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Oddities of Raira (1x1 with Jikkah)

She gave a nod. “That’d be nice.” She said, then took his hand in hers, cheeks flushing a bit more.
“I don’t think anything makes him mad.” She muttered, leaning against his arm. “But scaring him works just as well.”
Makise thought for a moment, then looked at him. “Oh, there is one other thing he hates: fish eyes, dead ones especially.” She said.
“Yeah.” She agreed, resting her forehead against his shoulder. “Do you think... Do you think you could stay the night..?” She asked quietly. “I’m scared they’ll come back.”
“I have a guest room, it’s a little bare, but you can sleep in there rather than the couch, if you’d like.” She offered.
"I'll sleep where ever you throw me." He told her, his head rolling to the side to look at her, "How's your arm doing? They didn't fuck with it, did they?"
She shook her head, meeting his eyes. “No, they didn’t touch it this time.” She said quietly.
She allowed him to play with her fingers, playing with his in return. “Maybe you need to drink more milk then.” She said, teasing.
The two would sit there and talk all night until eventually they both fell asleep, Makise’s head rested on his shoulder and still clutching his hand.
His head rested gently on hers, their fingers tangled lazily with hers. It wasn't the most comfortable thing but he didn't mind so much.
Makise only woke early in the morning because she was cold, shifting so she could reach the blanket on the back of the couch. Laying down on the couch, she covered herself and Shizuo, then started to doze again.
Shizuo put his arms around her and laid back along the length of the couch, gently guiding her to lay on him for better comfort and space saving.
Makise allowed him to pull her with him, resting her head against his shoulder, snuggled close to Shizuo.
“How long have you been up?” Makise mumbled against his chest, not bothering to move or even open her eyes.
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