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Taken (Guardian and LunarWolf)

Alexander swore and then headed back in the direction of the hospital "this shit is getting old" Alexander was referring to people getting kidnapped and such
"Oh trust me I know. I'm totally with you th....." Daenerys spoke as she was bolting across the road although she was a bit startled by the sudden car that just narrowly hit her, probably would have if some random person hadn't come out of nowhere and grabbed her hand, yanking her towards them. Oh wait not a random person, somebody that she knew, somebody in the gang. "Dany, you okay?" the person questioned. "Other than the fact that I almost got intentionally hit with a car and I'm pretty sure my ankle is sprained, I'm good." Daenerys mumbled, already making a mental note of the license plate. Although this is when she was looking at the road to see the very familiar wallet that was laying there, one that had been tossed out the window. "Oh shit...." was all she could breath.
"what is going on and who got grabbed this time?" Alexander had just reached the hospital and was headed to Thea's room since he figured that was where they were going to be at the moment since he could hear screaming and knew the females voice
"Well I almost got hit by a car and..... Natalia. I'm pretty sure that grabbed Nat. Her wallet was tossed out the window." Daenerys spoke as she grabbed it and was looking at the gang member that was standing next to her. "Need a ride to the hospital." was all she said to him and he was giving a nod, before helping her walk over to his car.
“I’ll see you when you get here but first I think I need to make sure that we get guards here before all hell breaks lose on us” Alexander then hung up and started making calls to get guards in place.

Thea started uncomfortable like something wasn’t right with the nurse and doctor and asked Oliver if he could have Sebastian come sit with her while he looked in to them.
Daenerys was making calls as well to get people there, her heart racing at that point in time. Thankfully it didn't take them overly long to get to the hospital and she saw that Alexander was in fact already there. She was out of the car quickly and rushing inside. Man her ankle hurt like a bitch at that point in time but she ignored it, first person she went looking for was that of Oliver, thankfully he was easy enough to find it seemed. "Ollie. We need to talk." she spoke as she walked into the room where he was camped out, shifting her weight off of her throbbing ankle.

In the end Sebastian had agreed to sit with her, although he wasn't talking to her at all. Sure he had promised his sister he would talk to her, but he hadn't stated when he would start talking to her. No time soon that was for sure. He was glancing at the door briefly as there was a knock and soon enough one of his gang members was popping his head in. Poor man was confused as all hell especially when it was stated that the orders had come through message from another from Dany for them to get there. What the hell is going on?
When the nurse and doctor returned to the roo mThea told them to get out at this point her fear of them was getting to the max and she didn’t want them near her.
"Get the hell out of here. You aren't welcome here. We have hired our own private doctor." Sebastian spoke in a sharp voice after looking at his phone to see that their doctor had in fact just arrived.
Thea was shaking muttering that she didn’t trust them and wanted to go home. Thea wasn’t referring to her old apartment but to the group home where she had been living with them all. Thea was scared that they would take their babies and she didn’t want that to happen
Thea was breathing heavily as it was time for the babies to be born. Thea looked at Sebastian and was going to ask him to hold her hand but she didn’t think he would do as she asked
Sebastian was actually getting up after a brief moment in time so that he could go and sit on the other bed that was in the room. Still recovering himself, he felt quite faint at that point in time, and he was letting the nurse that had come with their doctor give him a shot to help with his own pain.
The nurse walked over to Thea after she gave him his shot and checked on her to make sure she was really ready to start pushing
Sebastian was looking at his phone although he was sitting up a bit more when he read the message that he had gotten from Natalia's phone, although it wasn't his sister. "Shit..." he breathed when he read that they knew he was the Black King. With that he was getting up and telling the doctor that he wasn't allowed to let anybody else see Thea unless it was Oliver, Daenerys, or those that they trusted. He was leaving the room in a hurry and about colliding with Daenerys, who did end up falling backwards on the ground with a slight groan. "Shit sorry Dany!" he spoke and was helping her up, noticing the flash of pain that crossed her features.
Thea leaned back in the bed when she was told it was time to start pushing soon she then went and talked to Sebastian letting him know what all was going on
Sebastian just listened for a moment in time before he spoke, "I'll handle that later. Dany, go in that room and sit down. And have your ankle looked at." With that he was heading off, leaving the orange haired female to stand with the nurse.
The nurse shook his head “I am tempted to ban him from the room” to her there was no reason for a father not to be there for the birth of his child unless he is deployed or dead
Daenerys was just rolling her eyes before she spoke, "Why because he isn't in there right now. Because he just got done with surgery and the sounds are probably causing him his own pain. Or maybe he left because.... oh yeah his sister was kidnapped, somebody knows his secret. He is leaving because people know who the fuck he actually is. Him not being here is better for you, for her, for those kids. So get your scrawny ass back into that room and do your damn job instead of stating that you want to ban him when you don't even know the full fucking story." And she knew that Thea could hear her as well, and she would explain even more about it after Thea had given birth and was more conscious.
The nurse looked at her “those kids and their mom need him now more then ever no matter what is going on”. She then turned and headed back in to help Thea give birth
Daenerys walked into the room before she looked at Thea before she spoke, "I know you hear me, just focus on listening to me. It'll help keep your attention off the pain somewhat. Bastian would be here but.... he cannot. Not with people knowing who he is and are out looking for him. They knew he was here. They don't know about you being here, they don't know about the kids. If he was here, they would have learned that. They would have killed you and your kids. So if you want to be mad at him for leaving to protect his family, then be mad."
“I hurt Dany and I am scared I want him here but I do understand” Thea had tears in her eyes from the pain and she was scared she didn’t know if she could handle being a mom and having her children’s father hate her
Daenerys looked at her before she spoke, "I know what Sebastian is going through, and he did try to contact you. I looked into it a bit more and the emails he sent you, somebody else rerouted them so they never got to you. Digging I discovered it was an ex-boyfriend of yours. Sebastian did try to get a hold of you, but since you never responded back... he figured you hated him." With that she was going over and sitting next to her, offering her a hand. "I'm not Bastian but I'm here to sit with you. It is better than being alone."
Thea took her hand “thank you and please tell him that I was angry yes and I did need a vacation but when I never heard from him I figured he didn’t care” Thea leaned against her and cried out when another contraction hit and she was told to push so that is what she did
Daenerys was giving a faint smile before she spoke, "I shall tell him as soon as I am able. But right now.... that won't happen. Thea.... Nat was taken. He got a text from her phone basically stating that he needed to show up with his second in command, or they would kill her. They taunted him that they had his girlfriend as well but obviously they don't, because they didn't really know about you."
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