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Oddities of Raira (1x1 with Jikkah)

“Fuck what I said!” She shouted through the door, feeling herself start to tremble. “Get out!”
Makise wanted to sob, but only hit her lip, keeping the door shut as firmly as she could. She glanced to her phone on the floor by her bed, just out of reach, and her door didn’t have a lock.
Makise fell to the floor and nearly landed on her broken arm, which had been recasted. She felt fear enter her heart, and when she saw his eyes, she nodded, covering herself as she stood and moving over to her closet, pulling on a skirt. She struggled with the zipper, hands shaking, but she managed. She slipped on a pair of flats, turning to look at him and sipping up her jacket, numbly moving over to him.
He smiled kindly, like they were friends, before leaving with her to meet up with the others. They went back to the temple, where it was lavishly decorated for Makise's initiation.
Being back in the temple made Makise want to vomit, keeping her eyes downcast as she followed Hibiki further into the temple.
"Now, the initiation means you have to accept our lord into you. So you will be having his likeness inked into your skin. Namely, your back." Hibiki smiled.
She looked up at him in horror, griping her arm tightly. “No, I-I can’t, please.” She pleaded with him, stopping where she was.
“No! No... I’ll do it, just leave her be..” Makise said quietly. “I’ll do the initiation.”
Makise’s vision grew blurry as tears came to her eyes. She unzipped her jacket, pulling it off before pulling her shirt over her head, discarding both on the ground before slowly unhooking her bra, removing that as well.
She kept her chest covered as she moved over to the chair, sitting down on it and laying forward, visibly shaking.
They strapped her arms down as well as her legs so she wouldn't kick and thrash as they took the ink and the needle and began their work, some chanting softly under their breath.
Makise did her best to not cry in pain, but it came out every now and again, she did shake the whole time however, no longer out of fear, but pain.
She was there for hours, and if she thought the outline hurt, the coloring about killed her. Hibiki glanced at the time on his watch and frowned, "Goodness, it's so late..." He muttered.
Makise had passed out a few times from the pain, face pale and light headed. “I need to get home... He... He’s gonna be there and I won’t..”
She nodded, ignoring the blistering pain in her back- or at least trying to. “Please, I want to go home..”
"Of course, of course. We can continue some other time." He said and they cleaned the blood and ink and applied some ointment before unstrapping her.
Makise wobbled as she got to her feet, gathering her clothes, but only putting on her jacket, it hurt bad enough as it was to move, and she figured putting on her bra and shirt would be worse. She didn’t say anything as she made her way out of the temple, simply letting herself out and walking for home.
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