To Maintain Peace and Order ¦1x1 with Jikkah¦

Yukimura had known that Akihime had attacked Megohime, but he didn’t know it had nearly killed her. He clenched his fists. “Regardless, you had no right punishing my Shikigami.” He forced out. “I would ask that you apologize to Akihime-dono.”
“It was not your right!” Yukimura wasn’t upset that the punishing of Akihime was taken from him, but rather that it was carried out in such a brutal fashion.
"Then I guess we're going to have to settle this the old fashioned way." Masamune said, standing up, "Go get your spear." He ordered and moved into the courtyard.
Yukimura watched him leave, but did as he was ordered, heading for the weapons storage and taking the spear he had used the day before with him. He had barely started using his spear, but he would fight Masamune regardless.
“Quiet, Sasuke, I would do the same if it were you.” Yukimura took a stance across from Masamune, brows furrowed.
Sasuke huffed, more upset that Yukimura told him to cram it, before sitting down to watch. Akihime's door cracked slightly and she watched silently, her chest aching. Masamune unsheathed his katana and brandished it before rushing at Yukimura at a near inhuman speed.
Yukimura's eyes widened in surprise at Masamune’s speed, bringing up his spear to blood Masamune’s attack, grunting with effort as his spear caught Masamune’s blade.
“He knows he’s gonna get his ass kicked, right?” Megohime sat down beside Sasuke, still looking worse for wear, but able to walk around.
"He knows." Sasuke answered, "But he's stupid stubborn."
Masamune hit against the spear with three quick and hard downward strikes before slamming the blunt end into Yukimura's side as hard as he could.
Yukimura grunted and let out a cry of pain, stumbling back and swiping at Masamune with his spear before stabbing at him. Yukimura was a natural with the spear, but there was only so much he knew on battle technique.
Masamune smacked the spear away and punched Yukimura in the face, shaking his hand to stop the burning sting of his knuckles.
"So what really happened?" Sasuke asked, "I don't give two shits about Akihime, but I don't really appreciate seeing dana getting beat up."
Yukimura stumbled back, nose gushing blood, but he refused to go down. Yukimura swung a hard right hook, clocking Masamune in the side of his face.

“Words were exchanged; I only reminded her the truth about herself.” She muttered, watching Masamune.
Masamune stumbled back and tossed his katana away before slamming his elbow into Yukimura's gut.

"And that is?" He asked, glancing at her.
“You already know what the answer is, Tengu, I needn’t spell it out for you.” Megohime said lowly.
"I just wanted to hear it for myself. Sort of to solidify that I'm not the only one who thinks kitsune aren't all they're cracked up to be." He said. Masamune continued to beat on Yukimura before a door was heard being thrown open.
"Stop!" Akihime yelled and ran out, dropping and bowing deeply to Masamune, "Please forgive me and my abhorrent behavior! I'm sorry for causing harm to Megohime-dono and disrespecting you, Masamune-sama, please don't hurt Yukimura-sama anymore!" She cried.
Megohime scoffed and shot a glance at Akihime, who was now at Masamune’s feet. “Pathetic.”
Yukimura coughed up a bit of blood and wheezed, turning his head to look at Akihime. “Akihime... dono..”
"Apologize to Megohime." Masamune ordered and Akihime turned, bowing as low into the dirt as she could.
"I'm so sorry for disturbing your bath, Megohime-dono. I'm sorry my compliment upset you so much and I'm especially sorry that I lost control of my temper and nearly took your life. Please forgive me, I'm so sorry." She sobbed. Masamune looked to Megohime.
"Satisfied?" He called.
Masamune nodded and moved to grab his katana, Akihime moving over to Yukimura quickly.
"Yukimura-sama...! A-Are you ok...? You didn't have to do that at all...I am not worthy of defending..." She said quietly.
Yukimura’s own face was badly beaten, but he smiled anyway. “You are my Shikigami, and all of my Shikigami are worthy of protection.”
Days passed and Akihime kept as far from Megohime as possible unless everyone was gathered for dinner. And even then Akihime didn't say or do much. She ate her udon quietly and kept her head down and only spoke unless someone spoke to her, which was either Kojurou or Jin most of the time. Sasuke took a little joy in seeing her knocked down from her flirtatious ways, at least for now.
Megohime seemed to actually be bothered by how quiet she was, and one night, she decided enough was enough. Rolling over, she jabbed at Masamune, waking him from his sleep in the middle of the night.
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