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To Maintain Peace and Order ¦1x1 with Jikkah¦

Megohime frowned at the damage, but she would be able to fix it. She painted more sparrows, the birds peeling off the paper and covering the large wound, but when they vanished, the wound was still there, only slightly smaller. Megohime painted more birds, repeating the process over and over until finally the wound was healed. “The wounds closed and the wing is reattached, but anything else is up to her.” It was clear what type of Yokai this was, and it made Megohime a little uncomfortable.
Megohime’s face flushed, and she looked away from Masamune. “I-It was nothing..” She muttered.
The Vampira moaned weakly, but didn’t open her eyes, a pained look on her face for a short moment before she fell still once more.
The Vampira did not bite Kojurou this time, unable to do much in her unconscious state, but her nose still smelled that precious blood she needed so badly, making her shift in her sleep.
Their guest hadn’t woken in three days, and Megohime was starting to grow worried that she hadn’t healed the Yokai correctly, visiting her every day and working for hours, healing her over and over until only scars remained, but still, she didn’t wake.
“I think I messed up.” She admitted to Kojurou, who had come looking for her, finding her with the Vampira. “She won’t wake up and her wounds are gone...” She looked scared as she looked to Kojurou. “Did I mess up..?”
“Blood?” Megohime glanced to the sleeping Yokai. “Well she isn’t getting any from me; throw her out.” She said with a scowl.
“Well what else are we going to do? Are you going to give her your blood?” She asked, frowning heavily. “I healed her, but I’m not feeding her too.”
Kojurou made a noise and stepped closer to the Vampira and bit hard into his wrist, moving and letting his blood drop onto the youkai's lips.
“Kojurou..!?” Megohime looked startled, but didn’t try to stop him.
It took a few drops of blood to hit her face before she opened her mouth, almost as if on instinct, letting the blood trickle down her throat.
A few more drops of blood and the Vampira lifted her hand up, reaching out to pull Kojurou’s hand closer to her mouth. Just before her hand touched his, her eyes opened, and she quickly pulled her hand away, closing her mouth and looking around. She was still quite weak, but she had regained her consciousness.
Megohime painted up another sparrow to close up Kojurou’s wrist, frowning softly.
The Vampira looked to Kojurou when he spoke, her tired eyes looking up at him without fear, but confusion.
“Where am I?” She asked softly.
Her eyes widened and she looked mortified. “I attacked you..?” She tried to sit up, struggling to do so.
“H-Hey I just healed you, you shouldn’t be moving so much yet..!” Megohime protested.
The Yokai bowed deeply to Kojurou, only just barely able to make it to her knees.
“Please forgive me, I would never do something of the sort consciously.” She apologized.
She stayed in a bowing position, but he could see that she had clenched her fists. “I was unable to catch anything.” A Yokai who couldn’t even catch a simple rabbit? Pitiful.
“I was gravely injured by my...” She hesitated for a moment. “By my companion, I could not hunt rabbits let alone other Yokai without them smelling my blood.”
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