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To Maintain Peace and Order ¦1x1 with Jikkah¦

Megohime was surprised, was Masamune going to harm Kojurou so she could heal him, or was Kojurou going to harm himself? “Oh, ok.”
They came across some lesser spirits and Kojurou approached them, which obviously terrified them to a point where they started attacking him. Kojurou did little except push them away to keep them antagonized.
Megohime looked nervous, glancing to Masamune; she knew Kojurou was powerful, and she had faith in her own healing abilities, but still, the whole thing made her stomach do flips.
Masamune gave her a look that said Kojurou would be fine, and he was. He just looked mildly irate with the whole ordeal. "When you're ready, Megohime-dono." Kojurou said.
Megohime gave a nod, moving closer to Kojurou, but kept her distance so she wouldn’t be attacked as well. She unrolled her scroll, painting a few sparrows with her black ink- just like she had, the birds peeled themselves off of the paper. They fluttered over to Kojurou and landed on him where his wounds were, then they disappeared, his wounds closing up before his eyes.
Megohime blushed, looking down at her scroll. “I-It was nothing..” She muttered, looking to Kojurou. “Does the pain still linger?”
Megohime gathered her scroll up, hurrying after Masamune and Kojurou. She was behind Kojurou, and he seemed to tower over everything, but seeing his missing arm, it made her curious as to how he lost it.
"I would ask politely that you not stare at my arm." Kojurou said, tone dark and low. He sounded angry but his body language was rather calm.
Megohime quickly looked away, cheeks burning red. “Sorry.” She mumbled out, embarrassed she had been caught staring.
They would train for hours, going until night came and Megohime was exhausted, unable to go any further.
"I'd say that was a pretty good run. What do you think, Kojurou?" Masamune asked. Kojurou was focused on something in the woods and Masamune frowned, "Kojurou?"
"Go on ahead. I'll catch up." Kojurou said. Masamune frowned.
"You sure?"
"Yes. Go on." Kojurou assured. Masamune nodded and gestured to Megohime.
"Let's go, Mego.."
“Yeah..” Megohime gave Kojurou a glance before following after Masamune, leaving Kojurou to himself.
The woods were dead silent, not even the birds or bugs could be heard, something was nearby, and Kojurou could feel eyes on him, the scent of blood heavy in the air.
Soft footsteps could be heard against the underbrush, a woman rounding a tree, absolutely stunning. She had long hair, a pale golden color, bright golden eyes, which seemed to glow behind pale lashes, and a short kimono on. She took a step toward Kojurou, the scent of blood growing stronger as she got closer to him, a serene look on her youthful face.
Leathery wings were folded tightly against the woman’s back, barely noticeable under all of her hair, but something was off. The woman neither ran nor attacked him, she simply continued forward until she was right before him, then collapsed forward.
The woman fell against Kojurou, not even sticking her arms out to brace herself for the fall, was she injured? Kojurou felt a sharp prick at his neck before anymore thoughts could register in his head, the woman having sunken her fangs into his neck, feeding on his blood.
It only took one hit to get her off of his neck, the woman falling to the ground with a thud. She was a Vampira, and by the looks of it, the scent of blood had been coming from her own wounds. She collapsed on the groun, laying unmoving; blood covered her back, one of her wings severely wounded and only being kept on by a few ligaments and a broken bone, she was dying.
Kojurou rubbed the bite marks and glared lightly at her, "If you needed someone to treat your wounds, you should have said so." He stated before gingerly picking her up and heading toward Masamune's estate to really test Megohime.
The Vampira must’ve lost consciousness when Kojurou hit her, limp in his arms and light as a feather. The blood on her back was already dried, only oozing from her wound when she was jostled too much, but it was clear she had gone many days with her wound untreated.
Kojurou tried not to move her so much as he made his way back. When he stepped through the door, Masamune nearly lost the lunch he was eating, "Kojurou, where did you find that?!"
"In the woods. She's dying. Megohime-dono, could you help her?"
Megohime blinked, a bowl of souls before her rather than human food. She set down the small glowing orb, and pulled her scroll out of her sleeve. “I can try.” She nodded, unraveling the paper and painting on the page. “Can you lay her out so I can see the wound?”
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