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Taken (Guardian and LunarWolf)

Daenerys just spoke, "Focus on getting those kids out first." With that she was looking at her phone briefly to see that she had a few messages from her contacts, although so far they hadn't found anything.
Thea nodded her head and soon the first baby was born and she had a beautiful baby girl. It’s was about ten minutes later and her son was born as well. The nurse handed her both of the babies after they were cleaned up and wrapped up “ they are so beautiful Dany”
Daenerys was giving a faint smile as she watched before she was patting her hand then spoke, "I'm going to be right back, I just need to step out to make a call and use the bathroom." This had her getting to her feet slowly and heading past the doctor, who was stating that once she got back he was going to look at her ankle.
“Of course” Thea leaned back and kept a good hold on her two children and hoped that they could get Nat back and that everyone else could be safe
Daenerys disappeared off to use the bathroom and make a few phone calls, although it didn't seem like anybody was having luck. Walking out of the bathroom she would collided with Alexander, who seemed to be there as well.
Daenerys gave a faint chuckle and spoke, "Not your fault. I wasn't watching where I was going." "Dany!" the doctor spoke as he came up to her and she was looking over at him before she was mumbling under her breath that she was fine. "Fine then walk without wincing." he ordered and she let out a breath of air, just folding her arms across her chest.
“Just let the man look at your ankle” Alexander gave her an annoyed look as well. He had texted Sebastian that the bandies had been born but he had simply sent they are here and safe so he knew they were healthy
Daenerys looked at him for a brief moment in time before she mumbled, "I planned on it, just not right at this very moment." "You are as stubborn as your brother." the doctor mumbled before he was gently pushing her along.
“Do it now so that way if asked I can say you got it looked at” Alexander the. Looked at the doctor “how long before we can take Thea and the babies home?”
"Where do you think I'm going." Daenerys spoke after a moment in time before she was answering her phone as it went off. She just listened for a moment before she spoke "Thanks. I'll relay information to Bastian and Oliver." With that she was texting the guys while sitting on a chair in the hallway, letting the doctor check out her ankle.
Alexander leaned against the door and finished making plans to get everyone back to the mansion and making sure the mansion was secure and safe for them all
"Minor sprain. You'll be good. I'll wrap it up. Pain killers and ice." The doctor told Daenerys, who was giving a thumbs up.
Sebastian was giving a nod of his head before walking into the building, wearing his usual mask. The first person he saw was a man dressed in all black, who was gesturing for him to follow him. "Discard all weapons you have. Now." The man ordered.
Oliver gave him a bland look and then spoke “we were somewhere we couldn’t have them we are unarmed” Oliver was more annoyed the. Anything at the moment
"Follow me. And no tricks or any funny business." The man spoke and continued to walk. There was a curse from furthur ahead and somebody commenting how they were going to kill the stupid bitch. "You shall not. The leader didnt want her hurt at all." Another voice spoke. Sebastian was looking at Oliver before he mumbled "If that is Nat, seems she has the upper hand."
Oliver nodded his head “she has been a little most testy recently being pregnant and all” Oliver kept his voice low knowing full well that all hell was fixing to break lose since he had lied through his teeth and they were armed
Sebastian was following after the man although he wasn't at all startled when a stapler flew at the man who had lead them into the room. Thrown by an irritated looking Natalia, who looked to be unharmed. She was sitting in a rather comfy looking chair on the other side of the desk. "You are really testing my patience woman." The man spoke with a glare. "Shouldnt have fucking tazed and kidnapped me. Maybe we would be on better terms right now." Natalia spoke in a rather dark tone before she was looking over towards Sebastian and Oliver for a moment.
Oliver nodded his head lightly at her but other than that he didn't overall react while he watched her beat up and berate the male who had kidnapped her from the hospital. Oliver wanted to shoot and kill the male and take Nat home but he couldn't risk it just yet
"You two go and sit over there." One of the men ordered and was waving a gun around. Sebastian was doing as he was told and sitting on the couch, more concerned for the safety of Oliver and his sister than himself. It wasn't long before the door was opening and another man came into the room with a woman hanging off of his arm. Sebastian did catch the subtle wink from her though which had him coughing slightly to cover his shock. Man how was Oliver going to react when he discovered that the blonde haired woman hanging off of their enemy, and wearing rather slutty clothing, was his orange haired sister.
"How nice of you to show up at last. The bitch was begin to annoy my men." The man spoke as he was sitting down in a chair, the disguised Daenerys taking a seat on the edge of the chair next to him.
"she is very good at that along with a few other things" Oliver sat down next to Sebastian and while he was a little peeved at her choice in clothing Oliver knew she was doing what she needed to do in order to get Nat out of there safely
"Hey boss while you are talking to these gentlemen...." Darnerys cooed although this was a voice that Sebastian didnt recognize at all, and she was leaning forward to whisper into his ear. A devious grin formed on his lips before the man spoke "Of course my fove, as long as this is recorded. I want to see you playing with the little bitch later." This had her rising with a playful wink before she was sashaying over to Natalia and ordering her to her feet. "You get to be my plaything for a while. Dont worry, I'll be gentle." Daenerys cooed before she was leaning forward after making a show of groping the other females breast and whispering something to her. One made it seem seductive but she was just telling her who it actually was.
Oliver watched and knew he was going to have something to hold over his sister for a while. Oliver then shifted and carefully handed Sebastian one of the many guns he had on him since they needed to be able to take the men out with no injuries to themselves
The two woman were about to leave the room although one of the men actually tried to stop them. "Better call off your guard dog before O knock his ass out." Daenerys spoke and the boss e as s giving a chuckle and waved a hand, the man moving. "I like my woman fiesty." He spoke and the door was closing behind them.
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