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Oddities of Raira (1x1 with Jikkah)

He closed the gate, turning and waving his hand. “I’ll see you tomorrow, Hime-sama!” He called, already on his way down the street. He really wasn’t a dog person.
Ayane made a noise, "That was really rude of you, Orihara-san! I expect an apology tomorrow!" She called after him before she opened her door and a small black and tan Shiba came rushing out to dance around her feet. She smiled and picked him up, cooing happily before entering her house.
The next day at school, just as he was ordered to by his princess, Izaya apologized. Although, he had cornered her to do so, stopping her on her way up to the roof for lunch. Head bowed deeply, his fox-like grin was hidden from sight- this was just too fun.
She accepted his apology, albeit awkwardly, before moving to her usual spot to eat lunch. "Why do you keep bothering me?" She asked, "I'm dull."
“On the contrary, you’re rather exciting.” Izaya sat opposite from her, picking at his own small lunch; fatty tuna; even his lunches were weird, just tuna? Nothing else?
“Of course, all humans have interesting qualities.” He ate a bite of his lunch watching Ayane the entire time. “You included.”
“You’re honest.” He set his foot aside on the bench, clasping his hand together. “Be itwith yourself or others, you’re completely and painfully honest; and I love it.” He spread his arms out wide smiling still. “You’re truly human!”
Izaya’s smirk grew. “It’s only natural,” God he was having too much fun, she was great. “That if I love humans, I love you as well, Hime-sama~”
“It’s true, cross my heart, I would never lie to you, Hime-sama.” He picked up his lunch again, the feeling of satisfaction settling over him, this was too fun, he would have to thank Shizuo for this opportunity.
She closed her bento, no longer hungry, "Honesty doesn't make me exciting. It just makes me a decent person. If you want excitement, go bother Shizuo. I'm not interested anymore." She said firmly and left the roof with what was left of her lunch.
“As you wish, Hime-sama~” He bowed to her, smirking darkly. For the rest of the day, rumors spread, Izaya had been seen walking home with Ayane, perhaps they were dating? It was cruel of Ayane to be on the rebound so soon after her breakup.
Shizuo knew Ayane well enough to know she wouldn't be with a rat like Izaya willingly. Izaya was just being a dick. So he went hunting for the lanky bastard after school.
Izaya was waiting at the soccer field, the way Shizuo usually took home. He sat on the benches lining the field, almost like he had anticipated Shizuo would come looking for him.
"I thought I told you to stay the hell away from Mika." Shizuo growled as he approached the benches, "Are you as bad at listening as you are at fucking off."
“And I thought I had said people aren’t possessions, but I guess you weren’t listening either.” He stood, hands in his pockets and a smirk on his face.
"She doesn't need a shit stain like you in her life." Shizuo growled, dropping his school bag and loosening his tie. He was ready and absolutely willing to throw down with Izaya right there.
“She didn’t seem to mind me yesterday when we were walking home together.” He grinned, hand loosely around the knife in his pocket.
Izaya dodged the bench easily, moving forward quickly and slashing Shizuo on his chest, then, he turned tail and ran, heading for the front of the school.
Luckily, Izaya only ripped his shirt and cut his tie in half, but it still pissed Shizuo off. He gave chase, keeping his eyes out for anything he could grab and use.
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