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To Maintain Peace and Order ¦1x1 with Jikkah¦

“I love the sea, but it does dry me out a little, so I can’t soend too much time in the salty waters.” She brought out the things she would need to start a fire, dropping some logs into a stone and sand pit.
Nana started the fire easily and moved back to the boat, gathering up all of the fish and moving back to the small shack to gut and clean them.
“Two hundred years.” Nana answered, setting aside a cleaned fish and grabbing another. “Not too long, the only reason not many humans come out here is because it’s hard to get down the mountain here, and there are no roads leading through, I was really lucky.”
Nana nodded, flashing him a grin. “Right?”

((Do you want to have Masa tease Mego more and Yuki meet Aki in her human form~?))

"Hey.." Masamune sat in front of Megohime's scroll, making a face, "You've been pouting forma couple days now, you gonna come out?"

In the days that Aki was left to rest in the guest room she was placed in, Sasuke did his best to keep Yukimura away from her room, still holding great distrust for the kitsune.
“I’m not pouting, I’m resting.” Her voice came out clear from the scroll. “You haven’t needed me, so I figured it would be ok.” The scroll unrolled itself, and Megohime crawled out of the paper, sitting before Masamune.

“Sasuke, she needs to eat.” Yukimura’s voice sounded from outside Akihime’s recovery room, Yukimura holding a tray of food: rice, miso soup, pickled vegetables, and pork. “I’m just giving her food.”
"You haven't spoken or anything since then, I figured you were pouting.." He remarked, "My mistake.."

"The only thing she needs is to leave." Sasuke stated, but was too late to stop Yukimura from opening the door. Instead of the larger than average peach colored fox that laid in the cot, there was a beautiful woman in her place - quite naked and barely covered by the small blanket she was given as a fox. Her ears perked when she heard the door and her eyes snapped open, glowing a bright gold color as she fixated on who had entered. Sasuke blushed and covered Yukimura's face with his wings.
"Don't look, dana!!"
Megohime stared at him for a moment in silence, then looked at the paintbrush in her hands. “You’re an Onmyoji... Yet you employ a Yokai, why?” She asked softly.

Yukimura had already seen enough for damage to be done. His entire face went red, and he dropped the tray of food as he stumbled out of the doorway and into the hall, falling backward onto his ass. “A-Akihime-dono!?”
"I've had Kojurou for a really long time...longer than I can remember. He's pledged himself to me, I know that much..." Masamune answered, "What's wrong with him being a youkai anyway? Aren't you technically a youkai, too?"

He could hear her stretching, lewd sounds that ought to be saved for one's wedding night, before he heard footsteps approach the door and the woman stood covered more fully by a larger blanket she had found near the cot. She was blushing, looking equally as embarrassed, her ears drooping slightly, "Gomen ne, Yukimura-sama...I would have liked to save such a sight for when we were married, but taking a human form in such a weakened state made me so tired..." It definitely sounded like Akihime.
“There’s a difference between me and what he is.” Was she scared of him? He did radiate a completely different aura, and his appearance was a bit startling.

Yukimura had his hand over his eyes regardless if Akihime had covered herself in a larger blanket or not, for she still was not clothed. “M-Marriage..?!” The tips of his ears went red as well.
Masamune appeared to be really offended by her words, "And what is he?" He demanded, "Some evil thing to be feared?"

"Hai...a man shouldn't see a woman in such undress unless they are married..." She looked away, smiling shyly, "I would be more than honored should you take me as your bride one day."
"Ok, that's enough!" Sasuke shoved her back into the room and slammed the door closed, "She's leaving. End of story."
Megohime realized what she had said, shame making her cheeks turn red. “No, I... I didn’t mean it that way.” She muttered. “I’m sorry.” Damn, not even a week in, and she had offended her master.

Yukimura was still trying to collect himself, peeking through his fingers at Sasuke. “Sasuke, she is our guest..!” His face was still tomato red.
"I know he's really scary at first but he's honestly a really great guy. A little rough around the edges but still...he really likes you. He thinks you're pretty." Masamune said.

"She's over stayed her welcome." Sasuke stated, "We don't need a kitsune to protect us, we have me. I'm more than enough."
Megohime’s ears burned, now she really felt guilty. “He said that?” She looked shocked, looking up at Masamune red eyes wide with surprise.

Yukimura felt a pang in his chest, looking away from Sasuke. “Sasuke...” Sasuke has been his only Shikigami for so long, he did everything for him; Yukimura burdened him too much, especially since he had lost his memories. “I was thinking of taking her as my Shikigami.”
"Oh yeah! Totally! And he said you get even prettier once we beef you up." He grinned, "Isn't that great?"

Sasuke didn't think he had ever been so mad. He stomped off to sulk, embarrassed his master wanted some lame fox as his shikigami. Akihime's door opened and she peeked out again. She was dressed this time in a red a gold robe, and she looked upset.
"Sasuke-san does not approve of our union...?" She asked softly.
Her cheeks flushed. “Beef me up?” The words sounded weird even on her tongue. “What does that mean?” She shifted uncomfortably, but didn’t break eye contact.

Yukimura felt his guilt grow, and he rubbed the back of his neck, peeking at Akihime when he heard her voice. His cheeks were still dusted pink, but he nodded. “He’s my first Shikigami, and my only until now..”
"You know, help you get stronger!" He said.

"Until now..." She muttered, "I have not been a shikigami...merely a guardian. I am honored..."
“O-Oh...” The way he said it made it sound so scary. “Right.”

Yukimura turned to look at Akihime, a soft smile. “And I am honored to have you as my Shikigami.” His heart still ached, he would have to speak with Sasuke later to apologize.
Megohime fidgeted. “I’ve.. Never had a master before..” She looked away from him. “So, I don’t know much... other than my own abilities..” Did that mean she didn’t know how anything of being a Shikigami went?

Yukimura nodded. “Will you be alright on your own? I need to talk with him,” He frowned softly. “My words have wounded him.”
"Welp, that's what we'll find out together! We'll train and feed you souls and we can see just what you can do!" He said.

She moved smoothly, delicately, to sit on her knees in the doorway, smiling warmly, "I will wait patiently right here for your return, Yukimura-sama."
((*ditches them*))

Yukimura headed through the estate and toward Sasuke’s room, stopping just outside the doors. “Sasuke, are you there?”
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