Oddities of Raira (1x1 with Jikkah)

“Oh, no, please don’t worry!” She shook her head. “I don’t know what to wear so I just picked something..!” She was clearly already flustered, cheeks pink.
She nodded and walked beside him, actually quite nervous, she had never had a boy ask her out to lunch before, she did go to an all girls school after all.
He didn't really notice how nervous she was. He was mentally kicking himself for asking a girl out without waiting the proper amount of time. He was an absolute dumbass. When they arrived, the maids that were serving customers stopped to greet them; dressed in cute frilled maid dresses. "Irrashaimase, goushujin-sama!" They greeted happily in unison.
Makise felt a bit embarrassed with all of the maids eyes on her, but she removed her hat regardless, nodding slightly in response. “So... Do we just sit wherever?” She asked Shizuo.
"Right this way, we have a table set for you." A particularly cute maid with caramel colored hair smiled and took them to their table, giving them both a single menu before bowing, "I will be right back to serve you, goushujin-sama."
"Thanks." Shizuo nodded and eyed the menu. There was a lot of fancy teas and lovely sounding scones and sandwiches on the menu. "Get whatever you want." He told Makise.
“Oh, I brought money, it’s no problem..!” She said, looking over the teas and finger sandwhichea.
She looked up at him, blinking in surprise before looking back down at her menu. “Thanks.” She murmured.
He was just trying to be a gentleman. That's what Ayane liked, anyway. He exhaled and looked out the window. He was an absolute double dumbass. The maid came back and smiled.
"Have we decided?" She asked. Shizuo looked and made a noise.
"Yeah, I'm gonna have the milk tea with those fruit tarts and tea cakes."
"Of course, goushujin-sama," she bowed and looked to Makise, "And for you?" She asked kindly.
“Oh, I’ll have an iced coffee and the strawberry parfait.” She said softly, actually a bit embarrassed about the maid cafe, but other than that, it was fun.
"Of course. I will return shortly." She said and took their menus before heading off.
"The parfaits are really good. It's strawberry yogurt, too...kinda fancy." He told her.
She looked like a dear in the headlights when he said that, and she quickly averted her gaze. “No, not at all..! I just..” She fidgeted a bit. “I’ve... I've never been asked out on a date before.” She admitted.
Her cheeks flushed more, and she looked down at her napkin sitting on the table. “It’s true.. I go to an all girls school..”
He blinked, "Not even by another girl?" He asked curiously. Was that rude? That sounded rude. Dumbass, you shouldn't have asked that.
She didn’t seem to mind the question really. “I mean, I have, but it wasn’t ever anything serious... But it’s different with guys... I’m sorry, is that weird?”
He shook his head, "No, not really. I've been called cute by Mika's da-..." he stopped; he didn't have the right to air out Ayane's home life like that, "It's not weird." He said.
She gave a small nod, rubbing the back of her neck. “It’s my first time out on a date with a guy..”
"Well, you're doing pretty great, all things considered." He told her, "Usually me and Mika would just sit and shoot the shit. Don't think of it as a date, it's like when we went to soba."
She nodded, taking a deep breath. “I’m a little surprised that you like maid cafes, I didn’t take you for that kind of person- not meaning thing bad, you’re just... You seem pretty quiet.”
He made a noise and shrugged, "Ayane loves these places. Says they're cute and junk. Plus the food isn't half bad and everyone is nice. At the time, how could I tell my girlfriend no?"
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