Oddities of Raira (1x1 with Jikkah)

After a while of driving, Makise finally found the courage to speak, but was unable to look away from Hibiki. “Where is Ayane?”
Makise felt her heart sink in her chest, had he hurt her? Why did he put her in the trunk? The van moved down a street in a nice looking neighborhood, pulling up into the driveway of a nice looking house. Aoba climbed out of the drivers seat and moved around to the back of the house, coming back with a dolly cart for the trunk.
Hibiki hopped out and helped move the trunk onto the dolly before they all headed to a small shed with a floor that hid an under ground tunnel. "Please take Hime-sama down first so I may prepare her for the ceremony." He said kindly.
“No! What do you mean ceremony? What are you going to do to her?!” Makise lurched forward, only for Aoba to pull her back away from Hibiki.
He looked back at her and smiled, "You're invited, too, don't worry." He said before they moved down into the tunnel. It felt like they were walking forever on the dimly lit pathway before they reached a massive stone chamber lit by torches. Hibiki guided them to slowly lower the trunk and he pulled out the unconscious Ayane. He hummed as he laid her down gingerly onto a giant stone slab across from a massive statue of a man with the skeletal head of an elk. "She's so beautiful...~" Hibiki muttered, petting Ayane's cheek.
“Don’t touch her!” Makise was struggling against Aoba, who was trying to pull her across the room to the far wall, where rows of shackles hung. “You’re disgusting, a pig!”
"A pig, madam?" He smiled, "We are all pigs, aren't we? Rolling in the muck of the world and allowing it to corrupt us? It is only through our lord, Galvos, that we will be saved." Hibiki looked to the massive statue and dropped to his knees, eyes wild as he gazed in reverence.
“What the hell is wrong with you?”
A grunt from Aoba could be heard as Makise kicked him in the groin, and was now moving toward Hibiki, ready to hit him.
Hibiki tilted his head to look at her before pulling his dagged from his sleeve, pointing it toward her, "I hope you can stop in time before it penetrates you~"
Makise did in fact stop before she ran herself onto the blade, but had to fall to her knees just inches away from him to do so. She stared at the blade that was inches from her, holding her breath.
Aoba regained his composure and got to his feet, moving over and yanking Makise’s arms behind her back. “Sorry, Hibiki.”
"Not a problem, brother, not a problem~" Hibiki stood and moved off to the corner, grabbing a snow white gown from one of the girls and moving to Ayane. He hummed as he started to undress Ayane, eyes holding boundless love and glee.
Makise was dragged to the far wall, forced against it and chained there, arms stretched uncomfortably apart, almost in a T position. When Hibiki started to remove Ayane’s clothing however, she started to scream, tears welling in her eyes. She had always been pretty emotionally reserved, but this, this was a nightmare. “Don’t touch her!!” She screamed, starting to kick and thrash.
"Hm?" Hibiki looked over, "How can I prepare her if I don't get her ready? Silly~" He grinned and tossed away Ayane's blazer and unzipped her skirt, pulling it off and tossing that away too, "Oooh~ cute undies~ I wonder if her bra matches~" He cooed and started unbuttoning her shirt.
“You’re worse than Izaya.” She said it quietly, but it was still loud enough for Hibiki to hear. Tears ran down her cheeks, which were flushed red.
His hands froze before he turned toward her and moved toward her, grabbing her throat and smacking her head against the wall, "Don't compare me to him!!"
Her head hit the back of the wall hard, hard enough to split open her scalp after the third hit. After the fourth, she slumped to her knees, head spinning and her ears ringing, still crying out of fear.
He whined and knelt in front of her, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you..." He apologized, looking and sounding genuine.
Makise could hardly hear him, her head swimming, making eye contact briefly before hanging her head, feeling like she was going to puke.
Aoba moved over to Makise, lifting her head by her hair and looking at her eyes before looking at the wound on the back of her head.
“Hibiki, she’s fine- at least fine enough to make it through the ceremony.” He let go of her, her head falling back down.
"That's a relief," He said, tossing away Ayane's shirt and smirking a bit before tossing off her bra and panties as well, admiring her silently for a moment before pulling the dress on her.
Makise’s focus went in and out, and she was sure for a moment she actually lost consciousness, letting out a faint groan as she lifted her head to look for Ayane, who still laid on the table.
Makise watched Hibiki tie Ayane down to the stone alter, fresh tears leaking from her eyes. Her expression was emotionless, if finally dawning on her that this is where she and her friend would die.
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