To Maintain Peace and Order ¦1x1 with Jikkah¦

Jin took his hand and climbed up easily, but Megohime hesitated for a moment, blushing as she climbed onto the horse and sat in front of Masamune.
"It just saves time and makes us as small a target as possible." Masamune said, "I'll behave."
"Are you comfortable?" Kojurou asked Jin politely.
Megohime held onto the horses neck, blushing. “I don’t mind... Just not too much touching.” She muttered.
Jin gave a small nod. “I am, thank you.” She said softly, a bit tired.
"Only here to keep you stable." Masamune said and wrapped his arm gently but securely around her waist, "Is that ok?"
"We should hurry, Masamune-sama." Kojurou said and the Date head nodded.
"Sure thing, Kojurou.." Masamune replied.
Masamune couldn’t see that Megohime was blushing fiercely, but she gave a nod. “That’s fine.” She managed out.
He kicked his horse into a gallop and held the reigns tight in one hand as he kept Megohime secure with his other arm. Kojurou struggled a little with keeping Jin secure with only one arm, but the horses were trained enough to know that if they saw Masamune then they had to follow him.
Jin held onto the horses saddle, supporting herself enough to not need to be held, the trip to this second Onmyoji rather quiet.
It would be a couple days from Oshuu to Kai, some stops for the night and to eat. Masamune was excited to meet this kid, to test him out. He sat back one night as they stopped to let the horses rest, rubbing his aching head. Another headache. When was he going to get his memory back so these would stop?
Jin would stand guard durning the night while the others slept, and slept on the horse during the day while they rode.
Megohime sat beside Masamune, watching him with a worried frown. “Still have the headaches?”
She frowned softly, then moved over to him, placing her hand on the back of his head to pull him closer, kissing his forehead gently. Strangely enough, the pain seemed to fade a bit, like that simple kiss healed even that pain.
She blushed and pulled away. “Urusai, it’s not meant as anything...” She looked away. “You were in pain, that’s all.”
"Aw, you're breaking my heart..." He said softly before laying back against the tree, "But if you're sure there was nothing behind it."
“W-Well... I am worried about your frequent headaches..” She was shifting uncomfortably, face flushed red.
"They always happen, and they haven't killed me yet. It's been like that for a while." He said, for once not turning it into an opportunity to flirt.
“Then I want you to tell me when you’re in pain... I don’t want you to be in pain anymore.” She murmured softly.
“You’re only tough when you want to be.” She didn’t yank her hand away, or even smack his hand, in fact, she held his hand tighter.
He chuckled, "I'm physically tough, too..." He said, "Fighting just takes a lot of effort nowadays. Guess I'm getting old."
"Urusai." Kojurou sounded from his bed roll and Masamune laughed a bit.
Megohime smiled softly, then laid her head in Masamune’s lap. “Not one word.” She whispered to him.
"Hai, hai..." Masamune muttered and closed his eye, soon falling asleep. Kojurou looked over at them and smiled faintly before rolling back over.
"If you grow hungry, Jin-dono, let me know and I'll take watch while you hunt." He said.
Jin looked back at him for a moment. “No, I’m alright, I fed before we left, I’ll be fine for a few more days.” She said and looked ahead again. “But thank you.”
He nodded and rested his eyes. When the sun started to rise, they continued on their way to Kai.

"Dana," Sasuke sat bowed outside of Yukimura's summoning room, "The mountain crows have told me that they've spotted Date Masamune making his way toward Kai. I know not of his intentions yet, but I'll keep you updated."
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