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Oddities of Raira (1x1 with Jikkah)

"Yeah, sure, just take it easy ok?" He grinned, "Also..." His smile turned a little sad, "Don't let Shizuo see those old scars...he'll get really upset and probably break something..."
Makise felt her face flush hot with shame, her whole body tensing up slightly. “Yeah.” She whispered softly. “I won’t.”
((Next plan!))

Both Ayane and Makise took a few weeks off of school, often spending time with each other, but mostly Makise at Ayane’s house since it was almost never empty.
She suffered from nightmares often, waking up in a cold sweat, and that night was no different. After waking up screaming, she went down to the kitchen for water, leaving the lights off in the quiet apartment as she got a cup from the cupboard and filled the glass in the sink.
"Maki...?" Ayane called groggily, her and Shigure moving to the kitchen to check on her. Makise had been spending the night a lot, too, and Ayane didn't blame her, "Are you ok...?"
She turned to look at her, nodding and holding up her water. “Sorry if I woke you.. Another nightmare.” She said tiredly. “I’ll be ok, I’ll be back in bed in a little bit.”
"I can stay..." Ayane mumbled, "We'll go back together...Shigure would feel bad just leaving you out here." The shiba whined softly, tail wagging slowly.
Makise nodded, drinking her water, then going back to bed with Ayane and Shigure. They all shared the same bed, Shigure snuggling right between the two.
“No, I’ll be ok as long as I vacuum.” She murmured softly, blankets tucked up to her nose.
She nodded and fell asleep peacefully enough. In the morning, Ayane stayed a little longer before getting her stuff and putting Shigure in his harness, "Well, I guess we should get dad will get all kinds of huffy if I'm not home." She smiled softly, "I'll message you when I get home."
Makise waved goodbye from the door, holding her jacket closed and smiling softly. “Say hi to your dads for me, ok?” She said happily, still a bit groggy.
She smiled and nodded, "I will. Papa wants you over again, he really likes you. Ja...!" She waved and walked home with Shigure, who pranced at her side.
Makise closed the door and locked it, heading back inside her room and flopping onto the bed, wanting just a bit more sleep before getting ready for the day.
Makise shot up in bed, eyes wide as she looked around; she was so sure he was in the apartment with her, but upon looking, she saw no one.
”Can’t sleep lately, and my arm aches.” She had even bought black out curtains, sometimes needing to sleep during the days since she couldn’t sleep at nights. She laid in bed, snuggled under the covers as she texted Shizuo.
”Can you stop by around five tonight? I have a few errands to run first.” She texted back, slowly tossing off the blankets and rolling out of bed, in only her underwear and a t-shirt.
"Yeah, sure, I'll see you then." Shizuo replied. Someone made their way quietly toward her room before her door slid open and Hibiki looked in.
"Makise~" When he saw her in only her undies and a shirt, he shut the door, "Suman." He apologized.
Makise dropped her phone moving to the door and holding it closed. “Hibiki!” Her legs felt numb. “What are you doing here?”
"You need to be initiated, remember? I came to bring you to the ceremony." He said through the door, "Please forgive my rudeness, I should have knocked."
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