To Maintain Peace and Order ¦1x1 with Jikkah¦

“Ah, truth be told... I don’t even remember how I got it.” He admitted with a smile, tying his sash, then turning to Sasuke.
Yukimura thanked the Tengu, then headed for the door. “I’m glad that Oyakata-sama is awake today, how is his health fairing?” Ever since the day Yukimura lost his memories and gained his terrible wound, Shingen’s health had begun to fail him, sometimes sleeping days at a time.
"He says he's well enough to speak for as long as he can. But he heard from the servants about Akihime when he was taking his medicine and wanted to meet her." He answered, "So I guess we should grab her before we see Takeda."
Yukimura nodded, opening his door and heading out into the hallway, heading for Akihime’s bedroom with Sasuke in tow.
Sasuke exhaled when they reached Akihime's room and he knocked gently. The door opened after a bit and Akihime was dressed in an elegant - if not revealing - white and red gown with gold trim. She smiled when she saw them and bowed, "Greetings, Sasuke-san! Yukimura-san!"
"Hey.." Sasuke droned.
Yukimura bowed his head to her. “Akihime-dono, I would like for you to accompany me in meeting my master, if you will?”
Her ears perked and she smiled brightly, "I would love to!" She chirped and practically danced out of her room, only to be stopped by Sasuke.
"Dress more appropriately, please. Takeda is a very important person." He demanded. Akihime looked herself over, thinking she herself looked fine, before looking to Yukimura.
Yukimura was blushing a bit, eyes averted once more, the amount of skin Akihime was showing being a bit scandalous. “O-Onegai..?”
She smiled and nodded, "Of course, Yukimura-sama. Please excuse me." She said and returned to her room, shutting the door so she could change. Sasuke sighed.
"She's really hellbent on that marriage thing." He muttered.
Yukimura’s ears went red, and he looked away from Sasuke. “I think she’s saying it as merely a joke.” He said softly.
“I-“ He stopped, how many had he met? Had he met any before Akihime? He couldn’t remember, couldn’t recall a single memory; it made his scar hurt deeply. He winced and held his head, feeling like the scar was spreading, but it never did. He only got that pain when trying hard to recall memories, feeling like the wound was freshly inflicted.
"Hey, whoa, easy, I was just pulling your leg.." Sasuke said gently, grasping Yukimura's shoulder.
"Yukimura-sama?" Neither had noticed that Akihime's door had opened and that she was standing there worried. She did in fact change into something more proper; a black furisode with golden maple leaves and a silver five-tailed fox scampering across the bottom wearing a kitsune mask. She looked beautiful, "Daijoubu desu?"
Yukimura nodded, the throbbing pain in his head slowly fading away. “D-Daijoubu...” He looked up at Akihime and stopped, his cheeks dusting pink. “Y-Yeah, I’m fine..” He repeated with a nod.
She smiled and moved closer, "I'm glad. Is this better suited to see your lord?" She asked, holding out her arms to show him how elegant she looked. She seemed genuinely curious if this was better than what she originally had on, not wanting to upset Yukimura or offend him.
Yukimura nodded. “Yes, thank you.” He said softly, then turned, a smile back on his face let’s gonsee Oyakata-sama, I’m sure he’ll be much delighted to see you!”
She smiled brightly and nodded, following them to see this 'Oyakata-sama'. When they entered Shingen's lounge, he was actually sitting up and eating, looking up when he heard the door, "Ah, Sasuke, Yukimura, welcome."
“Oyakata-sama!” Yukimura rushed over to the large man, a worried look on his face. “Are you sure you should be up?! I was told you had only just woken!”
Shingen waved his hand, "I feel fine for now. Where is this new shikigami of yours?" He asked. Akihime was stuck at the doorway, hiding in awestruck terror. Her tails were bristled, her ears drooping.
Yukimura nodded and turned his head. “Akihime-dono, you can come in.” He motioned her over.
"H...Hai..." Akihime shuffled in shyly and moved to hide behind Yukimura. Shingen chuckled softly and tried not to cough.
"A kitsune? How interesting.." He noted.
“Yes, initially I found her wounded and in need of aid, but I asked her to be my Shikigami.” Yukimura said, bowing his head to Shingen.
"Yukimura-sama..." Akihime whispered, holding tightly onto his arm, "He's possessed."
"How like you to take such charity." Shingen smiled at Yukimura, obviously not hearing Akihime.
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