To Maintain Peace and Order ¦1x1 with Jikkah¦

Yukimura’s lumps and bruises faded quickly, and he learned even faster. ”Arigatou gozaimasu, Masamune-dono.” He bowed his head, a soft smile on his face, proud with his progress.
"I guess we could break for now." He said. Sasuke suddenly appeared by Yukimura's side, bowing.
"Dana, the Toyotomi flag has been spotted making it's way here. I believe it is Mitsunari." He said.
Yukimura blinked, the Toyotomi? Why where they heading toward the Takeda? “Have we sent any couriers to meet him?”
“Thank you.” He nodded his head. “Please send someone out to greet him and bring him to the meeting room, Akihime-dono, could you prepare some tea?”
Akihime was frozen in absolute terror, eyes wide as she shook like a leaf. Masamune looked surprised.
"Whoa, you ok?"
"H-He's coming for me..." Akihime whimpered, "He's going to kill me...!"
Yukimura stared at her for a moment, then moved over to her, stopping before her. “Akihime-dono.” He said softly. “I will not allow for him to take your life.” He said gently.
Yukimura smiled down at her gently. “I promise.” He said softly, reaching out and gently wiping away a the tears from her eyes.
She blushed darkly, her skin tingling at his touch, "Yukimura-sama..."
"Kiss her already, for crying out loud!" Masamune yelled. Akihime moved away and hid her face, incredibly embarrassed.
Yukimura’s face was as red as his clothes, but he had guests to see to. “A-Akihime... Could you prepare the tea?” He asked once more.
She nodded weakly, "H-Hai..." She muttered and hurried off. Masamune exhaled and rubbed his head.
"You two are hopeless..." He muttered.
Yukimura returned his spear to the weapons shed, then headed for the meeting hall, going to greet his guest.
After a while, the door opened and Mitsunari stepped in. He didn't sit however. "You have something of mine. I've come to take it back."
Yukimura blinked, but motioned Mitsunari to sit regardless. “Please sit, Ishida-dono.” He said politely. “May I ask exactly what I have taken from you?”
Yukimura frowned softly. “She is here.” He said calmly. “I’ve taken her as my Shikigami.”
“Excuse me?” Yukimura blinked, unsure of what a pact was; had he made one with Sasuke? He couldn’t remember, it was all buried away with his other memories.
"An onmyoji that doesn't make pacts with shikigami. Pathetic."
"Hey now..." Masamune had come in to get some of Akihime's tea, "Not every onmyoji needs to follow tradition."
"If a pact wasn't made, she isn't bound to him. She is to return to Osaka with me." Mitsunari stated.
“Has a pact been made between you and Akihime-dono?” Yukimura asked, taking a sip of Akihime’s tea before it grew cold and was wasted.
"She bound herself to my lord, she belongs to him and the estate, which means she also belongs to me." Mitsunari stated. Akihime had been hiding, listening, in the other room. Her oath to Hideyoshi broke when Mitsunari ordered the attack on her, what was he talking about? Was he saying this to get Yukimura to relinquish her to Mitsunari? Did he plan to finish what he had started?
Yukimura was a bit naive, but he certainly wasn’t stupid. “Do you leave all of your Shikigami near death then?” He asked, setting the tea cup down. “Forgive me, Ishida-dono, but I will not be relinquishing Akihime-dono to you.”
"She doesn't belong to you." Mitsunari started shaking. Masamune set his tea cup down and made a noise.
"Sounds like she doesn't belong to you, either." He retorted.
“A spirit not bound by a pact is not bound to anyone place.” Yukimura said, frowning softly; where had he heard that before?
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