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To Maintain Peace and Order ¦1x1 with Jikkah¦

"Oh no you don't." He growled and grabbed the net, holding her in place, "You're gonna make me the wealthiest youkai in all of Japan!"
Her long black hair was tangled in the net as well, but not as badly as her tail. “No! I won’t do anything!” Panic was clear in her voice, still struggling hard to escape.
Her grey eyes got even wider, her struggling harder, but she got nowhere. “No!” Why was he going to eat her? How would that make him rich and immortal? She didn’t understand at all.
“Mermaid?” She stopped struggling, the fear still there, but now there was confusion. “I’m not a mermaid, I’m a Koi.”
He stopped, looking confused, "Not a mermaid?" He repeated. Now that he got a better look at her, she was way too pretty to be a mermaid. He made a noise and used the spear to cut the net before he dropped to his knees and bowed low against the deck, his horns knocking gently against the wood, "P-Please forgive me..."
The Koi slowly sat up, partially untangled from the nets; she indeed was no mermaid, smooth lovely scales, delicate fins and a small kimono covering her upper half as well as part of her tail. “I-so suppose...” She took a soft breath in. “You didn’t hurt me... And you were kind enough to apologize. He felt a gentle hand on his shoulder. “Please, raise your head, all is forgiven.”
She gave a sad smile. “I’m sorry I’m not what you’re looking for,” She worked on loosening the net from around her tail. “I can’t help much, but I can tell you that I’ve never seen any mermaids out here.”
“I would tell you more, but that’s all I know, I live in the pond up this stream. I only come to the sea to gather food.” This Yokai was rather nice, really nice, it was strange for a demon.
She sat still for a moment before speaking. “Why don’t you come with me, it’ll be night soon, you can make port in my pond, and I can share some food with you.”
“All is forgiven, it was just a simple mistake.” She smiled brightly. “Please, allow me to help a weary sailor.”
He blushed and nodded, "Thank you..." He muttered. She was really nice. Was she always this kind? Or was it because he had made a fool of himself?
She held out a hand, small webs between her fingers. “I’m Nana.” She smiled softly, the fins on the side of her head wiggling a bit.
She squeezed his hand gently. “It’s just up the stream.” She said, letting go of his hand and moving back into the water. “Come on!”
It only took about ten minutes to reach the pond, and it was vast, created by trees on one side, and by a sheer cliff on the other, it was the perfect sanctuary. “Here we are.” She smiled.
She nodded, swimming over to the shallows before rising out of the water, like she had stood, only she was floating. “I do, it gets lonely, but sometimes I get other spirits that pass through.” She said, moving over to a small shelter, almost like a storage. “But that’s why I go to the sea, there’s more spirits there, and I love the sea grasses that line the shores.”
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