Oddities of Raira (1x1 with Jikkah)

Makise felt a little pang in her gut. “Oh, you and Mika-san are dating?” Was she intruding? Had she overstepped her bounds, or had she just assumed he had asked her on a date and it was something else?
"Ah..." He glanced out the window, "No, we were dating. I broke up with her before school started. Something, uh...something happened and I didn't want her to get swept up further than she already was..."
It was silent for a moment. “Gomenasai.” Makise was bowing her head to Shizuo, clearly having brought up an uncomfortable subject.
Thins went on as usual after that; Izaya still hounded Ayane as he usually did, Makise and Shizuo started talking more, and Izaya continued to bother Shizuo and try to get him killed. Things seemed to be going along as well as expected.
Until a new student entered Ayane and Izaya's homeroom. He was odd, to say the least. His hair was a dark red and he wore a black beanie as well as a Kushi High School uniform. He looked like a goth trying a little too hard. He had bags under his eyes and he looked exhausted, almost like he would fall over and croak at any moment.
"Suzuki Hibiki desu." He even sounded tired. What was up with him?
"Thank you, Suzuki-san. There is a spare seat behind Mika-chan, our class rep. Go sit over there." The teacher said. Hibiki dragged himself to his desk before melting into his seat, closing his eyes and just listening to everything.
Izaya didn’t really know how he felt yet about the new kid, he got an odd vibe from him, but other than that, he would need to see him in action to determine his feelings.
It went on almost like Hibiki wasn't even there. It was weird, but it felt like the air was really heavy. When it was time for lunch, Ayane left to the roof with Izaya as she usually did when she got a chill. She glanced back and saw Hibiki following them, which made her really uncomfortable, so she moved closer to Izaya.
Izaya noticed when Ayane moved closer to him, glancing down at her, then behind them. Huh, odd kid. He ignored him, leading Ayane up to the roof and to their usual spots, keeping an eye on the boy, but also not paying him any mind.
"I, uh..." Ayane blushed and looked away as she offered her bento to him, "I packed you some fatty tuna!" She said quickly, clearly embarrassed.
Izaya blinked, then smiled, reaching out to cup her cheek. “Thank you, Hime-sama~” He said smoothly. “I’ll enjoy every bite~”
Her face lit up red all the way to her ears and she actually got butterflies in her stomach.
"Hime-sama..." A voice croaked out and Ayane gasped, jumping out of her skin and nearly dropping the food. Hibiki was sitting on the other side of the entrance to the roof, listening to them, "And how, may I ask, does such a captivating woman come to treat such a slimy toad with a warm kindness...? Do you hope to find your prince under all that grime...? Forgive me, fair maiden, but you will find no such thing in a man like him..." Ayane tried to locate where Hibiki was speaking from and physically became uncomfortable and scared.
Izaya felt a bit of annoyance in his chest, he was busy with Ayane, and at the moment had no interest in such a boorish looking person. “And you are?”
"Suzuki Hibiki desu. We have homeroom together." Shuffling was heard before Hibiki came into view. He smiled at Ayane and she inched back, "My, you have such lovely eyes, Hime-sama..."
"Th-They're contacts. And don't call me that." Ayane said. Hibiki hummed, smiling softly, before inching closer to her and she scrambled back.
"He doesn't love you, you know." He stated lowly. She jumped up and hid behind Izaya, holding the bento close. Hibiki stood up straight again and gave a disarming smile.
"I'm sorry, I just can't stand vile people who would use the pure for their wicked intentions." He said.
“Surely I don’t know what you mean, but clearly, Mika-chan doesn’t like your presence.” He offered a fox like grin in return. “Why don’t you go back downstairs?”
"The roof is open to everyone, no? I don't have to leave if I don't wish to." He said. Ayane took Izaya's hand and tugged him along.
"It's fine, we can eat somewhere else...!" She said quickly. He could feel how hard she was shaking, "I know a better place, Izaya, we can go there...!"
Izaya shrugged and turned to follow Ayane. “Alright, Hime-sama.” He said, following her off the roof and back down the stairs.
“Don’t know, he’s probably just trying to see who he can scare.” Izaya knew that wasn’t the case, something was definitely off with that kid, was he a gang member?
Ayane sat down near the grass and sighed before opening the bento again. Everything still looked good, "Yogatta..." She muttered before she held it out shyly, "Here, your tuna is safe..." She said quietly.
“Thank you~” He smirked more. “But right now I’m so scared, my hands won’t stop shaking, will you feed me~?”
She blushed hard, "M-My hands are shaking, too, jerk!" She stammered. Feed him? Isn't that what couples do? Shizuo thought it was lame so she never really bothered.
“Ah but even if you spill, I would still gladly eat that food too~” He smirked more, sitting closer to her. “Onegai, Hime-sama~?”
She got butterflies again, her face lighting up an even deeper shade of red. She looked down shyly before finally nodding, "H-Hai..." She muttered and picked up a piece of fatty tuna with her chopsticks, keeping her free hand under it in case it fell as she moved to feed him.
Izaya opened his mouth, taking the piece of tuna into his mouth and eating it. “Delicious~” He praised softly.
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