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Ruby the Demoness (Funner & Firestarter09)

Isabel giggled at her child, notcing that she found the soul bread brand to be kind of funny. "You really find food funny?" She began to tease her 'child'. "Are you a foodist? Do you discriminate against food?" She began to playfully mess with the small demon girl. "I bet you hate soul bread huh." She placed two slices of whole wheat on the counter, before placing back the bags of bread, she closed the cabinet. "Alright, what do you want on it?"
Ruby was giggling nearly out of control at the teasing, shaking her head at first but decided to nod anyways, it seemed funnier that way, "Mm...turkey and...cheddar sounds good." she decided, staring at the different meats and cheeses, eyes scanning the rest of the food, "I guess a tomato. Oh, and mayo!" she added with a bright smile.
"You're quite open in your options," Isabel commented to Ruby, smiling as she got all she needed ready. Within minutes she prepared the sandwich for Ruby, quickly it was done by the demoness graceful hands. "I hope you enjoy it," Isabel said to Ruby, placing the complete delicious sandwich on a plate and handing to Ruby. "Now sit down and eat, then we'll begin the fun." She told her 'Child'.
Ruby watched as the meal was put together by the older demoness, and eagerly accepted the plate, sitting at the table and biting into the sandwich, smiling as she chewed, she definitely liked the mayo and didn't mind the tomato too terribly much, though found the texture to be a little odd, it's firm meat for holding the wet seeds, the skin outside that. Still, she wanted to be healthy for her mother, so she had just went ahead and volunteered, she knew tomato would find it's way somehow.
Isabel smiled as she walked out of the kitchen, she would allow her 'child' to eat in peace. While she was in the living room, she wondered if it was a good idea to remodel. The Demoness did have a child in the house now, so it would be kind of weird if she didn't add something child friendly. She tapped her chin in deep thought, her mind raced with ideas if what was considered child friendly. "Well, I guess she could always use some plushies." Isabel said to herself. "Hmm, I know! I'll give a scythe, that's something kids love these days, weapons and what not."
Ruby watched curiously as her mother left the kitchen, wondering why she wasn't also eating, though she figured her mother may have eaten while she was sleeping, so continued with her sandwich while she looked forward to training, wanting to be ready for when the years finally brought her to adulthood, when she would fight as a huntress and be able to find a lover--something she was especially looking forward to, since she couldn't even comprehend what that would mean, while fighting was something she understood better, to physically oppose someone or something, the only person she loved was her mom, who kept her safe and clothed and would soon begin teaching her to defend herself and others.
Time would pass by for the two, days and weeks went by as Isabel took careful consideration in training Ruby to her fullest potienal. Isabsl would do many things to make sure Ruby would be ready, from endurance training, to combat with scythes, she'd do her best to train her 'child'. Years would pass for the two, as Isabel continued to teach the young demoness. Now eight years later, the two were currently sparing with Ruby seemingly winning. Isabel panted as sweat ran down her forehead, her dress was ripped in several places, her left arm was bleeding, while her right was dug into the ground. -stopping her from going back any further.- She looked backup at Ruby smiling. "Good job, you drew blood." Isabel congratulated her child, she looked at the sixteen year-old girl with a sense of joy. "But you forgot one thing." A Shadow launched forward at the girl quickly going for her feet.
Ruby was in the midst of beaming at her mother's congratulations, her praise always made her feel so proud, so happy, but at her mother's warning, she reacted. Before now she might have held out the scythe, bracing for impact, but she often got hurt when she landed against whatever a Shadow knocked her into. This more seasoned Ruby relied on her well-honed instincts and leapt to the side, struck the earth with her scythe, making herself spin to face the shadow as she activated her weapon's secondary feature, one she had been meticulously working on for months now. In the span of a few seconds--long enough for the Shadow to close in so it was face to face with her Crescent Rose--a barrel built around where the body of the scythe was, and with the swiftly pull of the trigger, the Shadow that found itself so unluckily at pointblank range stopped moving, as though frozen, before falling apart, dissipated. Ruby's eyes darted around for more surprises as she pulled her weapon back into scythe mode, panting from that hairpin turn that made her balance uneasy.
Isabel had disappeared from her spot, it seemed that the older demoness was making her final move. The older demoness appeared behind Ruby from the shadow s, her hand coated in shadows giving it the appearance if a black claw. She lunged forward and smirked as she knew she had won, though her overconfidence may have been misplaced.
Ruby yelped as the claw struck, she judged it too fast to flee from, and so, when she activated her Semblance, she threw her weight forward, holding the claw back with the width of her scythe's body, moving her legs quickly in a desperate attempt to send the older demoness back, just a little distance was all she needed, then she could leap back in the air, adjust her stance, and dart in for the kill, use Crescent Rose's guillotine-like blade to clutch and shatter the thick, heavy looking shadow claw, hopefully before her mother could recover from the throw and react to her counter-strike.
Isabel stumbled backwards from the sudden shift, a growl escaped fron her lips as she tried to regain her balance. It seemed like Ruby would win if she got the hit, and it seemed like she had gotten the older demoness off guard. Yet not everything seemed to appear the way it should, just as Isabel raised her clawed shadowed hand to meet with the sharp blade of crescent rose; the demoness did something almost unexpected. She ran her clawed hand across the blade, just as she moved herself forward as shadows chiped, she kept moving forward just until she able to get close to Ruby. She used her bloody arm and hand to grab onto Ruby shoulder, this would seemingly stop the girl in her tracks.
Ruby let out a surprised cry as the wounded but strong arm caught her shoulder, preventing her from swinging with her grip and proximity, instead of desperately kicking and flailing, she changed the grip of her hands so that her wrists were crossed, then pulled her free hand back down as swiftly as she could, counting on the strike of her weapon's body coming down on the older demoness' arm to break the hold, stagger her mother, and give her that split second window to grab the claw and catch it in her weapon's guillotine.
Isabel shadow claw shattered as did her hand, leaving nothing but a bloody stump as the older demoness fell on her ass. It seemed Ruby had won this one; though then again tricks and shadows were Isabel specialty. The Isabel that fell on her ass dissipated, it seemed Isabel still had one trick up her sleeve. It was time for her to pull out her special move. Shadows ruptured from the ground and darted for Ruby position.
Ruby gasped as Isabel hit the ground, the bloody stump caught her attention, though when Isabel vanished, she knew something was wrong, but didn't know what until Shadows swarmed her. She swung swiftly, shouting as she turned, clamping Shadows and jumping up as she snapped the Crescent Rose's guillotine into place, firing a shot that propelled her over the shadows as she switched modes again, firing desperately until she landed against a tree, sprang forward and returned Crescent Rose to scythe mode. She wanted to finish this quickly, her Aura was low after her and Isabel's one on one, and she felt uncomfortable with so many Shadows all over the place, never being able to stand in one place for too long, or keeping her focus on just one thing.
The shadows all struck at Ruby, either breaking the ground below her or going fir her scythe, while each one broke another sneaked up on the girls position. This shadow contained the real Isabel, and she was poised to strike at Ruby, and quickly she was closing the distance between her and the girl. "Gotcha." She mused to herself as she jumped from her shadow. Her arms were covered in shadow giving her two massive claws as she brought them down on Ruby exposed side.
Ruby screamed as she fell, the strike at her side shattered the rest of her Aura and left her defenseless on the ground. She held her side as she panted and looked up at the large shadow. If this was a real battle she'd have use her last resort, a blast from her demon powers, but she wasn't in any danger, and really didn't want to prolong her battle with the older demoness's Shadows.

"Aaaww, and I thought I really had you that time!" she panted, resting on the ground and rubbing her sore side, her Aura was a little weaker than she thought, so when it broke through, she felt some of the impact.
Isabel gave a confident smirked as she watched her child go flying back, she knew she was in no harm... Though a part of her did wonder if she went over board. "Well, you're certainly getting faster, even with your new parts." She mumbled that last comment, but if Ruby heard it she would know what she meant, she walked over to her child sighing as knew Ruby still had a few kinks to work out. "Why didn't you use your demon powers?" She asked her 'child'. "I have seen you use it before, though it does drain you a bit." She offered her hand a devious grin as she teased her 'child'. "Maybe it has to do with this W.S, you keep writing to, or when using that scroll I got you." She teased the teen with a shit eating grin. "I've also found small strands of white hair in your bed and your clothing recently." Well it seened Rubt would die from embarrassment. "Don't tell me you fell in love with that slave girl from a few years back, the one that was about two years older than you if I'm correct."
Ruby gasped, her face turning deep red at the mention of parts, she surely wasn't referring to Crescent Rose's upgrades, but her own body's "upgrades," she tried to play off innocently, like she didn't know what she was talking about--she was, of course, trying far too hard. Ruby was almost happy that her mom asked another question, she was about to say that she was trying to pass as more human, her mom decided more teasing was in order.

"W-Winter?! I don't know who you're--" she bit her lip as she realized she didn't use initials that time, thus likely giving the demoness more ammo, but since she was bringing up the embarrassing details about the white hair, Ruby closed her eyes and resigned to her place in the dirt, hoping she didn't hear her say "W.S.'s" name.

She sat up silently and raised a finger that trembled more than a leaf in a hurricane, when her mother mentioned the hair, almost didn't hear her last sentence. She really couldn't answer like this, she was so embarrassed, she just wanted to crack the ground open, fall in, and hide for a while, "U-Uumm...I'm hungry, so how about I make us some salmon, I heard about this really good recipe recently!" Ruby, of course, wasn't about to say it was an Atlas specialty, but Isabel probably could've guessed who she learned it from--or through teasing cause Ruby's expression to betray her, with wide eyes practically screaming "How did you know, I never said Atlas!!!"
Isabel smiled at the embarrassment Ruby was going through, it made her delighfully happy to mess with her 'child' from time to time; especially when you could get reactions like the one right now. "What's wrong? Did I say something?" Isabel tried to act a little innocent, though it was mostly to screw with Ruby. "I don't think there was anything wrong with those new parts, especially if you enjoy them. I mean I can smell the aftermath sometimes when I come into your room." That one was a lie, a rather big fat lie to mess with the poor girl, probably. Isabel circles the girl like a predator as she continued to mess the poor demoness. "Winter? Was that her name? I guess the name fits, for someone so sweet, only to be dangerous. You sure know how to pick them, my precious daughter." Isabel smiled as she knew Ruby just wanted to bury herself in the ground. Isabel lips curled further than before, almost looking inhuman which was funny considering her actual race; though it didn't help when she lolled her head at an unnatural angle and decided to talk in a creepy voice. "Oh? Atlas and salmon huh? Pray tell who told you this recipe? Would it have been from Winter, does this mean she's from atlas?"
"Aftermath?!" Ruby squeaked, wondering if her Mother had actually been talking about Crescent Rose, if her mind was the filthy one for assuming her mother meant something like that, though she did make it sound like an explosion or something. Just the thought that her mother smelled anything like that made Ruby wonder if she would've preferred to continue combat and get her ass kicked some more, instead she just sat up and shivered as the older demoness circled her, "Hehe, Mom, you know...the world's a big place and everyone's sharing all these recipes..." her voice cracked some at the voice and angle Isabel used, she really would've preferred that she hadn't done that, "O-Okay, so she mentioned it...umm, she's not a bad cook..."
Isabel smiled wickedly as she 'tortured' her 'child'. "Oh! My! My, my, my my." she said creeply as continued to circle Ruby like a shark. "So she's is your friend, probably even a lover and she's a good cook?" Her voice grew more in her teasing tone, she snapped her back to her original position as she knelt down to the girl. "She's also a good cook right?"
Ruby nodded slowly, deciding it was best if she just stayed silent at this point, "U-uhh, speaking of, we should really eat now, I'm a growing demoness, after all!"
Isabel smiled as Ruby tried to change the subject, she saw another moment to embarrass her 'child'. The Scarlet Haired Demoness choose her next words carefully. "Well, I guess we could.... Though it would be great if you had an idea as ti what we can eat, I mean we got some left over soul food, or maybe we'll get a mistral cuisine, or something from vale." Isabel continued to suggest ideas she soon seized her moment to fully tease her 'child'. "Though of course, it'll only be polite if we invite Winter over, after all it's a shame that your mother doesn't get to meet your girlfriend."
Ruby's cheeks soon shone with the brilliance and depth of her namesake, just when she thought she was in the clear. Heck, for all she knew, her mom was suggesting other locations for picking up girls, but outright suggesting meeting Winter? That caught the scythe wielding demon girl off guard, and the deer-in-headlights gaze she gave her mother clearly reflected that, "Y-Yeaaah...invite Winter over..." she wasn't sure if it was an easy thing to get an airship all the way out here, she also didn't know when her mother wanted this dinner to invite Winter over for, or even when the white haired woman would visit her again, though she gave her a text warning through her scroll whenever she could get some free time to spend with Ruby.
Isabel smiled as her daughter gaze continued to look... So distant. "Ruby, are you broken now? Don't tell me I've just lost my child in embarrassment? I guess I'll just teleport your corpse to the ocean or something." She sighed in a joking tone, she was enjoying the pure mischief she was causing. A sly smile spread across her face as she heard her daughter saying 'y-yeaaah...invite Winter over...'. "Aww, isn't my precious girl so adorable, your acting like its the end of everything.~ Don't worry your mother won't embarasses you infront of your girlfriend."
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