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Oddities of Raira (1x1 with Jikkah)

Makise let out a horrible scream, the lead pipe making a dull thud as it connected with her arm, but didn’t break the bone. She saw black and tried to pull her arm toward her to protect it, but it was useless.
"Oh, it didn't break?" Hibiki asked before slamming the pipe down on her arm again with more weight in his swing.
"Stop! Stop, please!" Ayane begged.
A sickening crunch could be heard as the bone snapped from the solid blow, Makise doubling over and vomiting in pain, sobbing and begging for him to stop, trembling.
As soon as Makise was unshackled, she collapsed forward, throwing up again and clutching her broken arm to her chest. She was pale, skin clammy and shaking hard, feeling like she would pass out at any moment.
Makise shook violently, almost like she was going into shock, but she managed to look up at him. She was breathing raggidly, forcing down another gag, trying her best to obey- Ayane would live if she did.
He smiled before taking her before the statue of Galvos. "We ask thee, great and powerful one, to heal our new sister's arm. Repair it and make her whole again." He prayed. When nothing happened, he looked to Makise and smiled more, "Perhaps he's decided you need to be initiated fully first."
Makise cradled her still broken arm, fresh tears pushing from her eyes and down her cheeks. “Please let Ayane go... I did as you asked... I still will, so please..” She begged.
He made a noise and moved to Ayane, who was still crying as she watched his every move. "Oh, I would love to..." He said and pulled out his intricate looking dagger, "But Galvos needs a sacrifice."
"No! No, I don't wanna die!" Ayane sobbed.
Makise sunk to her knees, shaking her head as Aoba put a hand on her shoulder to keep her in place. “But you said..! You said you’d let her go!”
((Is Shizuo gonna be showing up soon~?))

“I’m so sorry, Ayane...!” Makise sobbed, there had to be something more she could do. “Please! Don’t kill her, please!”
((Right now!))

Hibiki ignored both of their sobbing as he grabbed Ayane's shoulder to keep her still as he rose his dagger. That's when the temple door was ripped from its hinges and a couple cultists were sent flying into the far wall.
"There you two are." Shizuo huffed, eyes furious beyond belief.
"You know, it took me a god damn long time to track you both down. When Asahi told me that you didn't come home, I went asking around. Some passers by saw Makise leaving with those freaks. Took me ages to finally find the van you left in." Shizuo growled.
“Shizuo! He has a knife!” It seemed like something incredibly obvious, but seeing as he was about to plunge said knife into her closest friend, Makise had good enough reason to point it out and make sure Shizuo knew.
"I can see that." He replied as he moved over. Hibiki looked petrified and he stepped away as Shizuo drew closer, "If you could let my best friend and my girlfriend go, that would be swell."
"You...You'll have to kill us first." Hibiki stammered. Shizuo scowled and stopped beside Ayane before glancing at her.
"You ok?"
"Way better now...!" She grinned through her tears. Shizuo looked to Makise.
"And you?" He asked before he noticed her bleeding arm, "Oh. Oh I see."
Aoba still had a hold on Makise’s shoulder, but had taken a step back as well, eyes wide. Makise ‘s arm still dripped blood from the multiple cuts that ran down her forearm, a dark bruised knot over the spot of her previous break, and Shizuo had seen enough broken in his lifetime to know her arm was broken again.
"Got it." Shizuo cracked his knuckles before reaching over Ayane and grabbing Hibiki, turning and chucking him into the wall by the door. His attention snapped to Aoba, "You wanna be next, skin head?" He growled.
Aoba’s eyes were on Hibiki, wide and panicked. “Hibiki!” He let go of Makise, running toward his leader, where already a few other cultists surrounded him, helping him back up to his feet.
Shizuo untied Ayane and she hugged him tight, "Thank you so much, Shizuo..." She muttered.
"No problem. Let's get out of here." He said and took Makise's hand, "You, too, missy."
Makise hugged Shizuo as well, holding onto him tightly, barely getting out her thank you’s through her sobs. She was in pain, and nearly just watched her closest friend be sacrificed by a cult.
Shizuo pulled them out of the temple shed and took Makise to see Shinra, who was more than ecstatic for the practice. He made a spot for Makise to sit while he worked, cleaning and wrapping her wounds. Ayane sat in the other room with Shizuo, waiting for Makise.
"You're Izaya's sister, huh?" Shinra asked gently, "How is he? I see him at school but he's taken a special interest right now so I haven't been able to talk to him."
Makise glanced at the aspiring doctor to be, still shaken up from the entire ordeal, and other than the broken arm, just fine. “He isn’t dead.” He wasn’t quite able tell if that was meant to be a good or a bad thing, Makise’s expression rather numb, only wincing from time to time as he worked.
"That's a relief," Shinra smiled, "I would hate for something terrible to happen to him." He finished wrapping her arm and put it in a metal brace, "Sorry I can't recast your arm, I hope this is ok for now."
“Mm.” She shook her head. “It’s fine, I’ll go to the hospital in the morning.” She said softly, looking down the hall toward the bedroom Ayne and Shizuo were in. “Will you check Ayane out too? I didn’t see any injuries, but I’m worried for her.”
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