To Maintain Peace and Order ¦1x1 with Jikkah¦

"Megohime-dono...?" Akihime approached Megohime while Masamune practiced his talismans with Kojurou, "I wanted to apologize for upsetting you yesterday. Though Masamune-sama is quite handsome, my heart belongs to Yukimura-sama and I would never dream of taking Masamune-sama from you." She said gently.
Megohime iched away when she came near her, looking uncomfortable. “I-It’s fine.” She muttered, looking away only to glance at her again. “Just don’t touch him again.”
"Of course." She bowed politely and kept her gaze down, "Does my presence upset you as it does with Sasuke-san...?" She asked quietly.
Megohime glanced to Masamune, knowing he would tell her to be nice and behave. “Not... in the same way Sasuke is.” She glanced to Akihime. “I’m not exactly something that mixes well with fire.”
Akihime smiled softly, "I understand your discomfort, but I promise I will cause you no harm so long as you do not endanger Yukimura-sama." She said.
“I’m not really much of a fighter..” She mumbled to herself, rubbing her neck. “Just... No fires near me, ok?”
Yukimura hadn’t even registered he was awake until he heard the sound of rustling feathers somewhere behind him. He blinked, looking around slowly before sitting up and removing the wet cloth from his forehead.
Yukimura shook his head. “I feel... Normal.” He sounded a bit surprised, looking himself over, then spotting the massive tattoo over his scar. “What is this..!?”
Sasuke moved and helped support him, walking with him to the summoning room. Akihime peeked out of her room when she heard foot steps and smiled brightly when she saw Yukimura was awake.
Yukimura returned her smile with one of his own and a small nod. “Akihime-dono.” He then remembered he had guests over. “M-Masamune-dono, has he left? How long was I out?”
"Hai!" She beamed and scurried away to inform Masamune of Yukimura's condition as Sasuke continued to help him to the summoning room.
Megohime sat on the deck of the Takeda estate, watching Masamune and Kojurou as they trained, or more, as Masamune trained.
"Masamune-sama!" Akihime called excitedly, making Masamune and Kojurou stop, "Yukimura-sama, he's awake! He's going to test the seal!"
"Oh nice, let's go." Masamune smirked and trotted off to the summoning room.
Yukimura was already setting up his summoning circle, lighting insence, setting out his paper doll, and drawing up a new amulet.
The seal worked all right, now Yukimura wasn’t able to even harness energy into his talisman. He frowned, staring at the paper doll still in tact, and then looking at the talisman in his hand; he was unable to preform even that.
Megohime frowned softly, watching from behind Masamune, not saying a word.
Yukimura didn’t say anything, he only drew up a new amulet, and tried again, but only got the same results: absolutely nothing happened.
"Maybe you made it too strong, Mego..." Masamune whispered. Akihime stood listening, frowning softly. Her poor master had lost his abilities and no one knew if or when they would return to him.
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