you. That's not fair to you. If you feel more comfortable pushing the wedding back like you've wanted then I'm okay with it. If it's what you want and what will help you not feel so rushed and pressured." He told her.
“And he’s already going for a title fight? That’s a little bold isn’t it?” She asked. “Their baby will be here by the time you have to fight. He might not be able to join you the whole week, but maybe he can come the day of the fight and go home. If Luke and Amy comfortable with that.” She said softly.

“I don’t know what I want.” She said honestly. She wanted to get married. She wanted to be married. She loved their little family. She didn’t know how therapy would affect them though. The idea of pushing the wedding back was smart.

“Maybe we push it back a year or into the summer. I don’t know.” At least she wouldn’t be killing herself to fit into a dress. Biltmore wouldn’t be happy and they’d lost their deposit, but in the long run, it was better to be safe. Still it hurt and made her tear up a little. She was excited to get married.

“I can make the calls tomorrow.” She said softly.
Jake nodded. "Yeah. I'm sure what's up with him. I haven't watched a lot of him. I'll have to definitely do my homework. I'll have to pick up on the defense and blocking." He explained. "I'll leave it up to them about it."

He looked over at her. "It's whatever you think is best Adri. I don't want you stressed and pressured into getting married." Jake was explaining. "I know what I want. I've known what I wanted for awhile. If I have to wait to get it...I will. Just let me know when you're ready...." He told her.

Jake didn't want to push it back. He wanted to be able to call her his wife. But it was hard to feel like she was ready for that.

"I'm going to go over film after I clean up. I can watch Owen. He can play while I watch. If you have stuff you need to do..."
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