Oddities of Raira (1x1 with Jikkah)

"Sh-Shut up...!" She scolded bashfully, "I'm not feeding you again! Eat it yourself!" She ate her pickled cucumber, so embarrassed that she felt like she would cry. In fact, she was.
Izaya reached out, gently wiping away her tears, a soft frown on his face. “Don’t cry, Hime-sama.”
"Why...?" She muttered, "Why are you doing this...? Why are you being so kind to me...? I'm not interesting; I'm super boring and dull...you go out of your way for me all the time and we're barely friends..."
“I see you as an important friend, that’s why.” He cupped her cheek and moved her head to look up at him. “Don’t think so little of yourself, you’re plenty interesting~”
“Only if you wanted me to.” He said quietly, not moving away, but not getting closer either.
"I-I..." She would be lying if she said she hadn't thought about it. A lot. "I mean...it wouldn't make Shizuo very happy..." She muttered.
“But you aren’t dating him anymore.” He moved closer, then on top of her, leaning his upper body across her own as he pushed her against the field, smirking. “Would you like for me to kiss you?” It was almost like it was a command rather than a question.
"I think...I would like that a lot, Izaya..." She muttered. She didn't understand what drew her to him, he was terrible to all the other girls who asked for his attention. He was a jerk to Shizuo and an absolute pest. But she couldn't keep away from him.
Izaya placed his other hand on the ground beside Ayane, leaning forward slowly, his lips almost touching hers before he stopped. “Next time, Hime-sama~” He said and pulled away, the lunch bell ringing, signaling the end of their lunch break.
Her eyes widened and she sat up quickly, "Wha...you jerk...! You horrible tease!" She huffed before cleaning up what was left of the bento, "And to think I actually wanted you to kiss me." She grumbled.
“And I will~ But for now it’s time for class~” He teased as he got to his feet, slowly making his way toward the school building.
She chased after him, scowling lightly as they entered the main building, "I'll see you after school, Izaya..." She said and waved goodbye as they parted ways.
Again, days would go by as normal, Makise spending more time with Shizuo, and eventually, meeting up with him after school.
"That damned fleabag still walking home with Mika. Bastard." Shizuo grumbled angrily, "If I could, I would crush his damn head."
Makise walked with Shizuo, simply enjoying being with him. “You know where he lives, and our parents are never home anyway.”
"Yeah, but then you might get caught up in it again and I don't want to send you back to the hospital." He said. He stopped when he saw a tired looking guy approach them slowly and he scowled, "Who the fuck?"
“Don’t know, never seen him before.” She stopped as well, standing beside Shizuo as the kid moved closer and closer.
The boy stopped before them and smiled, though it was a rather viper like smile.
"Hello. Suzuki Hibiki desu. You go to Raira as well?"
"Uh...I do. She doesn't though." Shizuo said. Who the hell was this guy? He made Shizuo feel sick.
Makise gave him a small wave, but didn’t offer her name, he reminded her of her brother, only more vile.
"You look like someone I know." Hibiki moved closer to Makise and Shizuo made sure to block her as much as he could, "Do you know Orihara Izaya...?"
“Yeah..” She looked uncomfortable that he got so close to her, thankful Shizuo was there. “He’s my brother.”
"I see, I see." He nodded slowly, still smiling, before his eyes went wild and he tried driving an intricate looking dagger into her chest. Only, it didn't go into her chest, it went into Shizuo's arm. And he looked pissed.
"If I didn't know any better, I'd say you were trying to kill her because she's related to that shit stain. But because I know that it would be really stupid of you to do that, I'm not going to break your neck." He growled, pulling the dagger from his arm. Hibiki looked more confused than angry.
"What are you...?" He asked, voice shaking. Shizuo tossed the dagger away and pulled back his fist.
"The wrong guy you decided to piss off." He snarled before punching Hibiki so hard it sent him flying across the city.
Quite a few people had stopped when Shizuo sent Hibiki flying, Makise standing still in place with wide eyes. A few people stared, others asked what had happened, but Makise, she dropped to her knees. She clutched her book bag, staring ahead blankly, face showing her terror and shock.
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