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cry wolf (Poseidon and vampire07)

"2 o'clock-" Her fur rose up as she felt his tail brush up under her robe. "Easy with that tail Fido." All she was wearing under the robe was a pair of panties and it was clear she had a shower. "I tried waking you at noon but you were out cold. So used your cash for food. When for bulk items so should last us a month." By then there was a knock at her door. Silently she walked over as there was a "delivery" man standing there with roses and a tiny necklace. It was a large stallion who looked down at her.

"Lillian please....I messed up. Those weren't women just girls and they don't measure up to you." The painted stallion stepped into her apartment but looked over seeing Fang who was shirtless. "Who the fuck is this?!" Snorting at Fang for stepping in his territory.

"Why does it matter?" Lillian sighed but he had her pinned against a wall as his hand was around her throat. "FANG!" That was the first word that came from her mouth. She was calling out to Fang for help.
fang had been watching closely drinking his coffe calmly, but he felt this horse was about to overstep. and he was right, the moment she shouted his name he dove over the counter seperating them andwith a yank threw him out the door with a deep snarling growl as his nails snapped out into primal claws like all his kind could do. his tail was bushed out fully and his ears flat on his head ready to fight.

"you.... run....." he said in a growl, his primal killer insticts to defend his true mate making him ready to kill. he remembered his dad telling him about the blood rage males of his kind experienced when there mates were in danger. he didnt believe it then, but now with his control held by a thread, he knew it was true, she was his and hed kill any that harmed her without a second thought.
The large stallion hit the wall in the hall way but he got up to rush Fang. Yet the stallion stopped seeing both predators against him. "Fine have the whore!" He snorted at the pair and walked away, more like stomping away, from the scene.

Lillian stood there trembling behind Fang but she was holding her robe closed since the choke hold did loosen her robe. "Fang..." Her voice was trembling but when he turned to face her, she rushed up and wrapped her arms around his neck. Her small body was trembling against him with her crying in his white fur.
he instantly held her tight and used his foot to kick the door shut "shhh easy, its over now, no one will hurt you again" he whispered. "I got you, hes gone" he said nuzzling her hair, at this close range his scent was stronger, his fur almost enveloping her. he could feel her body pressed to his, his every muscle was taunt and tight, his insticts beat at him and it took everything he had to hold them back.
Her fingers curled within his fur to hold on to him. Of course she was use to such treatment but to be attacked once more was still scary. Within his tight embrace she felt safe for once in her life. She closed her eyes enjoying his scent, his natural scent was nice. "Thank you for your help. I don't know what he would have done if you weren't here." Her voice was soft as she nuzzled into his neck in a way of accepting him in her own way. "Look, if you can't find a place..." She looked up at him. "You're welcome to stay here."
looking into her eyes he nodded "ill stay as long as you want me too, I promise" he said as he lightly nuzzled her face. his hand slid across her face tenderly and caressed her cheek, all it would take is for her to close the distance and he would belong to her, and her alone.
Closing her eyes as she felt his hand on her cheek. She laid her ears back with her purring softly as she looked up at him. He stated he'd stay as long as she wanted. She new for felines they rub their cheeks against those they want as their own. With a sigh she stepped back with her hand moving over his chest. "Fang, I hope you understand that I'm still getting over my ex. Aggressive as he is...I was in love with him and I don't think its fair of me to get you tangled up with me while I'm still working through this." Being concerned about this as it seemed his musk was trying to lure her in. It was nearly working as she was weak in the knees for him but she still had her wits. Leaning up she kissed his cheek while she nuzzled his cheek for a moment.
fang closed his eyes and savored her touch and her affections "I dont mind" he said going back to his coffee. "besides that overgrown pony doesnt scare me" he said calmly as his fur smothed and relaxed. "bottom line, im here, hes not, and im not afraid to fight" he said sipping his coffee. "im a wolf, so its.... complicated, but one thing you can count on, is that im here for you, always" he said striding back to his room.

inside he got a change of cloths and headed to take a shower, and hopefully calm his blood. her body pressed so tight to his tested his restraint and self control, but she was his lifemate, and forcing her to submit was a violation of everything he held sacred. no true wolf would ever force or worse rape there lifemate. but by the ancestors he wanted her so badly he could taste her and it was hard not to try and seduce her.
After he let her go and disappeared, she felt bad for all of this happening. With a sigh she went off and got dressed in her room and did some yoga poses out of his sight. After she was done, she was sitting on the couch with her laptop in her lap typing away. Yet she wasn't focused as usual. He seemed so eager to keep her in his arms. Groaning as she dropped her head into her arms torn up even more. Only a predator knew a predator and she was getting over a prey. In seconds her cell phone rang and she picked it up.

"Hello? Yes this is she..." Listening as she sat up listening on the other end. "You're offering how much?" Listening very carefully but sighed softly. "So all you're going to do is publish my book....Oh?" They seemed to offer more than the other publishers. "Tomorrow I'll come in to speak to you in person and I'll bring my Lawyer to ensure what you're offering is valid." Lillian smirked as they were trying to get her to leave her lawyer out of this. "I'm sorry Mr. Yawnson, you're dealing with a young woman whose protecting her investments. As a business man I think you'd respect that. See you at 8 am." Hanging up but as she put the phone down she went to the kitchen to cook something up for both of them.
Fang had silently slipped out of his room during all of this and was having a second cup of coffee. Relaxed and clean his scent was stronger and less intense, like dangling catnip in front of a cat. "Sounds like yawnson has no respect forwomen" he ccommented. "So whats the plan for the day? I got 6 hours till my shift starts" he said with a smirk.

Today he wore fitting blue jeans with a fitting white t shirt and looked very much like a 50s greaser minus the greased hair.
If his intent was to entice her, it was working. To get good whiff of his clean yet natural scent was still intoxicating for her. Staying on task she looked over at him as she still wore her yoga pants and the red tank top.

"Anything you want." Smirking at him as he seemed very eager to remain close to her. "As for that guy. Its nothing for you to worry about. My contract with a publishing company was up and they've been fighting over who will get the cash from selling my books." Informing Fang as she handed him a heavy meat loaded sandwich. "They were offering a couple million plus a car."
Fang whistled "thats a heafty payout, what kind of books do you write? " he asked and then took a bite of his sandwich. "Im down for whatever, i haven't been out a lot to find anything fun to do in town, im afraid id get lost" he said with a laugh. His fur fluffed a bit since an anthro cant really blush.
Laughing softly. "That's why for my lawyer needs to be present. I can show you where the mega gym is o you can swim and rock climb." Suggesting to him as she grabbed her own sandwich then sank her teeth into her own. "What do you say? I go there as well for other classes."
"Sounds like a plan, lemme go grab my gear and we can jet"" he said before wolfing down the rest of his. Running to his room he changed quick into a pair of jogging pants, with a black tank top and tennis shoes with a small bag over his shoulder with things he intended to use for training. "Ready when you are" he said with a smirk as he went to the door and waited eager to get out and do something.
Once he was ready she was walking out of her bedroom laughing. "You're quick." Once they left to get to her car, she'd look over at him remembering his tight embrace. Her fur fluffed up before looking away from him while she drove down the street. "If I remember right this gym isn't to far from Fur Pile."
"Perfect, means i can shower and change for work when were done" he said with a toothy grin. "You should come tonight, i can get you in the VIP lounge upstairs, its calm and nice, not so much about partying than it is about relaxing, the dace floor up theres also not so crowded" he said with a smile.

"We could dance between my rounds and just have some fun without assholes hiting you or hitting on you" he said with a softer smile.
Her ear flicked as he tried to entice her once more in his own way. Though at the stop light she looked at him. "I think my party days are over. Right now I just want to get over my ex and find my life long mate." She knew that was much to hear but with the silence she went with the flow of traffic. "This morning you weren't freaking out from my crazy driving. Thought you would be."
He shrugged, "not much fazes me, you learn to take things in stride when your alone" he said looking out the window. "Your not the only one waiting for there lifemate, being a wolf we know instantly, even if the female doesn't. So we wait, some of the men from my home town have been waiting years for there mate to recognize them.... its.... sad really " he said with sudden melancholy.

"When we imprint... nothing else maters, just our mate, and we do everything in our power to be everything she needs. Wolves mate for life.... like tigers..... we see no others, everyone else is either prey, an ally or an enamy" he said staring off with a classic thousand yard stair.
Reaching over she grasped his hand. "I hope whoever you find is a good woman." Giving him an reassuring smile before she pulled up to the gym. Slowly she got out with her bag in hand. "Come on Wolfy. Time to make those girls drool. Who knows you may find your lifemate inside."
"if only you knew" he said in a hushed voice less than a whisper so she wouldnt hear as he followed. wolves rarely ever entered cities and almost never lived in them, prefering country living. most had only ever heard rumers about them so fang was in for a shock when they saw what he was capable of.

once inside he started with streches and warmups, then started with cardio on a tredmill. the longer her ran the slower it felt, he kept turning up the speed trying to reach his normal speed. by the time he reached it hed maxxed out the speed and hadnt even noticed hed lost his shoes. many watching were either scared shitless -prey-, or highly impressed if not outright drooling -predators-.
Lillian was in her yoga class but by the time it ended she was feeling good and walked by seeing the predators were drooling over Fang's ability. Personally she was impressed but a tiger moved up beside her.

"Lillian, going to dance class?" He asked softly as his large frame made her look small. This tiger was like Fang but in a feline version. With a nod this tiger lead Lillian out to a dancing class where he was her partner.
fang stopped when he saw he leave with the large tiger and felt his blood boil, jelousy was new to him. he felt the need to fight, to rip and tear, to kill, the best he could do was pulp iron. sitting at the weight machines he didnt even start light, he went streight to 250 and started growling as he pulled on the bar. but it wasnt enough, it just annoyed him how easy he lifted the weights. bumping it up to 350 he started to turn heads as his fur bristled and his muscles bulged, he truely looked the master hunter.

when that wasnt enough he went to the body bags, being across from the dance area he grabbed the heavyist bag he could find, hung it and started to beat it senseless. many other predators noticed this and even the bears and gorillas gave pause in amazment while every woman in the gym was drooling and soaking there panties with lust. with a final snarl and then a roar he hit the bag so hard the stuffing exploded out of it leaving him standing there panting and spent.
During the salsa dancing the pair was gliding across the dance floor. He spun her around then snatched her up into his chest. Though the loud weights being dropped reached her ears but the large feline kept her moving. Though when he dipped her, she bent backwards to see Fang beating the punching bag to the point it busted open. One of the females walked up to him and handed him her number, a lioness, was interested in him for a few rounds in the sexual ring.

Lillian was snapped back up with her leg hooked over the tiger's hip. The dance had ended in which he escorted her out with her approaching Fang.

"Are you alright, Fang? You destroyed that bag!" Alerting him that she seen what he has done but she was pushed away by the other women. Vixens, gator girls, other felines and canines were parting the two. Though the male tiger slipped his hand into Lillian's to lead her to the smoothie bar where she can get something to eat or drink. The same orange tiger walked out to Fang.

"Lily, is at the smoothie bar if you want to catch up to her." Alerting him.
spent fangs just numbly let the people talk to him and politely accepted the numbers from the women. when the tiger came and informed him of where she was he instantly realized his intent was not ment in any way to mate with her. going to the bar he found her and sat next to her, ordered a protien smoothie and colected his thoughts. "im sorry about that earlier... I dont know what came over me.... whats todays date?" he asked suddenly concerned. hed been so busy trying to survive hed forgotten what was coming that could make a wolfs mood and emotions even more potent.
"Umm..." She pulled her phone out and looked at it. "20th...." Looking at him with a concerned look. "Fang what is going on? The only time I seen a male destroy an up scaled bag like that was when his sexual urges were high." At this point she didn't notice Fang was jealous of Terry for dancing with her. Shortly Tiger walked in, with arm wrapped around another male tiger's waist. Terry kissed his life partner and nuzzled him while they walked by.

"If you haven't figured it out. Terry is gay, he tried females but didn't like it. So he and Donald are in a life time commitment." Lillian smiled thinking Fang was bit jealous. "I go to dancing and yoga classes to be around other people. An writer is often isolated and dancing here...Is more liberating than at the club."
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