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Oddities of Raira (1x1 with Jikkah)

"Don't cry," Hibiki moved over when he noticed Makise was crying, "It'll be ok, Galvos is awaiting you both~" He said and licked up her tears.
Makise went rigid when he licked her face, a look of panick coming over her face before she head-butted him hard in the mouth, kicking and screaming again.
“Hibiki!” A few of the other members moved over to make sure Hibiki was ok, worried for him.
“Should I just slit her throat now?” Aoba asked Hibiki, box cutter in hand, a frown on his face.
Hibiki checked all his teeth to make sure they were ok before shaking his head, "No, no, not yet. It isn't time." He perked when he heard Ayane groaned and he moved over quickly, "Hime-sama...~!" Ayane was still groggy from the drugs, eyes unfocused as she looked up at him.
"Hibiki...? O-Oh God...where am I...?"
"In my temple~" He answered.
As Ayane’s gaze moved around the room, she saw exactly where she was. A large stone statue loomed over her head, and at her side was Hibiki, about a dozen of teens were gathered in the far corner, all changing into dark red robes, and dozens of candles lit the room, making shadows dance on the walls. The room itself was awful, but that’s when she saw her friend chained to the wall across from her.
"Maki...?" She groaned and lazily looked to Hibiki, "Let her go...please..."
"Oh no, I can't, she's wicked as well, she needs to die." Hibiki said. Ayane immediately started crying.
"No, no, don't kill her..."
Die, then he was definitely going to kill her then, she cried quietly as she watched Ayane-she was going to die too. What happened? What had led up to this point in her life that she’d be murdered? Why Ayane? Why did he have to torture them like this before hand?
"Please, she's my best friend, don't hurt her..." Ayane begged weakly. Hibiki silenced her gently.
"Sshh, don't worry, Hime-sama. She will be used to appease Galvos. Her wickedness will be cleansed before Galvos devours her soul, it's a great honor." He said. Ayane cried harder and Hibiki covered her mouth to silence her, "You have the greatest honor of all, Hime-sama! You are the purest being I have ever seen. You will be sacrificed to our God and join him forever!" Ayane screamed behind his hand and started thrashing, her tears falling harder.
“Please..!” Makise’s voice pulled Hibiki’s attention away from Ayane, only if slightly. “Please don’t hurt her, she’s my friend..!” She begged. “Please just let her go..!”
Makise was so surprised and caught off guard that he would agree so easily. “Anything, I’ll do anything, just please don’t hurt her!” Her body was shaking with how hard she was crying.
"No, Maki, don't, I'm not worth it!" Ayane sobbed.
"Will you join me and repent for your wickedness?" Hibiki asked, smiling widely.
Makise’s eyes widened, her lip trembled and she felt her skin grow clammy. “Y-Yes..” She could hardly get the words out.
He grinned and moved to start cutting her cast off, "We'll ask Galvos to heal your arm~"
"Maki!!" Ayane yelled, "Tell him no! Tell him to fuck off!"
Makise shook as he got close to her, flinching every time he cut into her cast. “M-My arm isn’t broken anymore..” She gasped when the blade slipped and knicked her, whimpering softly.
Makise cried out in pain, this time the blade cutting a bit deeper into her arm. “I get it off in a few weeks..!”
The skin under the cast was much paler then the rest of her skin, two fresh cuts running along her arm, but something else was on her arm as well. Old scars on her forearm, accentuated by the fresh blood, showed signs of self harm.
Hibiki gasped softly, putting his hand to his lips, "Oh attempted suicide before..."
"Wh-What...?" Ayane lifted her head, "Maki...?"
Makise couldn’t look up at Ayane, shame burning in her stomach. “Shut up..” She whispered. “You’re wrong...”
"Then what are these scars, sister...?" He asked gently, "It's ok, we don't judge here..." Ayane looked deeply saddened by hearing that Makise used to cut, or still cut, she didn't know. She just knew it broke her heart knowing it.
“Shut up! They’re none of your business! You have no right to talk about them!”
She hadn’t noticed that Aoba had left, only taking notice when he returned, a lead pipe in hand as he moved over to Hibiki.
Hibiki took it and tested the weight before slamming it down over Makise's arm. Ayane jerked upright and screamed.
"Don't hurt her!!" She begged.
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