To Maintain Peace and Order ¦1x1 with Jikkah¦

"Ahem." Masamune pulled away and looked toward the sound; it was Akihime, and she was smiling kindly, "Dinner is ready, if you both wish to join us."
"Yeah, we'll be there soon." Masamune said and Akihime bowed before leaving.
Megohime pulled away, looking down at the ground and clearing her throat. She hated that she was interrupted, but glad at the same time, she wasn’t ready for anymore than a kiss.
"Come on, let's go munch on some food." He said and stood, walking with her to the eating area. There was a lot of food set out; seared fish and beef, fried tofu - though Akihime seemed to be hogging it all - and rice and vegetables. Akihime sat close to Yukimura, blushing faintly.
"Would you like me to feed you, Yukimura-sama?" She asked. Sasuke snapped his chopsticks in half, shooting her a dagger like stare.
Yukimura’s cheeks were flushed, simply trying to eat in peace, eyes averted- with Akihime so close, he could almost see down the front of her dress, and he could smell her sweet scent.
"Leave him alone." Sasuke growled. Akihime's eyes snapped to him, glowing irately.
"He's tired. I simply want to make things easier." She stated.
"Ladies, you can fight over your master later." Masamune said as he sat down.
Yukimura’s face was flushed, but he simply stuffed some beef into his mouth.
“Oh, Kojurou, would you pass the fried tofu?” Megohime asked Kojurou, not bothering to join in on the fight.
Kojurou moved to reach for the tofu but Akihime smacked his hand. He blinked, clearly confused, "May I have the tofu, Akihime-dono?"
"Yes, Kojurou-sama." She smiled and handed the tofu to him. He shook his head and offered it to Megohime.
"Pig." Sasuke muttered and Akihime's ears shot up as she glared at him.
"Kid, if you really aren't interested in Akihime, I'll take her." Masamune said, clearly joking.
Megohime fell quiet, taking the tofu and putting some on her plate.
Yukimura flushed more and shook his head. “Masamune-dono, please do not joke in such a manner..!”
Masamune pat Megohime's hand gently, "Well, it's pretty clear that you aren't interested in her advances..."
"That's ok..." Akihime took her kitsune udon and smiled softly, "I would wait until the end of time for Yukimura-sama. My heart burns for no other..."
“I-It’s not that I’m not interested!” He kept his eyes down as spoke. “I just do not think it is appropriate to act on ones own feelings of lust while Japan is in peril.” He looked up, face flushing when he saw everyone was watching him.
"You never know when your time is up." Masamune said dismissively. Akihime smiled softly, her affections growing even more mow for Yukimura; he was so selfless and kind, she couldn't help but love him.
"I'll stop bringing it up, sorry." Masamune said, waving his hand.
The rest of the meal was eaten in silence, Megohime ignoring Masamune the entire dinner, and Yukimura sitting red faced with Akihime on his arm.
When dinner was finished, everyone went to their respective rooms. Masamune frowned when Megohime still refused to talk to him. "Mego, come on, you know I didn't mean anything by it, I told you that you're the only shiki for me!"
“Then why do you keep trying to claim that dirty Kitsune?” She was gathering fresh clothes and a towel for her bath.
“Why do you care what he thinks.” She muttered, standing and headingfor the door. “I’m going to the bath house.” She said, then shut the door behind her, clearly upset.
"Leave her, Masamune-sama," Kojurou said, laying in his bed, "Your baiting has upset her and she needs a moment to herself. She'll come around."
"Yeah...I guess I pushed the boundary a little too far this time..." Masamune said, sitting in his bed.
Megohime took her time bathing, soaking in the hot water of the bath, letting her hair soak in the water as well. Her cheeks were flushed, why was Masamune so dense? Why did he have to constantly flirt with a Kitsune? Wasn’t she good enough?
Though Akihime was quite beautiful, Masamune never did anything more than flirt to goad a reaction out of Yukimura. And even then, Akihime brushed off the flirting.
"Lost in thought?" Akihime asked gently. Megohime didn't even notice she had entered, "Gomen, I thought Jin-dono had come out here, I wanted to introduce myself. I'll come back when you're done." She said and moved to leave.
“Don’t bother, we won’t be staying long enough for you to become friends.” Megohime said bitterly, glaring down at the water she was soaking in.
Akihime stopped and her tails started to bristle, "It is quite dangerous for such a beautiful work of art to stay in or around water for very long." She said, "Masamune-sama would be quite distraught to lose you."
“And I sure Sanada is just as embarrassed to have such a whore for a Shikigami, always throwing yourself at him, so ready to spread your legs.” The sound of water splashing could be heard as Megohime stood out of the bath, inky hair dripping small amounts of black onto the floor. “It’s disgusting really.”
"Ah, I see...too scared of your own sexuality to be so open about your feelings, I understand. It's hard for a little girl to come out to a man she likes." She replied, glancing back at Megohime with glowing gold eyes.
“I suppose you would think that way after being passed around from master to master.” She toweled herself off, keeping her back to Akihime. “One cannot blame the sun for rising.”
Akihime suddenly launched at her, shoving her into the water and holding her under. She didn't even know she was crying, she didn't care, Megohime crossed a dangerous line.
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