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Ruby the Demoness (Funner & Firestarter09)

Ruby grumbled softly about waiting, but her eyes followed those of her mother's, it seemed she was already exceeding her expectations, which made Ruby proud of herself. She knew she could wait, her power would grow and she'd be able to go and find the lovers out there, just waiting to be meet and fall for Ruby.
Isabel smiled and patted Ruby on the head once more, she knew that the little scamp would try many things in her new demonic life. "I hope you do well, because you are truly special my dear."
Firestarter09 said:
Isabel smiled and patted Ruby on the head once more, she knew that the little scamp would try many things in her new demonic life. "I hope you do well, because you are truly special my dear."

Ruby giggled and hugged her mother happily, she would definitely try to live up to her apparent natural affinity for channeling her powers, "Thanks, I'm sure it won't be too hard, I am your daughter, after all!"
Isabel smiled as she was hugged, her 'daughter' was going to truly be powerful. "I promise you, that you will be a powerful demoness. Mark my words, and you'll be someone of great power, even a powerful huntress if you wish." She continued to tell Ruby, making sure she knew she could grow stronger. "You know... I'm going to teach you a few things when your older, or might even handle some of my notes off to you." Isabel smiled as she knew what notes she was talking about, said notes would be very helpful to Ruby development down the line. "Now, since your awake now... Let us talk about the supernatural, see if you remember anything I told you." Isabel smiled as she began to test Ruby, she didn't want her 'child' to be completely unaware of her surroundings. "First, let us talk about Humans and Faunus; do they know of our existence? Or are they completely blind, with only some having knowledge of our existence?" She was going to have a fun time teaching Ruby.
Ruby thought about that question for a few moments, tried to use what her mother told her to help figure out the answer, "Hmm, I don't think they know about us, as long as we don't use demonic forms where they can see us."
"Good answer my dear, though some are quite aware of our existence." She patted Ruby on the head. "Now, what would you do? If you came into contact with Hunter or Huntress?"
"Mm...don't tell them I'm a demon?" Ruby offered, thinking a bit more as she spoke, "And try to befriend them?"
"Good, that's not a bad answer." Isabel continued to praise Ruby, slowly building up her confidence. "Now, what do you do when you come across Hunters, or Huntress meant to fight demons?" She stood up and headed over to the door. "Lets head out into the living room."
Ruby thought about the situation presented as she followed the older demoness, "I...I'd probably have to kill them if they think I'm a demon and I can't trick them...why do they hate us, Mom?"
Isabel sighed as she had to explain to Ruby a horrible reality. "Well, it's their job. They're just trying to protect others, humanity is always on the brink. Giant walled off kingdoms, with surrounding villages, which struggle to survive. As the horrible Grimm lurks at every corner possible." Isabel said, not knowing if her words would aspire another aspiration inside of Ruby.
"T-that's not fair to them, the odds are stacked against them...they have to be suspicious and hate us to survive, or between the bad demons and Grimm they'd be wiped out..." Ruby lowered her gaze to the floor as she tried to figure out what could be done, she was to be a might demon, so she had to take action or that power would just collect dust. There didn't seem to be many options for her, aside from one that would allow her to meet humans for lovers and keep them safe, "Mom? You said I'd be a very powerful demoness, right? If I just avoid telling anyone or using my demon form, they'd never know I'm a demon, right? I think I want to be become a Huntress..."
"Nature is cruel, but sometimes... Even the darkest of things, have there silver linings." Isabel looked at her 'daughter' and smiled softly, a smile that only a person with no ill intentions could bring out. "I... I don't know what to say Ruby, my dearest child. Your destiny is a foggy one, demons and other supernatural races aren't bound by rules, like the ones humans impose on themselves or the Faunus. We're a strange people, many colorful faces through out." She kneel down once more, placing a hand on Ruby shoulder. "If you wish to be a huntress, then I will not stop you. If you wish to use your power for good... Then so be it, I'm also sure you'd be able to hide your powers well... Though I doubt some won't notice, such as a certain headmaster of beacon academy." Isabel paused for a moment before saying. "You will need to be trained, especially if you wish to be a huntress."
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Ruby smiled back at her mother and slipped into her arms, hugging her tightly, "Thank you, Mom! Beacon where the Hunters live? What should I do if the headmaster discovers me? Would you mind training me, to use my demon powers, too, just in case?"

Though she wanted to do what was right, she couldn't deny the fact that she had no idea what to expect, the headmaster sounded like a particularly tough challenge, but if she was able to get in a position to help people even with the headmaster knowing, earn their trust somehow, then facing the Grimm and malevolent supernatural forces day after day, protecting the friends and lovers no doubt waiting there, and keeping her identity a secret from the general public while still fighting her best would be her true challenge, so despite not wanting to be discovered, she wanted all possible assets at her disposal in case the day came when fighting like a regular Huntress wasn't enough.
Isabel smiled as she hugged the child back, she knew this little girl would do great things. "Of course Ruby, I'll make sure you're development isn't wasted. You'll be a powerful demoness huntress, and you'll be able to do what you want." The Demoness continued as she locked eyes with her 'daughter'. "You just have to remember that life won't be that easy, nor will trying to conceal you demonic prowess. Besides, the headmaster of Beacon Academy is a... Special man." She tells Ruby, then pulls away from the childs hug before standing at her full height. "I'm sure you of all people can appeal to his kind heart." She than began to walk toward the door of the room. "I'll also answer your question, yes, Beacon Academy is where all Hunters and Huntress in training go to."
She looked up at her mother and slowly stood with Isabel, perplexed when she seemed certain that Ruby could go to Beacon even if he knew, perhaps it was even in her best interests if this special man was aware. Of course, the woman would know best what to do upon meeting him, and Ruby didn't want to make a mistake of doing or not doing something that benefited her cause, "What's he like, the headmaster? Should I tell him what I am?"

Ruby would've asked when she could go to Beacon Academy, but she hadn't even began training as a demon, didn't know what was acceptable or expected from a human.
Isabel smiled at her daughter curiosity. "So curious, always trying to find more. Such a valuable skill to have." The Demoness seemed to enjoy a good amount of curiosity. She smirked slightly as she turned to look down at Ruby. "Hmm, I think I'll train you in weapon usage. It'll be good for you, then some basic magic before finally working on your demonic skill." A somewhat devilsh laugh came from Isabel, as she teased her 'child'. "He'll eat you alive, ripping you from your skin!" She gave a exaggerated lie to her child before telling her the truth. "Actually, he is quite nice. A gentleman by heart. Now my eight year old girl, you've got ten years ahead of you. Lets train."
Ruby's eyes widened at the tease, it sounded like a very painful end and didn't match up with the kind heart Isabel mentioned, so she was relieved when her mother finally stopped teasing her. She nodded in agreement with her mother's proposition, she would train as hard as she could and then go to Beacon Academy to begin a--hopefully--long and successful life of hunting to protect the innocent humans.
Isabel smiled as she headed back to the door, she hummed something to her 'daughter' she turned her head back and said. "Let us go eat something."
"Alright, Mom!" Ruby sang back, smiling as she realized she was hungry, she was tired earlier she hadn't noticed.
"Now what do you want? Some nice chips, a sandwich, or maybe even a soul?" She teased that last one at her 'child'
"Hehe, I don't think that'd feel very good to the soul," Ruby replied, rubbing the back of her neck nervously, "chips and sandwich sounds good, though!"
Isabel smiled as they walked out of the halls, there were many pictures placed all over the walls, some were just random art or were just really odd; though some did have her Isabel in many different outfits. Soon the two would arrive in the kitchen, heading over to the fridge Isabel opened it and pulled out several types of cheese, meat, and other condiments meant for sandwichs.
Ruby gazed at the pictures on the way to the kitchen, smiling as she passed the with her mother. She grabbed the bread from the shelf and brought it to the table, eagerly looked over all the ingredients her mother had pulled out. She wasn't sure which would be her favorites, but there'd be enough time to figure that out between training.
Isabel smiled as she laid them out on the counter, she then opened a cabinet to her left. "What bread do you want? Wheat, whole grain? Maybe some soul bread?" She teased her child once more, a tiny little comical soul flew out the cabinet at that moment. Isabel smiled as she just pulled out the wheat and whole grain, and then placed them on the counter.
Ruby shook her head and giggled at the soul bread remark, along with the little soul floating out. It actually sounded like a brand of bread when she thought about it, "Heheh, wheat, please, Mom."
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