To Maintain Peace and Order ¦1x1 with Jikkah¦

"You can come back after you've eaten." Sasuke said and walked with him to the eating area. Akihime was already there, enjoying some kitsune udon the servants had made her. She was in a dark blue kimono with cranes and koi fish; it hung loosely off her shoulders however but was otherwise still pretty modest. She looked when she heard the door and smiled.
"Ah! Sasuke-san! Yukimura-sama! Forgive me for starting without you! But I haven't had kitsune udon this good before~!"
Yukimura held up a hand to show she was fine for starting her meal. “Sorry for my late arrival, I hope I didn’t keep you long.” He apologized, moving over to the spot set for him and sitting down. Akihime was refreshing, a different pace from Sasuke. Sasuke was kind and cared for Yukimura, but he wasn’t exactly bright and bubbly.
Yukimura shook his head. “Ah, no thank you, I have plenty of work to do after this.” He said, and it wasn’t a lie, but the other part to it was he was a bit of a light weight.
She nodded and merely poured him some tea instead before reaching for her udon, "Would you like for me to continue my watch after dinner?"
Yukimura picked up his tea, taking a sip and setting it aside as his dinner was placed in front of him. “No, you’re free to do as you wish, Akihime-dono, I couldn’t ask you to work into the night like that.”
"I don't mind." She smiled, "I said I would protect you and I would help defend the estate! What kind of kitsune would I be if I didn't do my job?"
"A dead one." Sasuke muttered under his breath. Akihime heard him as well as if he had spoken aloud but kept smiling as if she heard nothing.
Yukimura hadn’t heard Sasuke at all, bowing to Akihime. “Then I am truly grateful if you will stand guard while I finish my talisman.”
"It would be my pleasure," She said, bowing, "Maybe you could reward me with a kiss." She giggled playfully at her flirtatious joke, only to yelp when Sasuke hit her with his fan.
Yukimura’s wars were red, but he quickly stuffed his food into his mouth, keeping his eyes down on the meal before him.
Yukimura are his food in silence, he only thing on his mind being Shingen, he should’ve know better, he should’ve checked, anything. He was hungrier than he had realized, even asking for seconds. Preforming his Onmyoji duties did tend to drain him though, so it was understandable.
The servants gladly brought him more food; tempura and noodles, pot stickers, anything he asked for. Akihime smiled softly as she watched him, enjoying some fried tofu as she stayed with Yukimura.
Once Yukimura had had his fill, he thanked the servants for the meal, then stood. “I need to return to my work.” He bowed to Sasuke and Akihime, leaving them to finish their own meals and returning to Shingen’s room, regardless of how tired he was.
"Ah! Matte!" Akihime discarded her tofu like it meant nothing and followed after him, "Don't just leave me behind, Yukimura-sama...!"
"Please leave her behind." Sasuke said under his breath and Akihime shot him a deadly glare.
Yukimura was already lost in thought, entering his lords room and stopping at his bed to pray, kneeling there for quite some time before he returned to making his talisman, he would write until his fingers bled if he had too.
Yukimura had made nearly a dozen more before he heard Akihime’s voice. Slowly turning his head to look at her, she could finally see his face in the candle light. Tears streamed down his face, eyes dull as he stared at her. “I can’t fail him, not again.” He said softly.
Her heart ached at the sight of his grief and she moved closer, "You didn't fail him, Yukimura-sama...he will get better now because you helped him. He's illness will subside now and it's because of you." She placed her hand gently over his before giving a gentle squeeze.
Yukimura let his paintbrush fall from his hand, clenching his teeth to keep himself from sobbing. He hung his head, wiping his tears away. “Thank you, Akihime-dono.. I truly hope you’re right.”
She pulled his head against her chest gently and held him, petting his hair slowly, "I will be here to protect him, and you have placed many powerful talismans around him to guard him. He will be better now, I promise...please do not cry, hurts my heart to see you in such misery..."
Yukimura held onto her robes like a scared child would with his mother, weeping softly into her bosom. After a while, he finally calmed down, pulling away slightly. “I should put the talisman up..” He said softly.
Yukimura shook his head. “Each talisman must be blessed, only an Onmyoji can do so.” He said and stood, gathering his talismans and starting in the far corner of the room.
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