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Is He A Lover or A Fighter? (Part 4) WF+GF

Jake smiled at Owen. "You going to help mommy? I bet she loves the help bud. Can I get a hug since you're going to go to bed?" He asked him and he gave a nod but it was a one armed hug, he wasn't letting go of Adri.

When Adri got up with Owen part of him wanted to reach out to her but he didn't. Instead, he didn't say anything and let her go upstairs. His hand ran over his face and then he sat there thinking. His mind was racing and didn't know how to exactly express what was going on his mind.

Jake waited until after he knew her hair was dry and when she was probably putting Owen down. Before she could get too far after he was down, he caught her in the hallway. "Can talk?" He asked before heading into their bedroom and sitting on the bed.

"I thought your dad was coming?" He asked, wondering when his flight was. "If he's coming in tomorrow, I can get him if you need me to."
Drying her hair was a lot slower with a toddler helping her. First he wanted his hair dried and then he wanted to dry her hair and then dry Max. Adri managed to do a small trade off. If she dried her hair, she would dry a piece of his and then quickly blow Max.

She changed him first and read him a bed time story. He was out before the middle. Max curled up on the floor next to Owen’s bed and Adri went to change into her pajamas. She followed Jake to the bedroom and got some shorts on under the robe and then took it off and put a shirt on.

“I talked him out of it. He trusts my judgement. But he has a bag packed and will be ready to come if I need him.” She said softly.
He nodded about her father coming.

"I had a session with my therapist in Vegas. I think it helped...process everything. My thoughts. My emotions. What happened..." He looked at her. "I don't know how long this is going to hurt. I hope not long. But, I love you. I still want to marry you and build this family we already started."

Jake let out a small sigh, "If I'm being honest though, the trust thing is going to take time. The affection is going to take time. This messed with my head a bit. I am strong, fast, a fucking champion but honestly, how you see me is really all that matters and I don't entirely feel enough for you. I can't help but wonder what you family is thinking of me right now. I feel really self conscious. That's all stuff I know I need to work on and deal with and will go to therapy to help with that. But I think we need to go together too."

"I'm a little worried though if we will be ready to get married when we wanted to in all honesty."
“Take all the time you need.” She said softly. “And know that my feelings for you have only ever grown and I have not questioned my place in this relationship. I know where I want to be and that’s with you and Owen and the two that come next. I can’t force you to see that, but I can show you the best I can and hope that I have your trust again one day.” She said.

“You don’t have to worry about my family. My mom is very upset at me because she loves you like her own. Dad said she’s been debating if she should call or not.” She told him. “Call her if you need a mom.”

She nodded her head slowly and bit her tongue. And this is why you don’t get pregnant before you get married. It made her stomach turn. “I need to know now if you don’t want to get married in September so I can get invitations canceled before they go out.”

She wasn’t going to have a ring and she was going to have three kids. That was a lot to process. The one thing she didn’t want to happen was happening. Co-parenting or not, it was her and three kids. Three under three. An apartment or house for four. A nanny. A custody agreement, she didn’t have a reason to stay in Vegas without Jake. Did she move to LA or New York? She felt her stomach turn again and tried to rub it away but it was building until she had to rush to the bathroom and let it out.
Jake believed her when she said she wanted to be with him and in their family. It was easy now while they talked but when she would have to go out of town for work when it would really be a test. A test if he could trust her. And it may take a few trips before he does. He didn't know how long it would take.

He nodded about his mom. Jake absolutely loved her mother. She was like a bonus mom to him. If they ever did break up, losing her mother would be very hard for him because he and his mother will never have that relationship. "I appreciate you offering your mom...We both know my mom wouldn't know two words to say nor would I want her to." He felt about joking that if they ever did break up, he got her mom. "She call. Me or you. I'm sure you need a mom too..."

Before he could really respond, Adri was up and in the bathroom. That seemed new that she got sick so late. He got up and went in the bathroom and held her hair for her and rubbed her back. He helped put the babies there, he could at least rub her back when she threw up.

When she wad done, he got her some water and made sure she was okay. "Adri...I want to marry you. That hasn't changed. Where we stand right now don't feel right marrying you tomorrow. But I think with therapy and everything we can get back to where we were. It may be two weeks. It may be a month. I'm not sure if that makes sense.. " He leaned against the bathroom counter.
“She wants nothing to do with me right now. Go ahead and take her.” Adri rolled her eyes and crossed her arms over her chest.

“Jacob, I’m not planning a wedding you’re not sure you want to be in. Full stop. Right there. It may be two weeks or a month or a few months or a year. The closer we get to September the more pressure it is on us to make it work and the more money we are spending for a maybe. That’s wasteful.” The thought of it made her sick. Or maybe that was the anxiety. Either way the ice cream did not taste as good the second time around.

She leaned against the wall and closed her eyes. “I’d rather push it back a year and lose all of our deposits now. Weddings are too expensive, our wedding already is too expensive, to be teetering on maybe we will be in a better place.” She was trying to be rational.
"I doubt that. She's still your mother..." He told her.

Jake looked at her a moment. She called him his actual name. She hardly ever did that. Normally he was in trouble. What she said made sense. It did but.. he didn't want to do it. "No. I don't want to push it back. I really don't think it's going to take that long for me to get past this." He looked down. "It was a kiss. You didn't fuck someone. If we were really bad off I wouldn't be here right now..." He told her honestly.

"I also wouldn't be telling you that you're insane if you think you're sleeping on the couch..." He thought about it a moment. "Adriana, our son came into this world in a broken home. We've fought to make sure he knows nothing but love. Love for him. Love for us from each other. Love from our families. I had to fight to get his name to be Daniels on his birth certificate." He moved to sit on the counter. "I feel ashamed that I can't even tell him that he was made from love. But those babies that are growing inside you. They were. A crazy and passionate love between you and I. And when they come into this world, when you hold them, I want that wedding ring on your finger. And I want not just their father but your husband holding that hand when you're pushing them out."

"We've waited long enough. I'm going to be there that day to watch you walk down that aisle. And your ass best be there...or I am taking your mom and I'm keeping her."
She leaned against the wall and put her head back with her eyes closed. She believed they would get to a better place. She knew they would, but not knowing when was the problem. They were in a weird spot and the only reasonable split was pushing the date back. They weren’t canceling anything, they were just giving themselves time to get back to normal. She could stop planning for now and just wait for a bit. See what happened down the road.

If things looked like they would need more time then she would push back the wedding. She wasn’t walking down the aisle if he wasn’t sure he wanted to be there. She was getting married to stay married. She didn’t want to get separated and divorced and go through that.

“I love you Jake.” She said softly and looked at his reflection in the mirror. “I really do. But your math is off. The babies get here before the wedding. Their due date is two weeks before the wedding.” She reminded him.
Jake sighed and put his head down. "Sorry, it's been a long couple days. But you know what I mean..." He told her and looked at her. "And I love you too." He spoke softly before looking back down.

He was already feeling better about some things so he didn't think it would take that long to get back where they needed to be or even better. He too was getting married forever. Jake knew he and Adri could be one of the celebrity couples to beat the odds.

His eyes shifted to her again. "You know what really makes me feel better when I'm hurting?"
“Please don’t say ice cream, I will throw up again.” She said softly and rubbed her stomach. Ice cream didn’t work this time. In reality it never really worked. It just tasted good.

She looked at Jake and raised her eyebrows in question, besides taking his anger out on a punching bag, she coming up with nothing. Which strange because she knew everything about him.

“What makes you feel better?” She asked. “Don’t say food. I don’t think I can handle putting anything in.”
"I does taste good normally...but not what I was thinking. I've had a slight addiction to cookie dough. They sell that in pints now..."

"I do love food. I could eat Chipotle...but not what I was thinking either." He told her.

He smiled at her a little. "You Adri. You make me feel better. A hug from you. Snuggling your chest. But I understand if our children don't want you to cuddle."
Her face twisted a bit when he mentioned cookie dough and more when he mentioned Chipotle.

“Thank god.” She said softly and held her arms out for a hug. She squeezed him tight and buried her face in his neck. “I’m sorry. I should have told you sooner.” She said softly.

“It never felt like the right time and then over time I didn’t think it mattered because I am happy and we are better. I should have told you though.”
He walked over to her and hugged her tightly. Jake had missed her hugs. Hell, he missed her. She was in LA then all this happened. He hated fighting and he hated being apart from her. Once he was hugging her, he just relaxed with his arms around her.

"I know you're sorry. And I do wish you told me sooner. I tell you everything..." He understood. But it still wasn't okay and it still hurt. "Yeah you should have."

"We will be okay though. Some stupid isn't going to end us...We are stronger than that." He kissed her head. "How's our babies?"
“They’re okay. Just floating I think.” She said and leaned back. She raised her shirt and looked in the mirror.

“My measurements were off in New York. Only a couple inches but it’s happening. He’s going to make the dress a couple inches bigger in the chest and waist just in case I don’t drop the weight fast enough.”

She spread her hand over her lower abdomen. “Do I look bigger?” She asked him. “The website said they should be the size of pears and I will start showing soon.” She looked at Jake.
"I mean...if your boobs grow, I wouldn't be entirely upset about it. And let's be honest, it may get you more jobs." He stepped back and put his hand on her stomach.

"If it's only two weeks after they are due? You may not. But what if you do?" He asked her.

"Baby I can't really tell. You're still sexy as hell to me." He kissed her cheek then her stomach. "Hi babies...."
She frowned at him and cupped her boobs. “I wouldn’t mind a little bigger.” She thought. “I could get implants. Not huge but a cup or two.” She frowned and shrugged her shoulder. That wasn’t what they were talking about.

“I don’t plan on gaining too much weight. Just enough to keep them healthy. If I continue to work out and eat a healthy diet, I should be good. Whatever I have left after the babies…will come off somehow. I know tricks. I know you know tricks. Luke knows tricks. I will figure it out.”

She rubbed his head and looked at her reflection. “I don’t know. I think I see a little something.” She kept her stomach up so he could talk to her belly if he wanted too.
Jake didn't mind if she wanted implants. It was part of her work. But he would just make sure it was the best of the best doctor cause things could go bad quick with those. But that would be down the road.

Jake grinned a little. "'re having two humans grow inside you. No matter what you gain, it's justified." But she was right. They all knew tricks to get the weight off quick. "But we need to do it healthy too. Especially if you're breastfeeding." He told her.

"Babe? I drink a milkshake and I have a stomach..." He told her before looking back to her stomach. He told the babies he had missed them and their mama.

Jake looked at her. "Want to go lay down?"
“If I can breastfeed I will. I will try to be healthy about it but it’s my dream dress. So the weight has to come off. I can corset and wrap and do all that stuff under the dress but I have got to lose as much of the extra weight as possible. No buts.”

She let her shirt drop and sighed. “Fine it’s the ice cream.” She said softly. Maybe she saw something because she wanted to see something. She wanted to feel something but that wasn’t going to happen for a few more weeks.

She nodded her head to laying down and went to the bed. “Want to hear something?” She asked and grabbed a stick thing with a wire and her phone. She plugged the wire into her phone and opened an app. She had Jake hold her phone and she put the microphone on her belly and moved it around until they could hear the rapid whooshing sound.

She smiled at Jake, “I don’t know which one that is but that little heart is going.”
Jake wasn't going to win that battle and honestly, it wasn't one she was going to try to fight. She wanted to fit into her dress and look good. He understood that but he worried about the stress of trying to lose.

He didn't want to make it seem like she's gained a lot because she hadn't. But it was a little cute she wanted to notice something. "I'm sure you do notice something babe cause I feel like you always notice with yourself first on certain things."

Jake laid next to hear. "Of course I do." He listened and smiled when he heard the heartbeat. His smile just kept growing as he listened. "It sounds pretty damn strong to me. I think they are happy their old man was talking to them." Now she let him listen, he was gonna listen as much as he could and she'd let him. "That is Thing 1. Where's Thing 2?"
“It’s definitely there.” She told him. “It’s tiny but it’s there.” She would check again in the morning and see if it really was the ice cream or not.

“I don’t think. I couldn’t tell last night.” She said but moved it around until she heard the whooshing sound again. She couldn’t tell if it was a new baby or the same baby though. She smiled at Jake.

“I wanted to show you and Owen yesterday. I thought it would be nice for him to hear it.” She said softly. “I think if he hears it and sees it he will be more understanding that he’s going to have real siblings join him at the end of the year.”
Jake smiled at her. "I think he will love it. It will help he can listen when he wants and watch them he wants. Maybe we can get their heartbeat in bears for him at Build a Bear too." He suggested.

"We may want to ask your doctor if there's a way to find both or tell them apart." He shrugged.

Jake rested his head against hers a little. "We are going to be out numbered... I'm not sure Im ready for that." His fingers played with hers a little.
“That would be cute. I also read that we should get him a present from the babies of something that he likes. That way he automatically thinks of them as friends and not rivals.“ She said softly. “I don’t want him to get jealous. I’m going to try and take him on dates like usual and split my time between him and the babies and sleep.“ She smiled.

“I know.“ She sighed. “Dogs and kids. They’re going to run us ragged. Spend all of our money.“ she shook her head. “We can’t think about it. And we have reinforcements. Whatever war they wage, they will not win.“ She told Jake. “We just have to stand strong against the pouty faces and heartbreaking cries.“
Jake nodded. "That makes sense. What are you thinking of getting him? I swear his likes change all the time, especially at this age." Owen was probably still going to get jealous at times. Most kids do but at least if they made a cautious effort then they could prevent it from happening a lot. "So I'll see you when they turn eighteen? You said him, the babies, and sleep..." He said softly.

"You're upset cause you don't get to spend as much or the money yourself now..." He teased. "You cave now with Owen..." It will only get worse with three of them. Jake knows when they have a daughter, he's done. Whateve she wants she gets.
“Nothing too big. We should probably wait until we get closer to the due date to get him something. Because his interests change constantly.” She smiled and rolled her eyes.

She laughed. “I meant while we have newborns. Owen and I go on dates and do things he likes. It’s been nice having one on one time with him. I don’t want to lose that with him. And if someone has to get cut out, it can’t be the babies.” She teased. “We can go out too. Try too at least.”

“You better hope they’re boys. If I get a girl she’s dressing up constantly. You’ll go broke. You’ll have to keep fighting until you’re fifty.” She joked. “All the cute little baby shoes and dresses.”
"That's probably best. Maybe he will seem interest in a specific toy too at that time. I'm sure he will like anything we get him though. I am curious what Max does. He's claimed O since the day he came home. That was his human. I wonder if he will stick with him or be like, 'Bro we have more tiny humans I'll protect you all,'" He looked at her.

It was true though, he was getting pushed down the line of importance. He understood being after the kids but with the kiss bringing up feelings from the past and at time feeling second to her job, it was hard not to go back to that mindset. "Dates for us would be nice." He agreed.

He let our a huge sigh. "I'm doomed with a girl. You dress O up now. If we have a girl it will be worse. For sure. You two will be matching and rocking it." Jake moved on his side.

"I have an appointment with Dana tomorrow. I forgot with everything else going on. I think I'm getting a fight."
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