Oddities of Raira (1x1 with Jikkah)

"It isn't your fault. Any time I try scaring him away he just comes back.."
"I could kill him, you know." Shizuo offered, smirking darkly. Ayane made a face.
"He might just come back from that, too. I keep showing him pictures of Gure but it isn't enough."
“Pictures don’t do much good, it’d be best if you just had the dog with you at all times.” Makise said. “And for killing him, he’s like a cockroach, beating him just isn’t enough either.”
Ayane sighed in defeat and Shizuo huffed, both not really happy about hearing that.
"I wish I could bring Gure with me everywhere..." She muttered.
“Sorry, it’s not really helpful, but if I find something more useful, I’ll tell the both of you first.” She promised.
After they had ate their fill and split the bill they all left and stood outside, "Well, despite Izaya's disrespectful behavior, I had a lot of fun." Ayane smiled, "It was a pleasure to meet you, Makise."
“Likewise.” Makise smiled softly. “Would you like to exchange email’s?” She asked, holding out her phone.
Makise gave her own email to Ayane, pocketing her phone once she was done. “Thank you for joining me for dinner.” She said, bowing her head to the both of them.
Ayane bowed back politely and scowled when Shizuo didn't move, grabbing his collar and yanking him down to bow. "It was a pleasure to be in your company, Makise. Maybe sometime I can have you over and you can meet Gure!"
“I am a little allergic, but I would love to see your dog.” She waved as she left, smiling softly.
Things went on as usual, except for maybe some nonsense about Ayane being "the most beautiful girl at Raira". It earned her a lot of unwanted attention from everyone; a lot of flirting from boys and threats from some girls. She didn't really enjoy it, but then again who would? She actually let Izaya corner her on the roof at lunch so she could talk to him.
"Did you start spreading crap about me being the prettiest girl here? I don't really appreciate it..."
“Crap?” He rose an eyebrow, then smirked. “You mean the rumors? If you are then no, I didn’t spread them.” He shrugged and put his hands in his pockets. “And is it really crap if it’s true?”
"I'm getting a lot of creepy love letters. And there are girls picking on me all the time." She said, "Orihara-san, please be honest with me. I'm scared..."
“Honest, it isn’t me.” He held up one hand, as if swearing on the Bible. “I’m sure they’ll stop soon, rumors are only so fun after all.”
She looked away before nodding, "Ok...if it really wasn't you..." She muttered. It was interesting to see someone so willing to chase him away become so concerned over the same attention he gave her come from strangers.
The attention would fade, but only slightly. Girls still glared at her when she passed in the halls, and boys would whisper about her in clasp to each other. If Izaya hadn’t started those rumors, then who did? And why?
She felt uncomfortable with all this gossip going around about her. She was walking home one day, alone as usual, but she didn't like it. Yeah, she wasn't far from Raira but it still made her uncomfortable. She was emailing Makise just to chat when she lost her footing and fell to the ground. "Oops~" She looked up at a group of posh girls from Raira as well as some thug looking guys and looked away before pushing herself up.
"I'm sorry, I wasn't paying attention." She apologized. The girls backed her into a wall and mad dogged her.
"Listen here, floozy, just because you think your hot shit doesn't mean you can go around trying to take everyone's man."
"What are you talking about...?" Ayane asked and gasped when the butt of a metal bat slammed into tye wall next to her head, handled by one of the thugs.
"We heard you were flirting it up with Kaito Sutamaru and his girl is our friend, so you better back off."
"I-I don't...even know who that is..." Ayane stammered.
“Hai, hai~” A familiar voice sounded from behind the group of hooligans. “Violence’s is fun and all, but I’d appreciate it if you conveniently did it elsewhere.” Izaya, that far had followed Ayane home again; easily moving through the group, he moved to stand in the way of the bullies. “You see, I walk home this way, and I’d prefer the scenery to stay beautiful.”
A smirk grew on Izaya’s face and he waved his hand. “Mika-chan is about as virgin as one gets,” He said, moving over to Ayane. “But I guess it’s only fair that you wouldn’t know that, considering.”
Ayane flushed and the girls looked beyond offended before the thugs pushed toward Izaya.
"You got quite the mouth on you, punk."
"Let's just go, Orihara-san, I need to feed Gure..." Ayane said.
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