To Maintain Peace and Order ¦1x1 with Jikkah¦

Yukimura would spend countless more hours placing each talisman one by one on the walls, and by the time he was finished, it was morning. He turned to Akihime, dark circles under his eyes. “Thank you for staying with me, Akihime-dono.” He said tiredly. “I appreciate the company.”
She didn't look even remotely tired, sitting patiently with a kind smile, "You are most welcome, Yukimura-sama. Demo, I believe you have earned some rest now for your efforts." She stood and took his arm as if she was going to be the one escorted, smiling up at him even more, "I'll stay in your room, too, if you like...perhaps this time I will be more controlled if you become restless again." She blushed and giggled, but knew herself she would lay with him if he needed to be comforted in his sleep again.
Yukimura gave a small nod. “You do not have to stay with me if you don’t wish to, you can return to your own room- ah, you must be tired from staying up so late..” He was almost muttering to himself at this point, head swimming with exhaustion.
She shook her head, "I feel fine, don't worry so much about me." She said before guiding him to his room, "You look like you'll fall over any moment now, let's get you into bed, ne?"
Yukimura couldn’t have agreed more, almost asleep already. Entering his room, he removed his shoes, pulling out his bed and setting it up before crawling under the blanket.
She sat beside him and relaxed against the wall, "Oyasuminasai, Yukimura-sama..." She said sweetly, "I'll be right here if you need me at all for anything..."
Yukimura had already fallen asleep, drifting off as soon as his head hit the pillow, snoring softly already.
"Any sign of that youkai, Kojurou?" Masamune asked, feeding his rather large dragon totem some souls he had left over from Megohime's feeding. Kojurou shook his head, trying to write with his left arm; still not easy, even after so long.
"No, not since I sent her away."
“Actually, I’ve heard some people talking about spotting a Yokai living in the mountains not too far from here, they’re pretty vague discriptions, but white is one consistsncy.” Megohime was relaxing a good distance away from Masamune, drinking a cup of tea. “No ones been attacked though.” She shrugged.
Kojurou made a noise and Masamune eyed him.
"Do you feel bad for sending her away?" He asked. Kojurou hesitated before he continued to write.
"Only because she was in need but I did not trust the type of demon she was."
"That's fair.." Masamune muttered.
“Then don’t worry about it.” Megohime shrugged. “If you don’t think she’s trustworthy, then leave it be.”
A memory popped into Kojurou’s mind, when he was feeding her his blood; she had the chance to simply grab his wrist and gorge, but she stopped herself.
The day was a beautiful one, sunny with not a cloud in sight, but that would also mean that Vampira he had sent away wouldn’t be out, and would more likely be asleep.
Soon Kojurou would find a promising looking cave, one with freshly dug andcovered holes just outside, and the heavy scent of blood. This must’ve been the one; inside was a sleeping woman, large leathery wings wrapped around her body.
When dusk came, the Yokai came out from her cave, stopping when she saw Kojurou. She bowed her head to him, and he could see she looked tired, face gaunt. “Katakura-sama... I’m sorry, have you been waiting here long?”
She shook her head. “You were not cruel, you had every right to send me away; I should be the one to apologize for feeding from you without your permission.”
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