To Maintain Peace and Order ¦1x1 with Jikkah¦

Yukimura blinked and looked to Akihime, what had she just said? “What?” Shingen possesses? Was that even possible? He was such a strong Onmyoji, there was no way he was possessed. But at the same time, he felt Akihime wouldn’t lie to him, he looked to Sasuke, frowning softly, then looking back to Shingen.
"Is something wrong, Yukimura?" Shingen asked. Akihime looked away, trying to find the courage to gather up enough strength to help exorcise whatever had ensnared Shingen.
"You said he just became ill out of the blue? Can you not feel the nether force in here? That's why I was scared to enter, it's draining." She whispered. Sasuke hated to admit it, but he had begun to feel a little heavier since they came into the room.
Yukimura shook his head and bowed to his lord. “Akihime is merely shy, please forgive her, Oyakata-sama.” He looked to Sasuke, giving a small nod. He did indeed feel the nether force, and it seemed to eminate from Shingen. Perhaps he wasn’t well, perhaps he hadn’t even woken at all. He turned to his lord, bowing his head. “Please forgive my rudeness, Oyakata-sama.” He pulled out his talismans from inside his robes, quickly drawing a border and confining Shingen within. He felt terrible even doing so, guilt wracking his body, but he would feel worse if he truly was possessed and he did nothing to help.
Shingen let out a deafening shout, Sasuke and Akihime covering their ears in pain, before a voice not belonging to the head of the Takeda came from his mouth.
"Of course the kitsune would find me out." the youkai growled, "It's always a damned kitsune."
The barrier held strong, not wavering in the slightest as Yukimura stood, still holding the talisman between his fingers. “Sasuke, Akihime, please assist me.” He was already focused, immediately beginning his chant to purge Shingen’s body of the Yokai that inhabited it.
Sasuke and Akihime followed suit, the kitsune using her fox fire to help expel the evil from Shingen. The blue fire completely engulfed Shingen but did not burn him, causing the youkai to scream and flee quickly from Shingen. The fire dispersed immediately after as the burning red spirit tried to break free from the barrier.
Yukimura seized his opportunity, decreasing the barrier size and closing it in tight on the Yokai, Shingen slipping through the barrier easily and falling to the floor just outside the barrier. “Sasuke, get Shingen! Akihime, destroy the Yokai!” He commanded.
"Got it!" Sasuke moved over quickly and used all his strength to pull Shingen away while Akihime purged the spirit with a fist sized ball of blue fire. The spirit wailed and screamed as it burned up into cinders.
The room fell silent, and the barrier now containing nothing shattered like glass, then dissapeared, dissolving into the air. Yukimura fell to his knees, and the amulet in his hand burned away; the scar on his back throbbed, but he ignored it, pushing himself back up and moving over to Shingen. “Oyakata-sama?”
"He's unconscious, dana." Sasuke said, "But alive."
"Are you alright, Yukimura-sama?" Akihime asked gently, touching Yukimura's arm with a worried frown.
Yukimura clenched his fists, lowering his head; how could he have been so foolish to think his Lord had actually regained consciousness. “I need to redo the talismans in his room, the barrier must’ve been weak.” He said softly, then moved to the corner of the room, where he tore down a talisman, then moved to the next one.
Akihime frowned and looked to Sasuke for help, not knowing what to do. Sasuke just shook his head and helped Shingen back into his bed. Akihime hesitantly moved to Yukimura and gently grabbed his arm.
"Please don't blame yourself, Yukimura-sama..." She said gently, "It could have been something else..."
“The only thing it could’ve been was my own weakness.” He tore down another talisman, scowling at it. “If my talisman were stronger- if I was stronger, this wouldn’t have happened.” He muttered.
"One onmyoji alone can't defend a whole estate, Yukimura-sama...if Shingen-sama came back with the demon, the barriers would have done nothing from the start." She told him gently. It sounded awful, and obviously was not what he wanted to hear, but she was right. Shingen did become very sick after returning from one of his own duties as onmyoji, so it was quite possible he had already been overshadowed by the demon they expelled. "It isn't your fault. I know deep down you are very powerful..." She hugged his arm tightly to comfort him, "We will defend the estate together, I promise."
Yukimura hung his head, there was a good chance she was right, but it still hurt him to know his lord had been possessed and he was none the wiser. “Thank you, Akihime-dono.” He looked to her, a sad smile on his face.
She looked up and smiled, gold eyes warm and shining, "Would you like to stay in here with your lord? I will sit outside and keep watch."
Yukimura nodded. “I just need to remake these talisman.” He pulled out blank talisman from his clothes, moving to Shingen’s desk and drawing up new ones.
Akihime left to sit guard outside of the lounge room and Sasuke moved to Yukimura.
"You ok, dana? It didn't take too much out of you, did it?"
Yukimura shook his head, but his hands shook slightly. “I’m alright, I’m just... unused to using my powers again... I don’t even remember doing the ritual.” Yukimura’s memory loss affected everything, fortunately he was able to still preform his duties, but somethings he still blanked on.
Yukimura nodded, only continuing drawing out the new talisman. He would spend hours in Shingen’s room, not only increasing the number of talisman, but the strength as well. He drew up so many talisman, his hand started to ache, but even then he continued.
Yukimura finished another talisman; that would make six dozen. “I cannot rightfully eat knowing that I didn’t finish my job completely.” He said, starting to draw up another.
Sasuke grabbed his wrist and stopped him, "Dana. You can't do your job if you put yourself in the ground. Come eat." He stated firmly.
Yukimura clenched his teeth, he just needed to make a few more, just a few more and he would’ve atoned for letting his master getting possessed. He relented though, setting down his paintbrush. “I can’t take a long break..” He said as he stood from the desk.
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