Oddities of Raira (1x1 with Jikkah)

“I don’t need it!” She swiped her train card, pushing Ayane through the turnstile and to the train.
They boarded the train just before it left, allowing for them to have a safe get away. Once the train arrived in the station, Makise left the train with Ayane, tired and anxious. “Well.. I think I’m done for the day...” She muttered.
Makise actually straightened Ayane up and hugged her tightly. “It’s not your fault.” She said, still shaking herself.
She hugged Makise back and sobbed harder, apologizing up and down regardless if she was to blame or not. Hibiki was after her and Makise was dragged into it because of her. She felt terrible for putting her friend in danger.
It took some time, but Makise finally calmed her down and the two headed home, the whole maniac chasing them through the city really put a damper on the mood.
Days passed and Ayane tried her best to stay with Izaya as much as possible to keep Hibiki away from her. It got to the point where she tried even hiding from Hibiki, though Izaya would always locate her and help her calm down. Though, one day, Ayane seemed to vanish straight after lunch. Which was odd because Izaya would know where she was soon enough, though now she seemed to straight disappear. Calling her phone only went to voice mail.
Izaya made a noise, waiting well after school was out, but even then she didn’t show, then he got a text from her cell phone. ”Went home early, sick.” He made a face, but headed home regardless, she had been running herself ragged, it wouldn’t be unreasonable that she went home early.

Makise has stayed after school to help her friends with a school club, meaning she was going to walk home, however, on the way, she recieved a text from Ayane.
”Can you come to Raira, Izaya ditched and I’m scared to walk home alone.” “Dick..” She muttered, heading toward Raira.
"She's safe from you now, away from your wickedness..." Hibiki smirked as he watched Izaya leave from the roof. He played with Ayane's phone, cooing as he waited for Makise, "Soon, the lamb will be cleansed, free of your evil~ and I will come for you next, Orihara Izaya~"
By the time Makise made it to the school, most of the students and teachers were gone. She texted Ayane to tell her she was there, but when she didn’t respond, and didn’t come out, she went in. Walking through the empty halls was a bit unnerving, but she was looking for Ayane.
"I'm glad you could come." Hibiki greeted, standing in the doorway of a nearby room, "I hope you don't mind my little trick." He smirked as he held up Ayane's phone, she recognized it by the shiba charm.
Makise stopped dead in her tracks, eyes wide. “What did you do?” She asked quietly, already panicking, but with her other hand, she was already dialing emergency services.
"I just want you to come with me. Please? Hime-sama would be sad not to see you~" He said, "There's a huge special event I have planned and you're both invited. Hime-sama is waiting~"
Makise hit send, staring at Hibiki and swallowing hard. “I won-“ Her phone was snatched from her hand and the call ended before it could connect, making Makise turn in surprise. “Hibiki...” A tall teen with a shaved head held Makise’s phone, frowning heavily. “She tried calling the cops.”
When Makise turned back, Hibiki's fist collided with her cheek, knocking her down. He winced and shook his hand quickly, whining in pain. "Thank you for catching that. We wouldn't want any uninvited guests, hm?"
Makise went down hard, crying out and spilling her books across the hall. The hot wasn’t hard enough to knock her out, but it did hurt quite a bit.
The shaved head boy nodded, turning off Makise’s phone and pocketing it. “What do we do with her?”
Aoba pulled Makise to her feet, holding her tightly by her arm; of course she struggled, trying to break away from Aoba, but he was much too strong, and he wasn’t going to let her go.
As she was led out of the school, Hibiki soon followed with a giant wheeled trunk, smiling his viper smile as they headed to their hideout. Was Ayane in the trunk?
They were brought to a van, where Makise was pushed inside, two other dreary looking kids inside to push her into a seat and keep her there; a boy and a girl. Aoba moves around back and loaded the trunk into the back of the van, then got into the drivers seat, waiting for Hibiki.
Hibiki climbed in and sat across from Makise after closing the van door. "You're going to have so much fun~" He smiled, "I promise~"
The van started and pulled away from the school, heading off at the speed limit.
Makise was too scared to scream, to even talk really, she only stared at Hibiki, face pale.
He did nothing but smile at her the whole time, like he was a close friend taking her out on a day trip. Everything felt so wrong and heavy.
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