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Oddities of Raira (1x1 with Jikkah)

“Shizu-chan broke up with you?” Izaya feigned shock, and boy was he a good actor. “I’m not friends with Shizu-chan, I had no idea he had done such a thing.”
She couldn't help but roll her eyes. "You may not be friends with him, but I know you like to terrorize him. All the time, every chance you get. He never stopped storming about you. I felt like you had a crush on him, that's how often he spoke of you."
“If he’s doing all the talking, wouldn’t he be the one with a crush on me~?” He asked, tilting his head, a smirk on his lips.
“See you later, Mika-chan~!” He called, waving to her before heading off on his own way.
"I see now why Shizuo hated him so much."
"Hated who so much?" Ayane froze and spun around, glancing up at her blond ex.
"I don't hate myself that much." Shizuo stated before his expression softened a bit, "How ya doin', Mika...?"
"F-Fine, fine...could be better..." She answered almost weakly, "You?"
"Can't complain too much..."
Izaya smirked, having stopped just around the corner. He was interested in Mika, interested in seeing just what she would do when he made her squirm.
"You wanna walk to class?" He asked awkwardly. The least he could do was still be friendly with her. She smiled softly and nodded.
"Yeah, I'd like that..." She replied and headed off with him.
After school, just like Izaya had said, he was at the front gates. He had just send a message to Maki to go home without him, waiting for Ayane with a smirk on his face.
“Mika-chan.” Izaya called, drawing out her name as he made his way to her side. “May I walk you home today?” He asked, looking down at her, hands in his pockets.
Thank you~” Did he just speak in English? Weird, who would’ve taken someone who looked like he did- a pretty boy punk- and thought: Hey this guys fluent in other languages?
Izaya laughed, shaking his head. “I’m not flirting, but if you wish to see it that way, that’s fine with me too.” He kept his gaze forward as he walked. “I just want to be friends with you, Mika-chan.”
"You do not have my permission to call me that." She said and stopped at a vending machine to get a ramune, "Do you want anything?"
“Hm? Coffee please.” He stood there and watched her as she put the coins into the machine. “So if I can’t call you Ayane-chan or Mika-chan, what can I call you?”
"Just don't add chan to my name." She said before handing him his can of coffee before she opened her ramune and continued home.
Izaya smirked, opening his can and taking a drink. “What about Hime-sama?” He eyed her, watching her for how she would react, but to be honest, he wasn’t joking.
Izaya didn’t seem fazed that she just spat out all of her soda. “Yeah, do you like it, Hime-sama~?”
“Of course, Hime-sama.” He put a hand over his chest, bowing before following her silently. The look on her face was absolutely great, he loved it.
When they reached her house, she inserted the key into the door and she smiled at the familiar yipping of her puppy that greeted her.
Izaya stopped just outside the gate, his smile faultering before frowning softly. “Oh, you have a dog.” He sounded like he was talking about some inconvientant thing- clearly not a dog fan.
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