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Oddities of Raira (1x1 with Jikkah)

Makise finished up, taking their dishes to the sink and washing them quickly before changing her clothes for going out. “Ready? Sorry you have to wear the same clothes as yesterday, do you wanna change?”
Makise walked close to Shizuo, happy to be out in the sun and not have to constantly look over her shoulder.
It was a relatively quiet walk to Ayane's house, and when they got there Shizuo rang the bell. Shigure immediately started barking and Asahi could be heard trying to quiet him.
"Coming!" Ayane called before she opened the door and smiled brightly, "Hello!!" She chirped and hugged both of them tightly.
Makise winced when Ayane hugged her, the tattoo on her back not particularly liking being gripped so tightly.
“Ah.. Yeah! Sorry,” Makise decided that not telling Ayane would be the best option. “I just slept a little funny last night and it’s really sore.”
"Oh gosh, I'm really sorry.." She frowned before inviting them in. Hotaru smiled at Makise and Shizuo and Asahi waved from the couch.
"Hello, hello~! It's so good to see you two!" Hotaru greeted. Shigure bounced to Makise and put his paws on her knees, panting and shaking happily to see her.
Makise reached down and pet Shigure smiling softly. “Thank you for having me over today, Mika’s.” She said with a smile.
"We love havin' ya." Asahi said, "Got any plans?"
"Just hangin' out. Oh, Hotaru, Makise here is a bit of a food lover herself. I told her about your cook books and she's interested in swapping recipes." Shizuo said. Hotaru's eyes lit up like the night sky and he smiled.
"Oh boy, now you've got him going." Asahi smirked teasingly.
Makise blushed a bit, scratching her cheek. “Yeah, I mostly get my recipes online or off cooking shows, but I want some more.”
"Honey, you have come to the right place." Hotaru grinned and took her to the kitchen where he opened a full length wall cabinet to reveal it packed with rows of various cook books; even the inside of the door had taped info cards of hand written recipes he had fiddled with and were successful.
Makise’s eyes lit up when she saw the massive collection he had, smiling brightly. “Can we make something?” She asked excitedly.
“Thank you.” She started looking through the books, starting with the dessert books first.
“Do you have the ingredients to make it? I don’t usually cook for others, so I never make larger portions, it’d be fun to make everyone a little treat.” She said softly.
He made a noise and moved to the fridge, "Let me cherries, darn...but I can make a run! I'll be right back and we'll get started!" He gave a quick glance at the ingredients before heading off, "Asahi-kun, I'm running to the store, do you want anything?"
"Bring the kids back some snacks, would ya? And grab me some pocky."
"Not with Aya's friends here~" Hotaru moved and kissed Asahi before heading out. Ayane was hiding her face in embarrassment, Shizuo getting along relatively well with Shigure and playing with him.
Makise took a seat on the couch beside Asahi, watching Shizuo and Shigure with a faint smile. She was rather content with simply spending her day with Ayane and her family, not wanting at all to remember the night before.
"Don't flirt with him when I have friends!" Ayane whined. Asahi grinned and glanced at her.
"He's my husband, I can play the pocky game with him if I want."
"Not with my friends heeeeere!" Ayane whined louder and Asahi laughed before glancing at Makise.
"You don't mind, do you?"
"Dad!" Ayane chucked a pillow at him and he caught it, grinning up a storm.
Makise’s face flushed a bit at the thought of watching Ayane’s parents playing the pocky game. “It is your house.” She pointed out, clearly flustered.
Asahi stuck his tongue out at Ayane and she did it back, blushing hard. Asahi grinned.
"We wouldn't do it in the open, I know better."
"The last time you did, you could barely keep Hotaru quiet." Shizuo said. Not only did Ayane blush but so did Asahi.
"Oh, you heard us."
"Kinda hard not to."
Makise’s face was red now as well, but not as red as Ayane’s. “Shizuo!” She looked embarrassed for Ayane. “You’ll make Ayane pass out..!”
"Not my fault her dads don't know how to pipe down when they have sex..."
"Shizuo!" Ayane and Asahi yelled and Shizuo looked up, confused.
"Shut up!" They yelled at him, embarrassed.
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