To Maintain Peace and Order ¦1x1 with Jikkah¦

Jin followed quietly, enjoying the cool night air, the only light now being the moon light.
When they got to the estate, Masamune was outside waiting. "Hey, there you are." He smiled, "Had me worried. Who's this?"
"This is the Vampira I told you about." Kojurou said.
Jin bowed to Masamune, white hair shining in the moonlight. “Jin desu.” She said softly.
"Never pegged you for a loli there, Kojurou." Masamune teased as he moved over. Kojurou's expression didn't change but his oddly colored eyes did show a faint annoyance.
"There is nothing sexual between us, Masamune-sama." He stated flatly.
The vampire’s face flushed, and she kept her eyes down. “Katakura-sama merely saved my life, nothing more.”
"Relax, I was just giving Kojurou shit." Masamune smirked as he moved over, "You must have gotten really messed up if he had to lend his only available hand-"
"Masamune-sama." Kojurou glared lightly; his arm was a touchy subject. Masamune only grinned and waved him down.
"Easy, big guy, you know I meant nothin' by it. Anyway, you're of the top dogs for your kind, how did you get beat so bad?"
Jin’s face shifted to a look that could only be described as utter betrayal. “I was cut down from behind by someone I thought I could trust.” She said quietly.
Masamune made a noise, nodding knowingly. "I get ya." He said softly, "Well, we'd love to have you. I'm sure the room Kojurou tucked you into before is still available."
“Thank you, my lord.” She bowed her head. “You May use my powers as you see fit.” She said. “Though I might ask to not be used during the day, my powers wane then.”
"Got it. Night time patrol for now." He said before he motioned for them to come inside, "Mego, play nice, we have a new friend!" He called teasingly.
Megohime’s face flushed, why did he always insist on teasing her? “You say that like I’m always unpleasant.” She muttered.
Her face and ears burned a bright red, her whole body tensing up. “Urusai..!” She would’ve swatted at him, but she was too embarrassed to even look at him.
She bowed to Kojurou. “It is perfect, I thank you for offering me such a luxurious room.”
"I was unaware simplicity would equate to luxury. But I suppose this is much better than sleeping in the woods." He told her. He wasn't being condescending, at least he wasn't trying to be.
She shook her head. “One does not need to be surrounded by riches to perceive something as luxurious.” She entered the room. “I have a roof and a bed, and that is enough.”
"Because of my lord's abilities, there are many youkai who try to come and destroy him. If you hunger, you have free reign to hunt them." He told her.
“I will do everything within my power and more to keep those who wish to see harm to him far from here.” She said.
He nodded, "If you wish, you are not confined to quarters, you may walk around to acquaint yourself to the estate." He told her
She nodded. “I would like to familiarize myself with the estate, thank you.” She bowed her head before heading off down the hall.
Kojurou moved to sit with Masamune and Megohime.
"Where's your friend?"
"Getting a good look around, I allowed her to show herself the estate."
"Cool, cool, it would suck if she walked around and got lost."
By morning, Jin had nearly the entire estate memorized and had returned to her bedroom. She had asked that the servants darken her room for her for daytime, and now slept quietly in her room.
"So she just sleeps all day?" Masamune asked, "Hardly any time to talk to her and get to know her before we crash ourselves."
"She is primarily nocturnal, Masamune-sama, she'll be awake before you retire." Kojurou said.
“Not like you go straight to bed anyway.” Megohime muttered as she sat beside Masamune, inspecting her scroll carefully.
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