To Maintain Peace and Order ¦1x1 with Jikkah¦

Yukimura’s face flushed and he quickly took his tea, drinking it even though it was still quite hot. “D-Date-dono... So you have no memories either?”
"Yeah, um," Masamune coughed to force down his laughter, "Yeah, I don't really remember anything except for when Kojurou joined up with me. Other than that, nothing."
He frowned softly, nodding. “The same is with me.” He set his tea cup down. “I remember Sasuke, but anything else.. Brings me nothing but pain.”
"I get headaches. Bad ones. To the point where it feels like my skull will split." He said, sipping his tea, "This tea is really good."
"Arigatou. What kind of wife would I be if I didn't know how to brew the best tea?" Akihime asked, blushing softly. Masamune blinked and looked to Yukimura.
"You already tied the knot?" He asked.
“No!” Yukimura had answered almost a little too fast, almost like he had answered the question before. “We’re not married.” He said, cheeks pink.
"Yet." Akihime added coyly before bowing and moving to stand, "My presence seems to fluster Yukimura-sama and distract him. I am sorry for attacking you, Masamune-sama, and it was an honor to meet you."
"No worries. Sorry for Mego, she's the same way." He said. Akihime merely bowed her head and left quietly. Masamune nearly slammed his hands down on the table.
"How. How did you get a girl like her and not bed her already? Holy shit." He said.
“B-Bed her..?!” Poor Yukimura looked horribly embarrassed by the mere concept. “She is my Shikigami..!” He argued. “I could not take advantage of her in such a way!”
"She's obviously more than willing!" Masamune argued, "You wouldn't be taking advantage of anything!"
"Please stop trying to guilt my master into sleeping with a charity case." Sasuke said bitterly. Masamune furrowed his brows.
"Charity case?"
A soft snicker could be hear from Megohime, but she stayed in her scroll.
Yukimura shot Sasuke a look, frowning softly. “Sasuke, that wasn’t something that could be helped.”
"Yes it was, we could have kept walking." Sasuke said. Masamune was waving his hand to draw the attention back to him
"Hellooooo? Charity case? What are you talking about?"
Yukimura looked back to Masamune, frowning softly. “When we found Akihime-dono, she was at deaths door, left to die along the side of the road.. So I took her in.”
"That's intense bad luck, attacking a fox. Who wanted her dead so bad?" Masamune asked as he grabbed his tea.
"Ishida Mitsunari." Sasuke answered and Masamune spat out his tea as he choked.
"Is he insane?!"
"He should have finished the job." Sasuke mumbled behind his fan.
Yukimura shot Sasuke another look. “Regardless, she is under my care, and is welcome to stay in my home as long as she pleases as my Shikigami, or simply as a guest.” At least he was polite to a T.
Yukimura shook his head. “I found her as a fox, but recognized her as a spirit. As for why she wants to marry me... I am unsure.”
Masamune chuckled softly and shook his head, "Are you naive or just stupid? Your tengu knows what's up." He said. Sasuke was almost visibly shaking, glaring at the ground as he opted to not speak so he wouldn't further upset Yukimura.
Yukimura looked to Sasuke, then to Masamune again. “I... Forgive me, I don’t know what you mean.” He apologized.
"There she is; dying, alone, cold, scared...praying to the gods for another chance...begging for help...and here you come, valiant and kind, willing to save a poor insignificant spirit from the God of Death asigned to her soul. You take her to your home, telling her it'll be ok and you'll care for her- am I accurate so far?" He asked.
"You bring her here and have her healed, tell her that she's safe now. That you will take care of her." He put a lot of emphasis in that, "Do you know what that means to a woman? When a man goes out of his way for her? It means you two are destined. Your fates were bound together before you even met. She's in love with you, head over heels. She became human for you."
Yukimura blinked, face flushed red. “I-I don’t think...” He looked away, rubbing his neck. “I couldn’t take advantage of my Shikigami like that.” He muttered.
“If it is all the same to you.” He was blushing furiously at this point. “I do not have an answer for that.” He said, keeping his gaze down.
His expression dropped. “I am unable to do so.” He said quietly. “I do not know if it has to do with the wound on my back, or my memory loss, but I have not been able to summon anything at all.”
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