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To Maintain Peace and Order ¦1x1 with Jikkah¦

Megohime seemed to almost deflate, looking away. “I’m... Not very proficient in fighting.” She admitted, twirling her paintbrush in her fingers.

Yukimura knew there was complete truth in Sasuke’s words, only nodding; he would never allow it to happen, not if there was a chance to save a life.
"Oh, you're not?" Masamune asked, "What can you do?"

"Yukimura-sama?" One of the healers approached and she looked relieved, "We managed to save her and heal her wounds. They were quite lethal but you managed to bring her to aid in time. She merely needs rest now."
"Oh good..." Sasuke muttered.
Megohime blinked, looking around before her eyes fell on the katana on Masamune’s hip, an odd thing to have for an Onmyoji. Bending down, she grabbed her scroll and stood up. With the other end of the paintbrush, she opened up a cut, or was it? Black ink pooled in the palm of her hand, allowing for her to dip the paintbrush into it. Painting on the scroll, she glanced at Masamune’s sword a few more times, then tucked her paintbrush away into her sleeve. The ink in her hand had vanished, and so had the cut. She seemed to reach into the paper, then pull out a sword identical to the one on Masamune’s hip, looking to him before holding the sword out to Masamune. It looked like an actual katana, a real blade. “I can do some other things too.” She muttered.

Yukimura nodded, thanking the healers before dismissing them. He moved into the room, moving over to the patched up Kitsune.
He took it and tested the weight. It was nearly identical to the one tied to his sash. "That's really impressive." He remarked, "What other things?"

The kitsune was sleeping almost soundly in the cot, her wounds healed and now merely marks in her fur. She looked up when she heard movement, eyes tired and drained.
"Ah, my savior. Thank you again for rescuing me. I am forever in debt." She said, voice tired.
Megohime scratched her cheek, glancing away. “I am sufficient in healing most wounds.” She said, carefully rolling up the scroll and tucking it away in her sleeve with the paintbrush.

Yukimura got down on his knees, so he was eyelevel with fox, frowning softly at her weakened state. “Debt is not needed.” He bowed his head to her. “Please, tell me how you were harmed.”
"Most wounds?" He repeated, "So...what does that mean? You're mostly a healer?"

She turned her head away, as if ashamed, "Ishida Mitsunari-sama...I had failed him." She started to weep, hiding beneath her tails, "I lived near Osaka castle, you see, and Mitsunari-sama asked me to stay to grant them good fortune and to protect the castle from evil spirits. But a spirit snuck in while I slept and caused Hanbei-sama and Hideyoshi-sama to become very ill. I could not protect them or keep my word, so Mitsunari-sama wished death on me and his shikigami attacked me! I fled, but his shikigami hounded me even here to Kai! I feigned my death so they would leave, and would surely be dead had you not found me...arigatou...! Arigatou gozaimasu!"
“Well, I can heal! I just, can’t bring the dead back, or bring back what is gone..!” She seemed a bit offended. “I’m an exellent healer..!”

Yukimura was surprised, but only smiled softly. “Then I’m glad.” He said softly. “I’m glad I found you. To find such a kind Kitsune is a blessing.” He bowed his head again, his long hair falling around his shoulders. “Please allow me to grant you asylum for as long as you need to recover.”
He rose his hands, "Alright, alright, fair enough."

"Dana." Sasuke said, tone holding warning, but the kitsune only seemed to weep more.
"Thank you! Thank you for this second chance! I will not fail you, I swear it!"
Megohime looked away, letting out a small huff. “Aren’t you going to ask..?” She asked softly, glancing at him with a blush. Of course, how could he have forgotten, summoning was only the first part, a pact had to be made to seal the bond between Master and Shikigami.

“She’s no harm, Sasuke.” Yukimura said. “She’s our guest.” He turned back to the Kitsune. “Do you have a name?”
"Ask?" He looked confused. Did he forget? "Ask what?"

"Aki desu." She hiccupped, drying her eyes with her tails, "I won't let you down, dana..."
"Don't call him that." Sasuke hissed.
“I-If I’ll be your Shikigami...” She felt her stomach drop, did he not want her as his Shikigami? Why would he have summoned her? Why would he name her if he hadn’t planned on making her his Shikigami?

Yukimura ignored Sasuke’s comment, holding out his hand for him. “Well to start, you can do your best to get better and rest.” He said softly, a warm smile on his face.
"Oh! Right, sorry, I've never really summoned a spirit before, at least not that I can remember..." He said. Couldn't remember?

"I will. Thank you again, I can't seem to stop. Demo," she played with her paws almost shyly, "I gave you my would be rude for a gentleman not to respond to a lady with his..."
Megohime blinked, was she his first Shikigami? “What do you mean you can’t remember?” She asked- this wasn’t good, had she gone to an inexperienced wielder? She was inexperienced herself, which meant they would both bumble through things.

Yukimura perked, then bowed deeply to Akihime. “Forgive me! My good manners escape me.” He remained bowed to her. “Sanada Genjirou Yukimura desu!” He said.
"I don't...remember anything prior to a few months ago..." He said. The door to the summoning room opened and a large, terrifying ibaraki stepped in. His oddly colored eyes fell on Megohime first and he stood silently, staring at her with a scowl.
"Oh, Kojurou, hey!" Masamune greeted. This was the Kojurou he mentioned?!

"Sanada Yukimura-sama...I will work very hard to protect you. I promise." She said gently before laying her head down, "I'm sorry, I should rest some more..." Sasuke stood silently, a deep scowl on his face.
Megohime nearly fell backwards when a Yokai entered the room, taking a step back out of fear, looking to Masamune. “H-He’s a Yokai!” Her fear was clear on her face, and why wouldn’t it have been, he was a rather menacing demon.

Yukimura lifted his head, nodding. “Thank you, Akihime-dono, but for now I cannot allow anymore harm to befall you, I will protect you, ne?” He smiled gently.
"Yeah, but it's ok, it's Kojurou." Masamune assured, "He isn't going to hurt you."
"Impressive, Masamune-sama. Your first summoning in years and you called a Kacho Fugetsu. Your powers as an onmyoji are boundless." Kojurou said. Masamune grinned.
"You think so? I assumed I just got lucky and found a pretty bride." He joked.

Akihime looked up with tired eyes, "I failed once, Yukimura-sama...I will not fail again. I will do better for your sake.."
"Let's go, dana, she looks like she's gonna pass out." Sasuke said.
Megohime’s face went so red steam nearly came out of her ears. “I-I’m not a bride!” She seemed incredibly flustered, fidgeting a step away from Masamune, covering her mouth with her sleeve.

Yukimura nodded, standing. “Then I thank you.” He said gently, bowing to her before exiting the room.
"Ah, that's a shame." Masamune smiled sheepishly, "Guess I gotta find a wife the old fashioned way."
"Indeed, I wouldn't mind seeing you married to a spirit, she may keep you in line." Kojurou said, his tone sounded dead serious so it was hard to tell if he was going along with Masamune's joke.

Sasuke was fuming, the feathers of his wings ruffled to cotton balls. "There has to be some alternative plan she's got schemeing. An Osaka Kitsune? All the way out here. Nuh-uh, I'm not buying she was chased out."
Regardless if Kojurou was going along with the joke or not, Megohime had had enough. Her ears turned red too, and in an instant, she was no longer there, a scroll in place of Megohime.

Yukimura frowned. “Then how do you explain her wounds, Sasuke? She didn’t give them to herself.” He pointed out.
"Aw, I think we upset her." Masamune said and moved to pick up the scroll. Kojurou made a noise and moved to leave.
"She'll be fine. A little odd for a Kacho but she'll come out." He noted.

"She could have made something angry nearby. She could be here to posses you or Takeda-sama. I wouldn't put it passed her. I heard there was a fox in Kyoto who possessed a concubine and tried to rob the shogun's power from him." Sasuke stated.
((Wanna bring in Chika~?))

Yukimura sighed gently, he knew his companion meant well, but he often worried a bit too much. “Sasuke, I will be alright, and plus I have you.” He said.

Sasuke made a face but knew Yukimura was right. If Akihime did try anything, he would burn her alive like kindling. "Hai, dana. I've just never trusted kitsune too well."

In the morning, when the sun shone high over the rushing waves of the sea, a lone Yasha demon on a dingy little boat with a flag that said 'Fugaku' nailed into the bow struggled to pull in his fishing net. His long wild white hair stuck to his face and bare shoulders as the water and the fish fought him for ownership of his net.
The net was heavier than usual, but the Yokai had recently started to fish where the sea met a freshwater river, somewhere he didn’t usually fish, perhaps some larger fish were starting to make there way to the fresh water? Or perhaps it was a mermaid. Gold scales on a large tail flashed for a moment just beneath the waters surface, more than likely the source of the struggling; he indeed had been lucky, he had caught a mermaid in his net.
"Finally!" He cheered, grinning like a fool, "I finally found you, mermaid!" He used all his strength to pull her and the net aboard his little boat, not caring if he lost food; all that mattered was the mermaid.
The mermaid fell onto the deck at his feet with a few fish, still struggling in the net. She had gotten tangled, the net twisted tightly around her large fins and keeping her trapped. Her wide eyes fell on the Yokai, a soft gasp escaping her as she tried to drag herself over the side of the boat.
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