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Parallel (LunarWolf and Guardian)

Damian nodded his head "will do my lord" Damian then headed off to grab Ariel. it was a bit of a trip up tp where Iris had landed with her but once he was up there he went and grabbed her from behind before he shifted her and tossed her over his shoulder. Damian then headed back down to where Apocalypse was and then set her back on to the floor before securely taking hold of her arms.

Iris brought her knee up in to the males balls "stupid asshole" Iris had a feeling she knew what was in the needle but at that moment she didn't care she was going to cause him as much pain as possible and since the chains weren't on her she had more force behind the blow then she would have had if she was still chained up
"Keep in mind little girl.... I like pain." Alaric spoke, there seeming to be almost a slight purr in his voice. Yeah he was quite strange, which is what made him more dangerous if anything. One could never tell what was going through his mind most of the time...except his lord of course. But that man was an exception to everything. Alaric just looked at her with a bored expression before he spoke, "Even a four year old can hit harder than you." With that he was actually jabbing another needle into her neck, one that would knock her out almost instantly.

Ariel hadn't been expecting the male to come up and was giving a startled cry when she was all of a sudden tossed over his shoulder. Although it wasn't long before she found herself standing before Apocalypse and was pretty sure that the male holding her could feel the trembling, although it wasn't very noticeable due to the cloak that she was wearing. "You can release her. She'll not try to run. Not with her guardian here." Apocalypse spoke and gestured to where Rose was down on her knees, breathing heavily and blood dripping from the gash on her chest. "Rose!" Ariel whimpered and the moment that she was actually released she was rushing over to her guardian, kneeling on the ground next to her and fussing over her wounds.
Iris chuckled "oh I know" before the drug pulled her under Iris used his own dagger to stab him in the side. the knee to the groin had simply been to move him a little closer sh=o she could get her hand on it and use it. only seconds after she embedded the blade in to his side she passed out from the drug and let it pull her under in to a deep sleep. Iris knew when she finally awake she would be in for a lot of trouble and a hell of a lot of pain.

Damian nodded his head and then moved close to his king not enough to invade the males personal space but enough to deliver some news he had learned while he had been with Venus. "my lord I thought I should let you know that Iris's father the demon king is on his death bed with his eldest child renouncing the throne when he passes it will go to her you can use this to your advantage my lord to gain more land and more power
Apocalypse looked at Damian for a moment in time and listened to the news for a brief moment in time. "The great and powerful demon king is actually going to allow some pathetic half breed rule over his people. We cannot be having that at all can we. After all he was the one who gave her to me, obviously he didn't want the child. I don't blame him. Half breeds are more pathetic than humans. They are the definition of abominations." he spoke after a moment in time before he was tapping his lips, more or less trying to think of how he was going to make that work. He could get land and power, but he didn't want to deal with the slave sitting on the demon throne.

Ariel just ended to Rose and spoke to her softly, the other angel just mumbling under her breath. "We are stuck here for a bit Ari. I'm sorry." Rose mumbled before she was drawing the white haired female closer to her, especially after a few guards got a little to close for her comfort, and she knew the delicate female she was holding was already beyond frightened. And this situation wasn't making it any better whatsoever.

"Mind as well put our two new slaves to use. Alaric just let me know mentally that he tossed Iris into the dungeon and got her properly chained up. Evidently she stabbed him with a dagger so he stripped her of everything completely. I would avoid him for a little bit. As for our two guests.... take them to one of the guest rooms while I figure out what to do with them. If you feel you must strip search them do so.... or just do it to take advantage of seeing their bodies." Apocalypse told Damian after a moment in time before commenting that the red head he wanted a band put on, but the white haired female was fine having access to her magic. "Once you are searched them, take her to the infirmary to help the men."
Damian nodded his head "will do I pity her a little she should know better by now then to anger him but obviously she hasn't learned her lesson and you can use her sire she is scared of Alaric if he is her partner he can keep her in line" Damian then took the two females to a room where he put the band on Rose and then proceeded to search them both. for the time being he would leave their clothes on so long as they didn't anger him in anyway but if they did he would strip search them and leave them bare for all to see
Apocalypse gave a faint chuckle before he spoke, "Oh and with her recent action... she should be scared of him." With that he was watching the male walk off with the other two before he was heading off to speak to his daughters. Rose just glared at the human but followed after him, keeping Ariel close to her until they were safely within an actual room. Despite the band being on her ankle, that still didn't mean that Rose wasn't going to be hyper protective of her queen, which was very evident since she didn't really let the male get overly close to her. "Rose...." Ariel spoke in a soft voice, just holding onto the female's arm with one hand, the other held the cloak tightly around herself. "Just for now.... do as you are told. It won't be long before our people realize what is wrong. I'm sure already Andrew has sensed something amiss." Ariel told her guardian in a gentle voice, which had Rose giving a nod although she was still tense and ready to fight if need be.
Damian looked at her "with the young Miss activating the shield around the castle no one will be able to get in or out unless you have permission" was Damian going to tell her about the charm hell no since he didn't want her to try and get ahold of his. once he was certain they were both unarmed he looked at them "dinner will be brought to you and once you have finished eating you will be taken to the medical wing to help out there"
Rose scoffed before she spoke, "That will only last so long. A person can only use their magic for so long before they collapse." With that she was looking towards Ariel pointedly at this and the white haired female just looked away. Yeah she was majorly guilty of that especially when it came to healing people and helping them. "We will not eat the food unless it is something we know cannot be poisoned. Or you better be sending a taste tester." Rose spoke after a moment in time, folding her arms across her chest. Ariel wasn't paying much attention to the conversation, instead she was more focused on taking care of the other wounds that Rose had. Cuts that just seemed to disappear in a blink of an eye.
Damian looked her right in the face "my king already has what he wants there is not point in drugging or poisoning you so long as you behave there will be no worries about it happening either" with that he turned and headed out letting them think what they wanted and while he knew what she had said about the power drain age was true Venus could tap anyones powers to use instead of her own if need be
Rose just looked at Damian before she spoke, "You are being brainwashed by a psychopath." With that she was going over and sitting on the bed, drawing Ariel with her and just encouraging the other female to lie down for a bit. More just to try and calm down, since she was on that point of having a breakdown. Yet again.... she didn't have the most splendid past last time she had been here. This was like severe trauma for her, and brought back a lot of horrible memories.
"so you say but he took me in as a child and when I was ready he helped me train to be a member of the army" Damian the headed back to join his king to see what he was going to do about the demon lands if they used Iris things would have to be handled carefully and Damian was going to ask the king about acquiring a human pet to keep him company at night
"Well aren't you just lucky. You didn't have to deal with being tortured and abused on a nightly basis like everybody else he has taken in." Rose snapped before she was actually getting up and closing the door on him, not even care if it locked them in. Her way of telling him that she no longer wished to speak to him. After that he was going back over to the bed and laying down next to Ariel, just pulling her close. Apocalypse was sitting in Venus' room with her, having a tea party with the child and some of her stuffed animals. Dominique wasn't there at the time, although she had also been sent to do something by Apocalypse briefly. "More tea, daddy?" Venus questioned as she was pretending to pour some more tea for her stuffed animals. The male gave a gentle smile before he spoke, "I would love some."
Damian smiled a little when he walked in to the room and just chuckled a little. it was easy to see the male adored his daughter and he would hate to see someone hurt the child "my lord our guests are settled in for the night and I was hoping to speak with you privately when you are free" this would tell the king he wished to speak to him about something that he didn't want Venus knowing about
Venus looked up when she heard a noise and smiled brightly when she saw that it was Damian. "You can steal daddy but you have to play tea party with me tomorrow in exchange!" the girl spoke after a moment in time. Yeah she knew that by the time they were done speaking she would already be asleep since it was pretty much bedtime for her at that point in time. "Daddy. I want to sleep with big sister." Venus spoke after she had gotten up to given Damian a hug good night and Apocalypse was assuring her that he would let Dominique know.
"you got it little one and I bet I can even con the cook in to giving use some tea and cakes" Damian smiled at her lightly from where he was standing Damian then hugged her back and sent her off to bed so she could get some sleep
Venus gave a small giggle before she spoke "Oh a tea party with real tea and snacks!" With that she was waving to them before she was running over to the maid that usually helped her get ready for bed. After she had gone off, Apocalypse was getting to his feet and heading out of the room, sending one of the guards to go and find Dominique. "Let her know that Venus wants to sleep with her tonight."
once the guard and Venus were gone Damian looked at his king "my lord I would like to ask your permission to get a human pet" while all generals had permission to get a human pet he figured since he lived in the castle he figured it would be better to ask before he went to get one and then get in to trouble
Apocalypse looked towards him before he spoke, "I've already told you a while ago that you were allowed to get a human pet." With that he was going over to his throne and taking a seat on it, just watching some of the servants that went to and fro getting their work done.
"I know that my lord but being as I live in the castle I would rather make sure that you are ok with it them get one and you become upset with me" Damian looked over when a guard came up to them and spoke "there is an eagle flying around and normally I wouldn't bother you but it seems to have something tied around its neck a letter of sorts"
Apocalypse looked towards Damian for a moment in time before he spoke, "Yes you may have a pet. Just inform me of who you wish to have as a pet." With that his attention was turning towards the guard that came into the throne room to let them know about the eagle. "Shoot it down. I don't care about the letter. It is unimportant." Nope he wasn't even going to be looking at it, he doubted that it was important at all.
Damian nodded his head "would you mind if I took the angel queen if not I will find someone else" Damian had taken a liking to the timid female and he wanted to make her his but if the king said no then it would be no
Apocalypse looked towards him for a brief moment in time before he spoke, "I will not mind but.... I do not want to see a single scratch or bruise on her. Not unless it is by my hand. Not yet anyways. I need her alive and in good health if I want to obtain Aetherial. Her guardian may be a problem them though." His attention turned towards his eldest daughter as she all of a sudden came sweeping into the throne room. She was carrying the dead eagle in one hand and the other held the letter. "That was fun." Dominique cooed and threw the letter towards her father before she was handing the dead bird off to one of the guards. With that she was giving a wave of her hand before vanishing off to her room to get into the shower, before Venus spotted her.
"I have an idea on how to get her separated from her guardian but I will make sure that no mark lands on her skin my lord at least none that can be seen" there were other ways to cause someone pain with out leaving a mark on the skin.
Apocalypse looked towards him after a moment in time before he spoke, "No need to hurt the sweet angel anymore. She shall be compliant. After all.... I trained her myself." This almost had a devious smile on his lips at that point in time. Yet he figured that Damian wouldn't really know what it was like to be a slave to Apocalypse himself. He had never seen how truly harsh that the man could be. Seriously made a person wonder if Damian would be all that loyal if he did know?

While this happened, Rose sat with Ariel more or less picking at the food that had been brought to them. In the end, the maid had ended up testing it herself and it was concluded that it was safe. This had Rose encouraging Ariel to eat something, especially if she was going to be in the infirmary for a while.
it would be on her way back that she would be taken to his room Damian would of course be waiting but as for her protector she wouldn't be allowed near her. Damian knew that keeping them separate would be the best bet but it would cause problems later one and he knew it
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