Oddities of Raira (1x1 with Jikkah)

“Hai~” He took her hand, easily pulling her through the crowd and hurrying her around the corner and away from the thugs.
"Get back here!" They shouted and chased after them. Ayane felt odd, running away with Izaya, his hand in hers. Why did he go out of his way for her? She wasn't pretty or talented or interesting. She was just there. She had a dog and parents that loved her. She was the ex of his rival. So why?
It was easy to lose the delinquents, it was after all, a neighbor hood he had been in quite often. Stopping once he was sure they were gone, he stopped, turning to Ayane with a wide grin.
Once she caught her breath, she bowed deeply to him. "Thank you so much, Orihara-san. I don't know how I'm going to repay you."
It was quiet for a moment, then he spoke. “May I call you Ayane-chan~?” He asked, a triumphant smirk on his face.
She was way too cute. “Of course~” He wanted to push her more, to test more of her limitations and reactions, this was only just starting.
"Then...you have my permission to call me Ayane-chan..." She replied, "And...I'll stop terrorizing you with Gure..." Ooh, a bonus prize, how absolutely kind of her.
His grin only widened. “Let’s get home, shall we?” He offered her his hand, almost like he was genuinely a good person.
Izaya led her the entire way home, not once letting go of her hand until they reached the gate to her house. “We have arrived, Hime-sama~”
She pulled her hand away and moved through the gate, "Arigatou..." She muttered. She looked when her door opened and her father peeked out.
"There you are, Ayane! We were starting to worry! Is this a school mate?"
"Yeah, he was helping me home! I'll be in in a moment...!"
"Ok, well, don't take too much longer. Asahi-kun is getting fussy~" He said. She smiled and nodded, turning back to Izaya when her father went back inside.
"I'll see you tomorrow?" She asked shyly
Izaya nodded. “Of course, we are in homeroom together.” He said, then turned to head toward his home. “Farwell, Hime-sama~”
"Be safe, Izaya..." She muttered before heading inside.
"He was cute~" Her father, Hotaru, teased. She blushed and moved passed him.
"D-Damare, he's just a friend."
"A cute friend? With my Ayane?" Asahi Mika, her second father, came out from the kitchen, "I'll kick his ass."
"D-Dad, no, really, don't listen to him! Izaya is really just a friend!"
"He was so charming, Asahi-kun, I almost wish I was his age~!"
"P-Papa, please!" Ayane argued. Hotaru grinned and hugged her.
"Just pullin' your leg, sweetheart, don't worry.." He grinned. She blushed more and Asahi kissed her head.
"Go hang out with Shigure while we make dinner."
"H-Hai..." Ayane stammered and jogged to her room.
Makise would have to have her cast on for nearly a year, but she would only need the sling for about two more months. Her bruises were completely gone, and other than the healing scar above her eyebrow, she was fine.
She got an email from someone she didn't recognize one day, but once she read the message it was revealed to be Shizuo.
"Mika gave me your email so we could talk. Hope I didn't fuck it up. It's Shizuo."
She read the email, a bit surprised, but responded.
”You’re fine, this is Makise, what’s up?” She stared at her response for a while before hitting send, wondering if it was a bit too forward.
She stared at her phone for a long moment, cheeks flushed as she typed her response. ”Sure, when and where?”
"It's pretty cliche but there's a coffee place near the main intersection of Ikebukuro. Wanna go there? Other than that, the only place I know of is this maid cafe Mika likes to go to." Ayane likes maid cafes. Interesting.
”I’ve never been to a maid cafe, we could try there.” This almost sounded like a date, Makise couldn’t help but blush a bit.
"Cool...how does this weekend sound? I don't know where you live and frankly I don't want to so we could meet at the park if you want. Or you could come to my place, doesn't matter."
"Yeah, see you then." Shizuo exhaled and pocketed his phone. What is he thinking, going on a date so early? He and Ayane hadn't been broken up for a month yet.
Once the planned day arrived, Makise’s stomach was doing flips as she waited for Shizuo. She wore a knee length white skirt and black stockings, a pink blouse, and a black jacket. She fidgeted with her jacket, her sun hat keeping the sun out of her face, as well as hiding her face.
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