To Maintain Peace and Order ¦1x1 with Jikkah¦

"No summoning?" He asked, before looking down at Megohime. Did he get lucky then? "Have you tried?"
"Of course he's tried." Sasuke snapped.
“He could always try team summoning.” Megohime piped up. “Have Masamune summon with you.”
“Urusai..” She had little bite to her tone this time, almost like she was secretly enjoying him praising her.
Yukimura nodded. “I would be willing to try anything, I welcome the help, Masamune-dono.”
Yukimura nodded, standing and leading Masamune to his summoning room; it had all of the essential things that Masamune’s room did, but it was decorated differently was all. He set out a pillow for Masamune across from his spot, gathering his talisman.
Yukimura sat across from Masamune taking a talisman in his hands and starting his chant, everything seemed to be going normally, just as it would when Masamune summoned, only when he finished, nothing happened. It fell silent, and nothing happened, the talisman burning away and leaving nothing behind.
Yukimura frowned, then winced, gripping his shoulder in pain. “It never does..” He said, trying to ignore the pain from his wound.
Yukimura offered a pained smile. “Only as of recently.” He rubbed his arm and shoulder to ease away the pain. “It fades quickly though.” He said.
“I’ve had my healers look at it and monitor it daily... But they cannot find a way to rid of it.” He said gently.
The scroll unrolled, and Megohime climbed out, giving Masamune a nod. “I can look at it.”
Yukimura looked a little unsure, but nodded, turning his back to the two, and partially undressing himself, exposing the wound on his back and shoulder. The scar was huge, traveling from his back to his shoulder and partially down his arm. Megohime’s expression changed immediately, looking to Masamune nervously.
“I can’t heal this.” She said with a shaky voice, not even getting closer to inspect it, face pale.
Megohime shook her head. “It’s not a wound of the flesh...” She muttered. “It’s a wound of the soul, I cannot heal the soul.” She looked to him. “It’s a taint mark, his soul is... It’s cursed.” She said softly.
Yukimura sat still, looking at the floor with wide eyes. A taint mark? His soul was wounded? How? What happened?
"Holy shit..." Masamune muttered, "Thanks anyway, Mego..." He said softly.
"Would destroying the person who caused the wound break it?" Sasuke asked Megohime.
Megohime shook her head, looking to Sasuke. “There’s no way to be sure without doing it...” She made a noise. “I could try to seal it and suppress it temporarily, but there’s a chance it would also seal his powers as well.”
“Let’s do it.” He said without hesitation. “I’ll do it.” He looked to Sasuke, then to Megohime and Masamune.
Megohime looked to Masamune, as if asking for his permission to act.
She nodded and moved closer to Yukimura, unrolling her scroll and drawing a tiger with her black ink. She drew it carefully, dead silent as she finished, the painting crawling off the paper and transferred to Yukimura's skin, covering the dark purple scar. Yukimura winced a bit, feeling a burning spread across his back. Immediately he felt like he had a fever, and he lurched a bit, then fell forward, unconscious and burning up.
"Dana!" Sasuke caught him and held him, "What the hell did you do, he's got a fever!"
"Hey, pipe down, Mego knows what she's doing!" Masamune snapped.
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