To Maintain Peace and Order ¦1x1 with Jikkah¦

The Vampira nodded, then struggled to her feet, bowing her head to Megohime, then to Kojurou once more. “I thank you for healing my wounds and housing me.” She picked up her head. “As well as providing me with some of you blood.” She excused herself, then left the room, the house staff showing her to the gates so she wouldn’t get lost on her way out.
Megohime nodded, following after Kojurou. “Is it ok to let her go off on her own yet?” She asked. “She still looked weak.”
"She has the strength to care for herself now. She'll be fine." He answered. Masamune looked up when they entered his lunge, looking over his amulets.
"How's our guest?"
"So soon?" Masamune looked disappointed.
Megohime moved to her spot, a cushion behind Masamune, taking her seat and relaxing a bit. “Kojurou sent her away.”
"How come?" Masamune asked.
"I did not want for her to sneak into your room and take your blood." Kojurou answered. Masamune made a noise.
"Yeah, that's fair..." He replied.
Akihime was now officially Yukimura’s Shikigami, which meant she also got her own bedroom; Yukimura always turned in early, every night he would head off to bed like clockwork, and he always slept heavily. He was a restless sleeper though, causing his morning routine to take a bit longer to make up the bed.
One morning he felt something warm with a decent weight laying on him. It was soft, silken almost. When he peeked to see what it was, it was revealed to be Akihime, sleeping peacefully with her head and hand on his chest, her legs tangled loosely with his. Her night robe was slipping off her shoulders, and he realized now that the silken thing he was touching was the skin of her back.
Yukimura was always quite disheveled himself when he woke, his robes almost entirely open to expose his undergarments. It took him a moment to register who was sharing his bed, arm loosely wrapped around Akihime. He stared for a moment longer, then another moment, then it hit him. His face went red, and he scrambled backward out of bed, quickly fixing his clothes. “A-Akihime-dono!?”
She grunted when her head went from laying on his chest to smacking against the futon and she lifted her head slowly in confusion. "Hm?" She looked around, wondering where Yukimura had gone, before she found him on the other side of the room and smiled, "Ohayogozaimasu, Yukimura-sama..."
He averted his eyes quickly, Akihime’s clothes almost hanging off of her and nearly exposing her. “Akihime-dono, what are you doing in my bedroom?” He asked, face still bright red.
"Please forgive me, I know it is improper of me to share your bed so early in our relationship, but I wanted to stay nearby so I could protect you from evil spirits." She blushed and averted her gaze, "I was content with just sitting so close to you...but you became restless and looked pained. I wanted to comfort you...I'm so sorry, Yukimura-sama..."
She was with him to comfort him? He hadn’t realized he was so restless at night, did he really looked so pained? “Thank you, then.” He still kept his eyes averted; in truth, he did feel slightly better rested, perhaps Akihime truly had helped?
"It was so nice having your arms around me." She placed her hands to her cheeks as she swooned, her cheeks glowing a bright shade of red, "I'm so selfish, please forgive me, it felt like we were husband and wife...!" What an odd kitsune she was.
Husband and wife? His face flushed more, and he had to cover his mouth with his hand, he was so embarrassed. Quickly standing, he shuffled toward the door, keeping his eyes off of Akihime. “I-I’ll let you get dressed.” He sputtered.
She blinked, clearly confused, before standing and fixing her robes, "No, no, please forgive me, I was the one who intruded into your room. I will leave you to start your day. I'm sorry again, for being so rude." She said and moved to leave. When she opened the door, Sasuke was there, about to come to awaken Yukimura. When he saw them both at the door, and Yukimura brighter than a tomato, he scowled and shooed Akihime away.
"Get out of here! Go!"
"Gomen, gomen! I'm going!" Akihime squeaked and scampered back to her room.
Yukimura’s heart raced in his chest, the only thing he could think of being how soft Akihime’s skin had been. He quickly shook his head, trying to clear the thoughts from his head, smacking his own cheeks and taking a deep breath.
Yukimura shook his head, clearing his throat. “No, I’m alright, she just said she was here to protect me.”
Sasuke didn't seem to take very kindly to that, "She can't just be sneaking into your room like that." He huffed before stepping into the room and shutting the door, "Come on, Takeda wants to meet your new Shikigami. You should get ready."
Yukimura nodded, cleaning up his bed and folding it away into his closet, then changing his clothes. The dark purple scarring going down his back, starting from his shoulder almost like veins was still rather noticeable, not fading since the day he lost his memories.
Yukimura glanced over his shoulder, seeing Sasuke frowning and offering him a smile. “It doesn’t hurt anymore, Sasuke, pay it no mind.”
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