Oddities of Raira (1x1 with Jikkah)

She took a moment, then nodded, looking to Shizuo. “Y-Yeah... Sorry, I’m not...” She stood up on shaky legs. “I’m not used to being the one getting stabbed at.”
"You get used to it." He said; not the most assuring thing but it was all he had to offer, "Come on, I'll make sure you get home safe."
“What about your arm? You were stabbed!” She looked at his arm, his uniform soaked with blood. “You should go to a hospital..!”
Makise frowned, but nodded. “Just promise me you’ll get it taken care of?” She said softly.
"Yeah, I promise." He said, like it wasn't a big deal. He was used to Ayane taking all his wounds into stride, having someone actually worry about him was a little weird.
She nodded, heading toward her home with him, the entire time, checking his arm every now and again
It was still bleeding but he didn't seem very bothered by it. In fact, his adrenaline was pumping as hard as it did whenever he chased Izaya. But he didn't want to ditch Makise. He wanted to make sure she got back ok.
Once they got to her home, Makise refused to let him go without at least wrapping up his arm first. “Please, we can treat it out here.” She begged.
He nodded and moved to leave, only to stop and turn back. He leaned down, more like bent down since he was much taller than her, and kissed her cheek gently. "I'll message you once I finish up with Shinra." He said.
Makise stood stock still, blank faced. “Yeah.. Stay safe..” She sounded like she was partially asleep, voice dreamy, cheeks pink.
"Later.." He waved as he headed off, letting Shinra know he would be stopping by for a brief visit. Did he really just kiss her cheek? Of course, it had been almost three months since he and Ayane had broken up, so the appropriate amount of time had passed. But it seemed too good to be true.
Makise’s heart was hammering in her chest, standing outside her home for a moment longer before she headed inside.

((Ready for Izaya’s kiss~?))
((I was born ready!))

Ayane couldn't really take her mind off of the other day, when Izaya was on top of her, moments away of kissing her before being a dick and moving away. She didn't remember wanting anything so badly before. He continued on like nothing happened and it disappointed her a bit, as if it didn't matter to him. Maybe Hibiki was right and Izaya didn't really love her? She sighed softly as she looked through her pictures of her dog on her phone before glancing at the little shiba charm Izaya had purchased for her on a whim. Probably the closest he had ever willingly been to a dog in his life.
It was a bit of a breezy day, and it was nice out on the roof, but it did startle Ayane a bit when two arms wrapped around her middle, a chin resting on her shoulder as she was brought against someone bony. “Hime-sama~” Oh, it was just Izaya.
She blushed but didn't shove him away, closing her phone and having no choice but to rest against him, "Hey, Izaya.." She greeted softly.
Izaya’s smirk grew, and he tightened his hold on her, but only slightly. “Why such a sad face~?”
He drummed his fingers up and down her sides. “Everything you think is imortant.” Hesaid softly in her ear. “Tell me.”
“Oh? You don’t want me touching you like that? Well then,” His hand snakes across her stomach and down over her hipbone. “How about like this?” He asked in a breathy whisper, hand touching her through her skirt and panties, very gently, slowly, agonizingly slow.
She gasped and pushed his hand away, "I-I meant talking like that in my ear!" She sputtered, embarrassed. She covered her face and shook her head, "What is wrong with me...?"
In a second, Ayane was flipped over, and pinned to the wall, though not hard enough to hurt her. Izaya leaned down and cupped her jaw, manipulating her head to angle up. “What was it you wanted, Ayane?” He asked lowly, letting his lips linger near hers.
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