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Oddities of Raira (1x1 with Jikkah)

Izaya pocketed his knife, then hopped over a trashcan to round the corner of the building, heading for the front gates, his smirk only growing when he saw Maki walking toward him.
Shizuo skidded when he reached the corner and grabbed the trash can, holding it high over his head, "IIIIIIIZAAAAAAYAAAAAA!!" He shouted before throwing the can with all his might.
Izaya stepped to the side, exposing Maki to the line of fire, turning to face Shizuo as the heavy metal trashcan flew passed him and slammed into Maki instead. “Oh dear~” Maki lay on the ground a few feet away, having tumbled with the trashcan when it slammed into her, not even having time to react. He bent over and picked up her cellphone, dialing for emergency services, telling them simply the location, then hanging up. “That wasn’t very nice, Shizu-chan~” Izaya stepped over the unmoving girl, turning on his heel. “But don’t worry, Maki-chan might not be strong, but she’s rather resilient; ja ne!” And with that, he rounded another corner and was gone.
What had just happened? He hit someone who wasn’t Izaya? No, Izaya knew that girl was there, and he moved aside and let her get hit, then he just left her.
Shizuo cursed and moved over to the girl, Maki, and made sure she was still breathing. "Hey...are you alright? Obviously not..."
The girl didn’t move, but she was still breathing, a nasty gash on her forehead. Already people were gathering, muttering amongst themselves as more people called for an ambulance. They kept their distance however, not wanting to face Shizuo’s wrath as well.
When the medics got there, it was discovered she was only unconscious, but she would still need to be taken to the hospital to treat her broken arm and headwound.
“Do you know what happened to her?” One of the paramedics asked Shizuo as she was loaded into the car on a stretcher, as he was the only one who stayed with her and actually stuck around. Of course, that didn’t mean there still wasn’t a crowd of students still there.
"I, uh...accidentally nailed her in the head with that can over there..." Shizuo answered, gesturing to the trash can not far away
The man stared at Shizuo for a moment, as if waiting for him to tell the real cause of the accident, but he would be waiting for nothing. “Right..” He gave a nod, though he didn’t look like he bought what Shizuo was saying for a second. “Thank you for the information.” He said, heading back to the ambulance and getting in.
The next day was normal as usual, and why wouldn’t it be? The girl known as Maki didn’t go to Raira, but of course word did spread of what had happened the day prior, that Shizuo had randomly attacked a girl from another school and sent her to the hospital, it really didn’t make him look good.
At least he didn't have to explain himself to Ayane; she was always really understanding when his temper got the best of him and he ended up destroying something.
No police ever showed to take Shizuo away, in fact the day was rather peaceful, it seemed even Izaya was laying low for the day, avoiding Shizuo rather well.
Only when it was time for Shizuo to go home, there was group of three girls waiting in the front of the school, all wearing Jiyu Gakuen crests on their coats.
“Ah, that’s him.” One said, and the two other girls turned and looked at Shizuo, waiting for him to get closer.
“Hey you, blondie, come here a second.”
“Hey!” The three girls followed after Shizuo, moving ahead of him and forcing him to stop.
“We’re not here to solicit you, ass.”
“You’re the one who hit Maki, right?”
They didn’t exactly look angry, but they didn’t really look pleased either, what did they want from him, an explanation? An apology? Perhaps they wanted to thank him for taking out their rival?
“We already know that.”
“Maki told us already.”
One of the girls reached into her bag and pulled out a packet, a homework packet.
“But I still think you should apologize to her.” The girl holding out the packet to Shizuo said.
“I thought you shouldn’t, but I was outvoted.”
“While you’re apologizing, you can take her her homework, she’ll be in the hospital for a few days you know.”
“Ah, really?” They looked surprised, but didn’t take the packet back or anything.
“Let’s go, Nanako, we’ll miss the train.”
And it’s that, the three girls left, they must've been Maki’s friends.
He made a noise and headed off to the hospital. Ayane had told him to apologize anyway, and he couldn't really say no to Ayane.
When Shizuo got there, the hospital was quite busy, as a large hospital would be in such a big city. The nurse at the nurses station was busy on the computer, typing away when he came up to the desk. “Can I help you sir?” She asked, looking up from her work and greeting him with a smile.
He moved over, "Uh...yeah, I'm here to see Maki..." He said. He then realized that he had no idea what her last name was, "Um...she came in the other day with a head injury and I think a broken arm?" Would that help?
“Maki?” She repeated looking up the information, then looking up at him once more. “Do you mean Makise?” She was the packer he was holding and assumed he was a classmate. “Oh! Yes, the high school girl who came in, yes.”
The nurse nodded and wrote down her room number on a slip of paper, handing it over to him. “She is, but please do keep in mind that visiting hours end at six o’clock.”
The rooms door was closed, and inside was quiet, but the light was on, meaning she was probably awake.
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