To Maintain Peace and Order ¦1x1 with Jikkah¦

“She started it, wanting to shove her nose where it doesn’t belong, I just told her not to bother... Things got bad from there.” She muttered. “But I never touched her, I swear.”
“Do I need a better reason to hate her?” She asked softly, eyes sad. “I don’t want anyone touching you, only me.”
He didn't see any point with arguing with her, only sighing as he sat with her.

"I'm surprised you slept so well last night, dana." Sasuke said as he sat in the corner of Yukimura's room.
“Really? I suppose it’s the seal..” He muttered, looking over the tiger. “Why do you say that? Did you try to wake me?”
Sasuke clenched his jaw to keep from smirking, "Masamune-dono attacked Akihime last night. From what Kojurou told me, Megohime said something that really upset Akihime so she attacked Megohime in a blind fury."
Yukimura sat there with his mouth hanging open, eyes wide. He stood immediately and left his room in a hurry, heading for Akihime’s room and knocking on the door. “Akihime-dono!”
"Yu... Yukimura-sama..." Akihime sounded so small, "Please...don't come in...I'm not fit to be seen. I have disgraced your good name..."
“Akihime-dono, please open the door.” He said sternly, but his voice was laced heavily with his worry. “What happened last night? Are you injured?”
He heard her shuffle before the latch moved and the door cracked open slightly. Akihime wouldn't look him in the eye, but what he could see of her face was swollen and heavily bruised, "D...Daijoubu da...I just acted rather inappropriately...p-please, I am too ashamed to show you my face, I have brought you immense shame..."
From the corner of her eye, Akihime could see Yukimura extend his hand, and surely a beating was to follow, only if never came. He touched her shoulder gently, moving her to see her face better, a look of horror on his face. “Masamune-dono did this to you..?”
Tears filled her eyes, "She called me a whore...! Told me that the reason I left Osaka was because I couldn't keep my legs closed...! I was going to bathe, to introduce myself to Jin-dono, but Megohime-dono was there and I apologized for disturbing her...! Then she insulted me and I couldn't control my anger, I'm so sorry, Yukimura-sama! Please don't send me away, too!" Her voice grew progressively more muffled the harder she began to sob.
Yukimura squeezed her shoulders gently, a frown on his face. “Akihime, I don’t plan on send you away.” He said gently. “But I do plan on making Masamune-dono apologize for his abhorrent behavior.” He said, then turned to leave, needing to have a little talk with Masamune.
Akihime didn't stop him, shutting the door so no one would see her unsightly appearance. Masamune sat on the deck outside the room he and his companions were staying in, looking out at the garden quietly.
“Masamune-dono!” It was Yukimura, and he was walking toward the Dokuganryuu with a purpose, a frown on his face. “I need to have a word with you.”
Yukimura stopped right beside Masamune, and he didn’t exactly look like he was ready for practice. “I heard what happened last night.”
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