Oddities of Raira (1x1 with Jikkah)

She wanted to hear him say that he loved her more, but that felt selfish. So she kept quiet as they walked. She was just happy to be near him.
((Yeh, cuz he was gonna drug her right? Should he corner them both and harass them a little~?))
((Got it!))

When Makise wasn’t spending time with Shizuo, she was hanging out with Ayane, going to cafe’s and shopping districts, just relaxing and having fun.
“I really did, the coffee was delicious.” She smiled, holding her bag full of deserts and new books.
"It is, I love everything in there...and some of the girls are super cute...!" She said, "Shizuo told me he took you a while back, I hope he wasn't rude.."
“No, no! He was really nice! Offered to pay for everything.” She said, glancing to Ayane. “It doesn’t bother you..?” She asked softly.
She shook her head, "No, I'm actually really glad...I thought for sure Shizuo would shut down after the break up but he's doing great. You two are really cute together." She smiled
Her cheeks flushed pink, and she looked down at the ground with a soft smile. “Thank you.” She murmured. “Oh! I get my cast off in four weeks!” She said excitedly.
"Oh yay! I'm so glad! It seems like forever since you-!" She suddenly froze, eyes widen in pure, unadulterated terror. She actually stopped breathing.
Makise kept walking a few steps before stopping, looking back at Ayane in confusion. “What’s wrong?” She asked, then turned her head, following her gaze to see what she was looking at.
Across the way from them stood Hibiki, smiling his usual tired yet dangerous smile. Ayane started shaking, "H...Hibiki..." She muttered and the boy started walking toward them.
Makise felt her own fear, it was the kid who had tried to stab her; moving back to Ayane, she took her hand. “We should go.” She said softly.
"Y-Yeah..." Ayane nodded and pulled Makise along as they made a break for it away from Hibiki. But he only seemed to follow him. "He's so creepy! Why is he always stalking me, I don't understand!"
Makise looked nervous, but she did her best to keep it together. “He came after me too..” She glances at Ayane, leading her quickly down streets and alley ways to lose him.
"What? You're kidding." Ayane looked even more scared. Was Hibiki targeting people to get to Izaya? Waa that his goal? "He didn't hurt you, did he?"
She pulled her into a quiet alleyway, looking around the corner to see if they had lost him. “He tried to stab me.” She looked back at Ayane. “Shizuo was there though.”
"Thank goodness..." Ayane muttered, "I'm glad nothing happened."
"Hi-me-sa-ma~" Hibiki drew out her nick name as he approached from behind them, making Ayane scream and cover her mouth, "You are tainted, Hime-sama~ I can free you of his wickedness~ you are too good for him~"
"Leave me alone!" Ayane shouted and grabbed Makise's hand, running off again.
Makise dropped her things, she didn’t care about them, Hibiki could have them for all she cared. “What does he mean?” She looked so scared, did he have a knife again?
"You dropped your things, wicked one~ allow me to return them~" Hibiki called.
"He's got beef with Izaya for some reason, I don't know! He keeps saying he's evil and if I continue being with him, he'll corrupt me or some shit!" Ayane said, clearly panicked.
Makise suddenly stopped, yanking Ayane back, turning down another street. “The train, lets go..!” She said, nearly dragging her up the stairs toward the station.
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